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Tennis Australia
Learn how Tennis Australia used SC Training for the Australian Open.
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10 Safety Topics for Work
Learn what safety topics you should include in your workplace training.
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It's been around for a very long time but in recent years it’s come to the fore of the L&D space. Here are the Mobile Learning & Microlearning 2019 top trends
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An Instructional designer is a teacher who helps other teachers. What does he do? What are his tools? What are the benefits?
Paradigm Shifters was the first of the company’s new panel discussions which highlight leadership and innovation in corporate learning
SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s new course collections feature allows you to group your courses into collections - making them easier to manage, and easier to access
Microtraining means breaking training down into chunks by transferring knowledge using smaller, more-targeted, personalized lessons
This article will explain several limitations when creating custom URL slides and discuss various ways it can be used to enhance lessons.
Paradigm Shifters is a conversation with some of the most exciting leaders in learning and development, performance mangement, people opps and innovation.
SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s mobile LMS is the perfect tool for delivering sales enablement training. It's mobile, highly-engaging, fast and easy to use.
There are many LMSs in the world & things get confusing quickly. Some are expensive. Some are very old. Some are out of date. What’s the best LMS America?
There are many eLearning methods. It essentially means electronic learning training. Instead of herding employees and workers into and learning space and boring them to bits
eTraining means training with electronic platform. Organisations can use it to teaach learners without assembling them in one location at the same time
Improve productivity by making training accessible and adaptable for your teams with eLearning. Explore how it can help your business with this article.