EdApp by SafetyCulture

eLearning Glossary


February 28, 2020


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Using microlearning to help the modern learner

List of Elearning Terms

Active Learning

Active learning is commonly employed to engage students in the course material in various ways, such as through discussions, problem-solving, case studies, role plays, and other hands-on methods. Active learning has replaced traditional passive methods of learning, such as lectures and seminars, in recent years.

Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning refers to a strategy used in eLearning which became existent in the late 1950s. Adaptive learning encapsulates the adaptation of eLearning content according to learners’ individual choices and performance. The type of learning is characterized by the collection and analysis of student data to automatically determine what the student is exposed to next for the personalization of learning.


ADDIE is an acronym for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. It is an instructional systems design model that many instructional designers and training developers use in the development process of courses.


Named after those responsible for its creation; the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee, AICC was formed in 1988 to standardize training and technology used in the training of airline employees. The AICC produced the first technical specification for LMSs and uses HTML forms and simple text strings to communicate information between course content and the LMS.

Andragogy Theory

The Andragogy Theory is the method and practice of teaching adult learners. Malcom Shepherd Knowles (1968) coined the Andragogy Theory as the theory of adult learning.

Attention Span

An attention span determines how long one can hold their concentration for in any given situation. Attention spans vary, however are traditionally much shorter than what is assumed.

Authoring Tool

An authoring tool assists in the creation of digital content. In the context of learning and development, authoring tools refer to software used for eLearning course development.

Bite-Sized Learning

Bite-sized learning, also known as microlearning, is the generation of learning material in short, digestible chunks. A bite-sized learning app works to provide information in focused bursts for the maximum absorption and retention of knowledge. SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a bite-sized learning app used to train learners in topics chosen by learning and development managers.


Chunking (or chunking strategy) refers to the process of separating large, or relatively large, pieces of information. Due to the memory only being able to hold 3-4 pieces of information at once, it is much more effective to break down information into (at most) three or four parts in order for it to be better remembered.

Cognitive Learning Theory

Cognitive learning theory refers to learning based on individuals cognitively processing input to result in a behavior. Cognitive learning theory was created by Educational Psychologist, Jean Piaget, in his analysis of the internal and external relationship between mental processes and factors.

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is an educational approach that involves learners working together on tasks. Students can discuss problems that come up as they go through lessons and work on solutions together. Collaborative learning also encourages students to develop a higher level of thinking and to widen their perspectives.

Completion Rate 

Completion rates refer to the percentage of enrolled learners in an eLearning course who complete a particular course. Course completion rates are usually tracked as a measure of success.

Connected Learning

Connected learning is a learning method that promotes active participation between learners, instructors, or other collaborators. By connecting the lessons with the learner’s interests, the personalized discussions encourage learners to share their insights and can motivate them to gain more knowledge as the lessons progress.

Critical Competency

A critical competency is an essential skill necessary for role success. Building critical skills and competencies in the workplace has been researched by scholars in the attempt to pinpoint the most successful factors contributing to accomplishing workplace objectives.

Cross Training

Cross training refers to the broadening of employees’ skills. This spans wider than just simply targeting the specific knowledge and skills employees need for their role alone.

Dale’s Cone of Experience

Dale’s Cone of Experience is a framework explaining how learners absorb and retain knowledge most effectively. It was created in the 1960s by Edgar Dale and has been used in the analysis of various theories in relation to learning methods and instructional design.

Digital Learning

Digital learning is learning via electronic media. It is a type of learning that is used in place of traditional teaching methods to overcome obstacles associated with it, such as a lack of efficiency. Digital learning has become particularly prominent in recent years and has proved to be a necessity in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Distributed Practice 

Distributed practice, also known as spaced repetition, is a widely-used strategy facilitating the repetition of lessons at increasing intervals until content is embedded. Reviewing information gradually contributes to successfully remembering information.

Ebbinghaus Curve

The Ebbinghaus Curve, also known as the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve, was developed by Hermann Ebbinhaus in an effort to illustrate how the brain processes information. Based on a mathematical formula, the Ebbinghaus Curve indicates the rate at which information is forgotten after it has been learned.

Employee Reward and Recognition

Employee reward and recognition are forms of acknowledgment used by companies to motivate their employees to perform well. Top performers usually receive bonuses or gifts as a reward for their work. Management also gives certificates or plaques to their employees as a way to show appreciation.

Employee Training

Employee training is usually a program initiated by company HR management or learning and development teams to help employees learn additional skills and knowledge. After implementing employee training, employees are more productive, require lower supervision, and have higher retention rates.


etraining refers to focuses on activity and process, complementing experiential learning. It is training with an electronic platform.

E Learning Template

E learning templates are pre-designed templates that can be used and edited to fit a trainer’s instructional needs. Compared to traditional learning tools that are designed from scratch, e learning templates are quicker to edit. Some even have additional features like games and assessments that can also be adjusted.

Face to Face Learning

Face to face learning, or face to face training, refers to learning that is conducted in-person. Although it is the traditional way of learning, it is not more effective than mobile learning.


Gamification is a widely-employed strategy that incorporates gaming elements into training content. This may include leaderboards, point scores, star bars, and prizing.
Synonym: Ludification.

Instructional Designer

Instructional designers are responsible for developing and curating courses for effective learning. To create great content, they need a top-tier authoring tool to encompass learning principles and strategies.

Instructional Design Framework 

Instructional design framework refers to the approach instructional designers take to implement educational technology or eLearning practices. A common framework for instructional designers is the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) Framework.

Instructional Design System

Instructional design systems are platforms that allow trainers to plan, create, and deliver learning tools with the goal of knowledge acquisition or formal training. Some examples of learning products that can be designed through an instructional design system include manuals, video tutorials, and online courses.

Instructional Strategies

Instructional strategies are techniques used by learning and development professionals to instruct and teach students and train workers. Instructional strategies examples include microlearning, spaced repetition, interactivity, and gamification.

Institutional Knowledge

Institutional knowledge is a combination of information, processes, and experiences gained and passed down by company employees over time. It can be in the form of documents and records that are stored and passed between different employees or it can be transferred between leaders and subordinates through training.

Interactive Training Software

Interactive Training Software is an online training platform that creates an immersive and engaging training experience through various interactivity strategies in delivering training content to learners, such as using entertaining videos and graphics, incorporating gaming elements through gamification training software, encouraging active participation with problem-solving activities, and many more

Forgetting Curve

The forgetting curve dictates learners’ ability to remember new things or information, based on repetition and time. The curve concludes that following a study session, there is a decline in remembrance levels over time.

Just In Time Learning

Just in time learning, or just in time training, refers to various methodologies that use techniques that minimize excess time and resources. It also enables learners to be able to easily access previously learned content.

Learning Content Management Systems

These systems focus on the authoring, and delivery of the learning content for multiple users. Learning content management systems help learning and development professionals with their content management needs like creating learning activities and providing content resources to their learners.

Learning Curve

Companies can utilize the learning curve to measure their employee’s productivity and efficiency. It basically shows how a task that is repetitively performed will take less and less time the more it is done and this is beneficial to the company because they now know that their employees can produce more in less time.

Learning Environment

Physical spaces like schools or offices and digital spaces like online classrooms are all learning environments where we can interact with educators and other students to learn. What used to be limited to physical settings has now expanded to include online space through technology.

Learning Experience Platform

Compared to a learning management system (LMS), learning experience platforms (LXP) are designed for more personalized learning experiences. Traditional LMS is usually focused on corporate training and compliance, while LXPs offer more customizable and intuitive experiences for employees. These tools often have additional features like gamification, collaboration, and content curation.

Learning Management System (LMS)

While learning content management systems focus more on the creation of content that is personalized, learning management systems (LMS) on the other hand focuses more on assigning lessons, tracking analytics, and assessing the performance of students. LMS is usually used by learning professionals to deliver training and manage courses more effectively.

Learning Objective

A learning objective is used to guide one’s learning path. They are normally narrow and precise statements and outline what an individual should be able to do after completing their learning.

Learning Platform

A learning platform refers to the medium through which learners progress through their training. Learning platforms vary greatly and an example of one is SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s microlearning LMS.

Learning Process

These are step-by-step activities that learners take to achieve a learning goal. There are many different approaches to learning and students can choose which learning process works for them.

Learning Strategy

A learning strategy refers to the definition of goals for a learning program, followed by a logical explanation of how those goals will be achieved. In eLearning, learning strategies are essential to devise an effective corporate e learning solution in various industries.

Learning Style

Learning styles vary, spanning from broad to personalized forms. Millennial learning styles are a type of learning style and call for the needs and preferences of millennials to be met for the successful integration of younger generations into the workforce. Some techniques for this learning style are gamification, peer learning, and mobile learning.

Learning Suite

These are learning platforms for employee training and assessment. Learning suites are specifically used to create lessons and activities that help improve the learning experience of students.

Learning Theory

Learning theories are used to explain different ways of learning, often revolving around singular topics. Examples of these are behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, humanism, and connectivism.


An LMS is a Learning Management System and serves as a software application for the functions and delivery of learning and development programs. Corporate LMS’s are essential for the successful deployment of eLearning solutions.


Microlearning is the breaking down of information into topical, bite-sized chunks. By interacting with these highly-targeted learning bursts, lessons become much easier to digest and the likelihood of knowledge retention is increased. Micro learning examples include the integration of features such as gamification, spaced repetition, and template-based course design.


Microteaching is a technique used to educate students in a way that is concise and digestible. It is often used to empower learners to sustain hard and meaningful work.


Microtraining refers to the practice of breaking course content down into small, digestible chunks by collecting knowledge into targeted and personalized lessons. Thus, learning becomes easily understandable and much more effective in the long run. Microtraining is also called microlearning.

Mobile Learning 

Mobile learning, or mLearning, is learning material conducted via portable devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It often involves unique features, such as gamification and social learning.


A micro lesson is a lesson involving short, bite-sized chunks of information for optimal learner absorption. SC Training (formerly EdApp) revolves around microlearning, whereby knowledge is released in systematic bursts.

Nudge Theory

Nudge theory refers to a gentle push delivered through email, text, or even through the free learning software itself. This enables learners to have a constant stream of learning being delivered directly to them.

Online Quiz Maker

Online Quiz Maker is a tool used in creating tests and quizzes to assess knowledge retention, evaluate learning gaps, and reinforce key information.

Peer Learning

Peer learning is often used to make content more engaging and relatable to the learner. Also known as peer collaboration, the strategy ensures that context is made clear to the learners, improving the likelihood of knowledge retention.

Rapid Authoring

Rapid authoring is used to efficiently and effectively curate and deploy lessons to learners. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s world-class rapid authoring tool incorporates templates for optimal functionality.

Rote Memorization

Rote memorization is the traditional strategy used in classroom learning. It is the practice of learning through constant repetition and is essentially force-feeding the learner’s brain to embed knowledge. The information will eventually pass into long-term memory after being repeated constantly.


SCORM stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model and is a widely-compatible format used to distribute content. It is supported by an LMS and enables communication between client-side content and a host system.

SCORM Authoring Tool

A SCORM authoring tool enables content to be easily exported to SCORM. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s SCORM authoring tool is made simple by providing learners with an entire library of fully interactive and immersive templates to be populated with personalized learning content.

Social Learning

Social learning, also known as Social Learning Theory, refers to learning from and with others. It enables learners to add their own points of view and empowers learners to share and learn from each other. 

Spaced Learning

Spaced learning, also known as spaced repetition, provides content in intervals, syncing with the way our brain functions in an effort to embed maximum knowledge.

Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition, also referred to as distributed practice, is a widely-used and highly effective method of learning, designed to provide lessons at increasing intervals until knowledge is fully embedded in long-term memory.

Spaced Repetition FlashCard

A spaced repetition flashcard is traditionally a paper card with a question on one side and the answer on the other. The modern equivalent is SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s interactive templates, whereby spaced repetition can be physically applied through interactivities.

Spaced Repetition Schedule

A spaced repetition schedule dictates how frequently lessons should be re-taken in order to boost retention and embed knowledge.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methods are strategies and techniques that teachers use to improve their students performance. Visualization, game-based learning, discussion groups, and storytelling are just a handful of the creative strategies that instructors do to inspire their learners to participate and engage with the lessons.

Test Maker

A test maker is a platform that enables users to create engaging courses and testing to help teachers and L&D professionals. An example of a digital, free test maker is SC Training (formerly EdApp).

Training Delivery

Training delivery methods vary based on what type of learning is being delivered. More modern methods of training naturally tend toward more modern delivery methods, which include mobile-based microlearning.

Training Design Model

A training design model refers to how training is designed and deployed. Some examples are a centralized training design model, functional model, university model, and Kirkpatrick Model.

Training Evaluation

Training evaluation is used to understand how the training has impacted learners. This can be useful for managers to understand what needs to be improved to ensure there are no gaps in learning.

Training Module Template

Training module templates are pre-made learning tools that teachers can modify according to their training needs. These training modules are made to teach specific skills or subjects and can come in the form of online courses, interactive presentations, quizzes, and video tutorials.

Training Strategy

A training strategy is employed to develop a clear path for learners to follow for a great educational experience. Training strategies usually include objectives and incentives.

Transformative Learning

Transformative learning is a type of learning experience coined by Jack Mezirow in 2004. It describes the experience that causes a shift in an individual’s perspective or attitude. The transformational learning theory believes that learning is the ability to make new interpretations derived from experience.

Virtual Classroom Platform

Virtual classroom platforms, also known as virtual classroom software, are online learning environments used by teachers to interact with students. These platforms have features like live video streaming, whiteboards, screen sharing, note-taking, and their own content management systems.

Virtual Learning Platform

Virtual learning platforms are web-based learning environments that educators can use to enhance students’ online learning experience. It’s a system that can also be utilized for online classroom discussions, progress tracking, assessments, and content management.


xAPI, or Experience API, or Tin Can API, is an eLearning software specification enabling learning systems and content to communicate. It is used to collect data by tracking all types of learning experiences.
Also known as: Tin Can.


Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.



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