EdApp by SafetyCulture

10 Remote Learning Challenges


March 1, 2022


Darcy Dario


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Remote Learning Challenges

There are many different remote learning challenges that you might encounter while taking the adaptive learning option. It’s important to be prepared so that you can take advantage of the benefits that remote learning can provide. To help you increase your awareness, we’ve gathered 10 remote learning challenges that you might face in your online learning and development experience. 

1. Expensive Online Training Tools and Programs

One of the first remote learning challenges that you might encounter is that remote learning can be expensive. Some online courses for adults require payment if you want full access to a course or certificate. Specialized software and tools can also be costly and sometimes aren’t provided as part of the course. In some cases, it might even be a requirement to have access to a learning management system or certain programs and equipment before you can avail of certain instructional courses.  

Remote Learning Challenges - Expensive Online Training Tools and Programs

Nothing beats a free option, so you can take advantage of SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s learning system. Here, you can add up to ten team members for your free plan, and SC Training (formerly EdApp) can help you create and distribute remote learning materials, as well as manage and monitor learners. This all-in-one tool includes features such as certificate, gamification, microlearning, corporate learning, group training, personalized learning, and more that will be covered throughout this article that can help you save money when it comes to m learning.

2. Lack of Motivation and Engagement

Early on, your learners will encounter that trying to find the motivation to do their coursework might be difficult. Sometimes, the objectives of online courses aren’t as straightforward compared to classes being held in training centers or classrooms. Similarly, it’s difficult to engage with lessons when there’s no supervisor or instructor to physically facilitate employee training and monitor learning progress in real-time. If these remote learning challenges are not addressed, they can have a direct effect on a learner’s performance. 

Remote Learning Challenges - Lack of Motivation and Engagement

Several cloud-based digital learning platforms, however, have features that can increase engagement and motivation. SC Training (formerly EdApp) uses gamification (game-based quizzes) and achievements (badges and banners) to combat the lack of motivation and boredom associated with remote learning. 

3. Difficulties Adjusting to a New Learning Environment

For some people, it can be difficult to wrap their heads around learning in their homes or personal spaces. Schools, training centers, and other educational institutions have always been considered pedagogical venues, while personal spaces like bedrooms and living rooms are for rest and leisure. It’s this initial disorientation in learning environments that can affect the mindset of your learners. Not to mention, some households are considered inappropriate places for learning with family, pets, or chores around, making it difficult to focus. Some people learn to adapt to their new surroundings and new distractions eventually, but it doesn’t make the initial struggle any less challenging. 

Remote Learning Challenges - Difficulties Adjusting to a New Learning Environment

4. Conflicts with Time and Responsibilities

Learning from home can cause a shift in one’s schedule, especially if they are also working. Not everyone can effectively compartmentalize the educational, professional, and personal aspects of their lives. For learners, changes to one’s study-work-life balance could cause conflicts with their schedules. With time-sensitive courses and synchronous video conferencing training, it can be difficult to manage time effectively for some. For team leaders, managers, and instructional designers that need to both train and work, it can take time to create online courses or find suitable online course platforms.

As SC Training (formerly EdApp) supports mobile learning, your learners can do their virtual learning activities anytime, anywhere instead. Through its mobile app’s cross-platform functionality, elearning development lessons can also be accomplished on a computer or tablet. Similarly, trainers and instructors can create edtech courses with ease using SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s built-in authoring tool and template library. This way, creating engaging and interactive lesson slides on this SAAS is as simple as dragging and dropping content.

Remote Learning Challenges - Conflicts with Time and Responsibilities

SC Training (formerly EdApp) also features a course library with over 1,000 self-paced courses available. They have courses in many business-relevant categories such as marketing, retail, food & hospitality, and more, so you’re sure to find a course that’s suitable for your organization’s needs.

5. Different Learning Styles and Pace

There are many different learning styles such as visual learning, verbal learning, social learning, and more. It can be easier to adjust to your learners’ different learning styles when you’re together in a physical classroom. Those who learn best by being in social settings or doing things more hands-on might struggle with remote learning. Remote learning can feel very solitary when you can’t touch traditional course material or when you’re not surrounded by other learners.

Remote Learning Challenges - Different Learning Styles and Pace

Instructors can also control the pace of learning better when they can physically see their learners reacting to the lessons in real-time. Remote learning tends to be quick sometimes, especially if all the lessons are already readily available or can’t be repeated. This can have an impact on learners’ information retention, which will directly affect assessment scores, completion rates, and individual company performance. 

Remote Learning Challenges - Different Learning Styles and Pace

Luckily, there are remote learning courses available that include online discussions as a part of their course to encourage comments and questions. SC Training (formerly EdApp) supports this learning strategy with in-lesson discussions, allowing people to learn and collaborate remotely. Coupled with Brain Boost, the spaced repetition tool (available upon request only), you can have your learners take personalized quizzes that generate questions from lessons that they might have initially struggled with. This encourages information retention and helps solve the challenge of remote learning feeling too fast.

6. Inadequate and Limited Learning Contents

Although there are plenty of elearning resources available, depending on your industry and needs, the material available to you and your learners might be inadequate or limited. Similarly, learning materials might only be available in one format such as videos, PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, flashcards, and more. Some subjects need to be presented in different formats to effectively deliver the information to your learners. Fortunately, some platforms support multimedia hosting, so presenting your training with different media formats and other supporting documents becomes simple. 

Remote Learning Challenges - Inadequate and Limited Learning Contents

7. Lack of Instant Communication and Feedback

When instructions are unclear, learners would usually ask for clarification. However, feedback isn’t always instant in remote learning. Relationships between learners can be affected when overall peer-to-peer or learner-to-instructor communication is lacking. This can hurt your learners’ learning experience.

Remote Learning Challenges - Lack of Instant Communication and Feedback

There are learning platforms that allow managers to communicate with their learners. SC Training (formerly EdApp) has analytics where you can individually see how your learners are performing and instantly give out feedback, comments, and reminders based on reports. This will give your learners a more comprehensive learning experience since their learning needs are addressed personally.

Remote Learning Challenges - Lack of Instant Communication and Feedback

Learners can also give their own opinions and feedback through answering surveys and questionnaires. These forms can be added at the end of lessons so that comments coming from learners are received instantly. Feedback and comments received through these methods can then be used to improve the course or lesson content. 

8. Ineffective Use of Remote Learning Tools 

Other remote learning challenges include the navigation and use of different technologies. Some people aren’t tech-savvy, causing them to use certain hardware and software ineffectively. Some learning software require users to have specific computer knowledge or skills. At the same time, you might need to use and integrate multiple software and learning resources in your training ecosystem. Lack of technological know-how from either instructors or learners can influence how remote learning is conducted and received.

Remote Learning Challenges - Ineffective Use of Remote Learning Tools

Fortunately, SC Training (formerly EdApp) has a modern user interface that makes it easy and intuitive to use the platform. Coupled with SCORM compatibility, SSO, and other integrations, you can have SC Training (formerly EdApp) work seamlessly with your existing tools. But one of the simplest and most transformative features is the ability to convert documents into microlessons. This allows you to still use any existing material and adapt it to your remote learning program. 

9. Technical Issues

Technical issues are things that sometimes can’t be helped when it comes to remote learning. Technology deteriorates with use, electrical or mechanical maintenance needs to be done, and software updates are required from time to time. When your courseware or lessons are all online, your learners will have to be dependent on their WiFi connection to complete their learning. However, not everyone is in an environment that allows them to stay consistently online. If your learners don’t have stable access to the internet or your LMS software, you might want to reconsider remote learning. Or, instead of instructed led training, you can look for course management systems or training tools that give you access to offline learning. 

Remote Learning Challenges - Technical Issues

10. Negative Effects on Physical and Mental Health

Lastly, one of the more significant remote learning challenges is the effects it can have on your learners’ physical and mental health. In regards to physical health, your learners’ posture, sleep schedule, and overall physical fitness can worsen. Learners might sit on a chair and stare at a screen for hours, causing body pain, eye strain, and headaches. Sleep deprivation is possible when learners don’t have a stable study-life balance and can affect learning competency. Not to mention, with the lack of commuting to and from learning institutions, your learners might not get enough much-needed exercise.

Remote Learning Challenges - Negative Effects on Physical and Mental Health

For mental health reasons, the stress of remote learning can be consequential. Remote learners are typically in isolation, and although this might not bother some people, interaction is still an important part of learning and life. Remote learning can also tend to mentally overwhelm earners with several lessons and bulk information. Learning should be a positive and productive experience for all, not a negative one. 


Darcy Dario

Darcy is a learning expert at SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based training platform that helps businesses bring their training solutions to the next level with democratized learning. She has a background in content writing and specializes in eLearning and global communications. When she’s not writing SEO-optimized content, she’s trying to finish her video game backlog.

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