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10 Pharmacy courses online

We’ve listed the best pharmacy courses online to help your pharmacists and pharmaceutical sales reps get what your patients and healthcare providers need. These courses discuss why pharmacy is important, pharmaceutical calculations, medication treatment, and patient counseling.

Pharmacy courses online - SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Last published: 6th May 2024
SC Training (formerly EdApp) Pharmacy Courses Online - Medication Management

1. Medication Management by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Medication management is critical to your patients' rehabilitation, maintenance, and overall well-being. It can speed up treating symptoms and the healing process. With such a crucial role in the medical field, it’s important to train your pharmacists how to properly manage a patient’s medication.

SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Medication Management course shows them all they need to know about medication management for their patients. This pharmacy course online addresses the purpose and importance of medical management. It also tackles strategies and practices such as recordkeeping and proper medication handling. 

The training also teaches them how to deal with difficult patients and examine symptoms to determine whether or not the medicine is effective. The course even covers proper storage and waste management so that your staff doesn't accidentally damage important drugs or put others at risk.

Cost: Free

Scope: Medication administration overview, techniques for administering medications, proper waste handling, storage, and disposal

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Pharmacy Courses Online - Effective Call-Closing (in Pharmaceutical Sales)

2. Effective Call-Closing (in Pharmaceutical Sales) by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

The pharmaceutical sector is very competitive, with multiple competitors fighting for healthcare professionals' attention. Effective call-closing can help your pharmacists differentiate themselves from the competition and build a strong connection with customers. With SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Effective Call-Closing (in Pharmaceutical Sales), they can do just that.

This pharmaceutical sales training tackles different sales tactics they can use, such as summary closes, sharp angle closes, and assumptive closes. It goes into detail about how using different sales tactics can help them handle different situations and close a sale, regardless of what that situation may be. It also talks about how they can improve their closing rate.

Cost: Free

Scope: Sales closing techniques, improving your closing rate, closing sales during a pandemic

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Pharmacy Courses Online - Dealing with Difficult Customers

3. Dealing with Difficult Customers by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Dealing with Difficult Customers will teach your pharmacists how to properly face such frightening and difficult situations with no sweat. While this is mainly a hospitality training course, your team can still apply the situations and techniques to their day-to-day customer interactions.

It begins with a quick introduction to the many types of difficult clients and effective techniques for working with them. It goes through Logan's Roadhouse's STARS guide, which is beneficial for managing customer concerns: Sorry, Thank you, Act, Recover, and Share. As real-world examples, there are sections on how to handle a missing medicinal order and how to deal with inebriated customers.

Training can be difficult to deliver when your pharmacists have a busy schedule. Luckily, SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s microlearning tool makes learning super quick and convenient! Learners can easily access bite-sized courses from their smartphones whenever they have a few minutes to spare. They can learn on the go during their commute, in between meetings, or even on a break.

Cost: Free

Scope: Types of problematic customers, the STARS guide to reacting to a complaint, how to manage a faulty order, and how to deal with inebriated customers

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Alison Pharmacy Courses Online - Pharmacy Assistant and Technician

4. Pharmacy Assistant and Technician by Alison

Alison’s Pharmacy Assistant and Technician course teaches your pharmacists the fundamentals of running a pharmacy. It teaches them about pharmacy assistant tasks, including managing prescriptions, stock and inventory management, and other pharmacy technician activities like running safe medication optimization systems. Here, they’ll discover pharmaceutical standard operating procedures and risk assessment techniques.

Cost: Free

Scope: Pharmaceutical roles, fundamentals of pharmacy, prescription abbreviations

Created by Alison

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Pharmacy Courses Online - Accountability (in Pharmaceutical Sales)

5. Accountability (in Pharmaceutical Sales) by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Pharmaceutical sales agents are in charge of marketing and selling the pharmaceuticals of their firm to healthcare practitioners. They must make sure that they offer accurate information about the medication's advantages and potential hazards, and that they don't make false or misleading statements. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Accountability (in Pharmaceutical Sales) teaches your pharmaceutical sales agents all they need to know to make sure they’re compliant.

This free online medical laboratory course goes through what accountability means for pharmaceutical sales in detail. It discusses how important accountability is and the consequences for your organization if your sales reps fail to comply. It also tackles what type of accountability is expected in a company and how to remain accountable to clients.

Cost: Free

Scope: Accountability in detail, accountability of the company, accountability to customers

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Pharmacy Courses Online - Effective Communication in Customer Service

6. Effective Communication in Customer Service by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Since your pharmacists face different types of customers daily, it’s important to train their customer service skills. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Effective Communication in Customer Service helps them achieve that. 

This online pharmacy course consists of three brief sessions that cover topics such as empathy, the role of active listening in creating a strong customer relationship, and the barriers to effective listening. It guides your team through the active listening process and offers listening ideas and methods.

Using verbal cues to exhibit attentiveness when dealing with clients is one example of a method they can use, as is clarifying by summarizing and asking open-ended questions. There's also a session that focuses on some of the common obstacles that can prevent your team from actively listening, even if they're employing the tactics you've taught them.

Cost: Free

Scope: Empathy, active listening in customer relationships, barriers to active listening

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Pharmacy Courses Online - Medicare Fraud and Abuse

7. Medicare Fraud and Abuse by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

This online pharmacy course highlights the need for pharmacists to develop a trustworthy connection with their patients. The first lesson outlines what’s expected of a trustworthy healthcare practitioner before defining Medicare fraud and abuse. The present rules governing Medicare misuse and fraud will also be addressed.

It also delves more into the distinction between fraud and abuse. The course includes simulations that help your staff in determining which of the two violations is being committed. Finally, they'll learn how to recognize, avoid, and report such events.

Cost: Free

Scope: Overview of Medicare fraud and abuse, medicare fraud vs. abuse, identification, prevention, and reporting

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Alison Pharmacy Courses Online - Pharmacy Assistant

8. Pharmacy Assistant by Alison

Pharmacy assistants play an important role in the lives of patients. No matter how effective a doctor's recommended therapy is, it'll be ineffective if the medications aren’t administered in precise amounts and with clear directions and guidance. With Alison’s Pharmacy Assistant course, your pharmacists will understand the part they play not only within the pharmacy but also in a patient’s recovery. They'll also learn how pharmaceutical projects serve to better communities all throughout the world.

Cost: Free

Scope: Communication barriers, disposing of expired drugs

Created by Alison

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Pharmacy Courses Online - Sepsis Awareness

9. Sepsis Awareness by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Sepsis is a potentially lethal sickness that arises when your patients' bodies are unable to fight infections. While your pharmacists won't be the ones treating septic patients, it's vital for them to be aware of it so they know how to deliver the right medication as fast as possible.

SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Sepsis Awareness course, developed in collaboration with Point of Impact by Disruptiveplay, explains what sepsis is and how to recognize early warning signs if one of their patients is suffering from it. It'll teach them the proper measures to take after discovering that their patient has sepsis, as well as how to successfully help them.

The last section covers post-sepsis therapy and what to look out for throughout recovery. After finishing the course, your pharmacists will be able to prevent sepsis from worsening and effectively treat their patients.

Cost: Free

Scope: Definition of sepsis, identifying sepsis, post-sepsis life, antimicrobial resistance

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Pharmacy Courses Online - Hazard Communication (for Healthcare)

10. Hazard Communication (for Healthcare) by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Hazard Communication (for Healthcare) by SC Training (formerly EdApp) gives your pharmacists a basic understanding of the many types of health dangers and hazard communication regulations (also known as the right-to-know act). The microlessons will walk them through the hazard labels and warning signals they'll need to know to handle chemicals safely in a pharmacy.

Your pharmacists will also learn how to correctly fill up safety data sheets in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling (GHS) requirements through the microlearning course. At the end, they should be able to operate with risky drugs safely without jeopardizing themselves, their coworkers, or their patients.  

Cost: Free

Scope: Standard for hazard communication, chemical label reading, data sheets for safety

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Deliver what patients need with pharmacy courses online

Pharmacists are in charge of delivering medication and making sure patients receive the proper dosage and usage instructions. They also play an important role in monitoring patients for drug interactions and harmful effects, as well as offering pharmaceutical guidance. With such a critical role in the medical field, it's important to keep your pharmacists consistently refreshed and trained on what they need to know about pharmacy. Luckily, there are online pharma courses and online pharmacy degrees available to make that happen.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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