We’ve handpicked behavior based safety training courses to promote safer behavior in the workplace, and prevent common injuries and illnesses. These behavior based safety training courses tackle safety topics such as basic workplace safety and proper equipment handling, and hazard communication and lockout/tagout processes.
Last published: 21st February 2025
Regardless of the nature of your business, every single person in your team must be well-versed in your organization’s safe practices and policies. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Safety in the Workplace course will walk them through the four major aspects of workplace safety, naming workplace housekeeping, safe lifting, personal protective equipment, and slips, trips, and falls. Each lesson is structured into short but highly focused modules, containing informative information such as identifying fall hazards, performing an effective and safe lift, and properly using PPE. Primarily, it aims to change your employees’ unsafe behaviors and keep them safe from any potential hazards that they may encounter in their daily work, ensuring maximum productivity in the safest way possible.
In this course, SC Training (formerly EdApp) has added a few games and quizzes to stir up learning excitement from your learners and encourage them to take and complete this course. This course can be taken anytime and anywhere on any device which makes learning accessible. This makes learners engaged with their learning and increases completion rates.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Introduction to workplace safety, workplace keeping, slips, trips and falls, personal protective equipment, safe lifting
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore this free courseEmployees depend on utility knives for a range of tasks, from cutting packages and cartons and tearing away wraps to slicing vegetables and meats and carving roasts, making them an invaluable tool in most workplaces. But, they also expose your employees to different hazards such as cuts, laceration, and other injuries. You can help them avoid these painful injuries by providing them this behavior based safety training course on Utility Knives Safety, prepared by none other than SC Training (formerly EdApp). This course provides a protocol on safe and proper handling of utility knives, cleaning and storing them after use, as well as replacing faulty or old blades for snap-off cutting knives. In case of an emergency, employees are also taught how to treat their own cuts or lacerations to avoid infection and when they should seek medical attention.
The best part about this course is that it can be translated to over 100 languages, all thanks to SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s built-in AI translation tool. Meaning, you can also ensure the safe use of utility knives across your remote workforces from different parts of the globe without the need to worry about any language barriers.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Safely and properly handling utility knives, snap off and replacing knives, treating cuts and lacerations
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseConveyor belts are used frequently in manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, and transportation industries. These tools, however, can also be very dangerous, even more, if handled irresponsibly or recklessly by someone who lacks knowledge or training in their safe and proper use. SC Training (formerly EdApp) has developed its free Conveyor Safety course to arm your teams with vital safety knowledge about conveyor belts and some skills to protect them from most common conveyor belt-related injuries, like arm amputations, lacerations, burns, scrapes, and broken bones. This course will walk your team through the basics of this equipment, common hazards, conveyor ergonomics, and physical safeguarding methods like barriers, enclosures, and fences. Your workers will also learn the difference between powered conveyors such as belts and live rollers and gravity conveyors like aerial and buckets.
Self-paced and mobile-friendly, this course can be taken and completed on the go. Your employees can learn to their most convenient time and schedule, whether they’re taking a quick coffee break or sitting on the bus.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Conveyors basics, different types of conveyors, safeguarding methods, common related hazards, conveyor ergonomics,
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseThe irresponsible behavior of drinking and driving ranks as one of the main causes of car crashes and road accidents worldwide, as per a statistical report by the World Health Organization (WHO).
To redress the problem, SC Training (formerly EdApp), in collaboration with UNITAR, Road Safety Global Training Initiative, and Pernod Ricard, launched this informative course – Autosobriety to Prevent Drink-Driving – consisting of four micro modules that aim to influence drivers to commit to smarter and safer driving.
It provides the global statistics on road traffic crashes caused by drunk driving, explains how alcoholic drinks affect your mind and driving performance, and shows the legal consequences that you may likely face from this reckless and selfish behavior.
Adopting the concepts of a microlearning design model, this course only consists of 6 lessons structured in bite-sized chunks, ensuring a higher retention rate. It only takes a few minutes to complete, which is perfect for the tight and busy schedules of your employees.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Statistics on road traffic crashes, drinking and driving, alcohol and the law, best practices to avoid drinking and driving
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseAlcohol and Drug Awareness by BIS Safety Software is also an essential course that you should consider including in your behavior based safety training. It is designed to increase awareness about the prevalence of alcohol and drug-related difficulties in today's workplaces, and also guide organizations in developing behavior-based safety rules to ensure that their employees are fit for work. It also discusses the proper actions that must be taken in case a worker is suspected to be under the influence of alcohol and drugs, alongside severe consequences of non-compliance. Upon successful course completion, a certificate will be provided through your online account with BIS Safety Software.
Cost: $39.99 USD
Scope: Prevalence of alcohol and drug-related issues in the workplace, legalities governing fit-for-work policies, actions to take in case of the suspected influence of alcohol and drugs, consequences for non-compliance
Created by BIS Safety Software
Explore the coursePerhaps you’re handling workforces that are required to work in areas where fall hazards exist? Then you will surely benefit from this online course by OSG. The Working at Heights Training program covers essential topics such as the general responsibilities of workers when working at elevated levels and safe working practices and behaviors to reduce fall risks. This safety program also delves into the proper use, inspection, and maintenance of harnesses and other fall arrest systems, which are extremely crucial for those working at height.
This course is relatively short and can be completed within an hour. OSG can also facilitate a hands-on practical evaluation to earn a certificate of completion, although take note that an additional $50 USD per person will be charged.
Cost: $45 + cost of practical evaluation (optional)
Scope: General responsibilities of workers employees exposed to heights, fall hazards and controls, fall protection practices, fall arrest systems
Created by OSG
Explore the courseManual Handling in the Workplace by Virtual College is an ideal workplace safety training course that can be taken by employees who manually lift heavy objects as part of their job responsibilities. It aims to develop a proactive safety culture in your workplace by providing your staff with the knowledge and skills on how to responsibly move and handle objects correctly, reducing the chances of incurring any musculoskeletal disorders like back injuries. It also covers the key manual handling regulations and the responsibilities of employees and employers as outlined in Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992. At the end of this course, learners will be asked to take a 15-question quiz with a passing mark of 85%.
Cost: £20.00 + VAT
Scope: Introduction to manual handling, how to move and handle objects correctly, key manual handling regulations, how to avoid injuries
Created by Virtual College
Explore the courseOccupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA standards require construction and manufacturing employers to train and educate their workers on the proper use of heavy equipment and machinery, influencing them towards more responsible and safer actions to prevent the risks of injury or fatality. In this behavior based safety training course by SC Training (formerly EdApp), your workers will learn the proper handling techniques and safety precautions that must be followed when operating different types of heavy equipment, like drill presses and lathes. This construction safety course also explains the dos and don'ts of drilling and cutting, and some tips and tricks to stay safe at all times. The best part about this online training course is that it incorporates a few gaming elements like Find-a-word, multiple-choice questions, and true or false, and more to make the learning experience interactive and engaging for your learners.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Safe use of machinery like drill press and lathe, do’s and don'ts of drilling and cutting, safety tips and tricks
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseIrresponsible handling of chemical substances or wastes can cause accidental exposures, fires, and explosions, resulting in short to long-term illnesses and injuries, and worse, even death. One way to counter such unsafe behavior and prevent these unfortunate events is by providing your employees with the right behavior based safety training that will provide them knowledge about health hazards that they may encounter and steps on how to effectively combat them. There’s no need to look further - SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Hazard Communication course can help you educate your workers on physical, health, and environmental hazards associated with these chemical substances, when and how they occur, and the steps your team can take to eliminate or at least reduce these risks. They will also learn how to read GHS-compliant chemical labels and safety data sheets, allowing them to easily differentiate hazardous materials and effectively determine the safest precautionary measures they need to apply.
Thanks to SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s powerful authoring tool, you can easily tweak the content of this course to match your learning objectives.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Different types of chemical hazards, how and when they occur, steps to eliminate or reduce them, elements of GHS-compliant chemical labels and safety data sheets
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseSC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Controlling Hazardous Energy: Lockout/Tagout course is targeted specifically for plant workers, giving them a closer look at the different types of hazardous energy, including chemical, thermal, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical hazards. It goes over the proper lock-out procedures that must be implemented in the event of an emergency and through the tagout lessons, your workers will learn more about the different labeling systems and warning signs used to tag worksites and equipment when they are unsafe for operation. Overall, this course highlights the importance of using proper visual danger signs to prevent potential accidents in the workplace. You can access this 3-part course directly from SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s course library, customize the content according to your company requirements, and deploy it to your workers, all in just a few clicks.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Different types of hazardous energy, proper lock-out procedures, different labeling systems and warning signs used to tag worksites and equipment
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseBehavior Based Safety Training is a key element in workplace safety management, with a primary goal of preventing some of the most common occupational health safety issues, like muscular strains, cuts and lacerations, eye, skin, and lung diseases, and more. These employee safety training programs are geared toward influencing all employees – regardless of their position level or nature of work – towards safer actions and more responsible work behavior. When healthy and safety training programs are implemented correctly, it will reward your company with a more positive and safer culture, and keep your business running at its peak efficiency.