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15 Free Crane Training Online Courses

We’ve personally selected some of the best crane training online courses that end-users like operators and inspectors can take to ensure responsible crane operation and maneuvering. Most lessons cover crane safety guidelines, proper lifting and rigging, load chart reading, and lift planning, essentially to help reduce crane-related hazards and injuries. Consult our list below to learn more.

10 Crane Training Online Courses

Last published: 21st February 2025

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Crane Training Online Course - Crane Safety

1. Crane Safety

The key to reducing crane-related accidents is ensuring that everyone recognizes potential hazards with cranes and understands precisely the safety procedures to avoid them. The Crane Safety course by SC Training (formerly EdApp) is an international industrial training that will walk your team through some strategies to help them better identify and assess crane hazards, as well as necessary actions to take to control and minimize them. It also presents the correct processes of setting up cranes, operating and maneuvering such heavy equipment, and inspecting lifting gear. The content of this mini training is reinforced in bite-sized chunks to ensure a higher learning retention rate. There are also some games and quizzes, which you can implement with awarding points to increase course engagement. 

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Managing risks associated with operating cranes, safety measures before use, setting up cranes safely, lifting procedures, inspecting lifting gear

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Crane Training Online Course - Basic Rigging

2. Basic Rigging

Crane rigging involves moving, placing, and securing hefty objects that can weigh hundreds of tons. And so, to maintain a safe operation, rigging personnel must be aware of the basics of crane rigging and the best practices for using mechanical load shifting equipment. For all the necessary rigging knowledge and skills you need, SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Basic Rigging course has everything covered. This course discusses the general safety rules for crane rigging, the importance of communicating with crane operators, selecting slings and hooks, and the correct usage information of these lifting accessories. It also tackles the different types of hitch configurations that crane riggers can use, like Choke Hitch and Double Choke Hitch. This course has a total of five comprehensive micro lessons that your workforce will be able to complete in just minutes. A free online rigging certificate can be distributed to learners who complete the course.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Crane Rigging definition, choosing the right lifting accessory, hitch types and terminology, communicating with crane operators

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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OSHAcademy Crane Training Online Course - Cranes and Derricks Safety 1

3. Cranes and Derricks Safety 1

OSHAcademy’s Cranes and Derricks Safety course consists of a series of modules discussing the basic information about cranes and derricks and the overall responsibilities of both employers and qualified workers as per the mandated provisions by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Act (OSHA). This cranes 101 online course also includes the importance of ground conditions as well as safe crane assembly and disassembly procedures. The content of this course is consistent with OSHA’s policies, although it doesn’t cover the entire standard provisions. Upon completion, OSHAcademy encourages learners to take the final exams to evaluate their learning.

Cost: Free

Scope: Crane and derrick basics, employer and employee responsibilities, ground conditions and assembly/disassembly, OSHA inspection

Created by OSHAcademy

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Leavitt ​Cranes Crane Training Online Course - Rough Terrain Cranes

4. Rough Terrain Cranes

Leavitt's Rough Terrain Cranes course touches on the most important aspects of handling rough terrain and mobile cranes that all mobile crane operators must remember to ensure optimal safety and compliance while in service. It covers everything from the major components of these machines to rigging and operations, making sure that operators are fully prepared to control these heavy-duty lifting devices. At the end of this course, participants who receive an 80% mark or higher will receive a crane certificate at no cost.

Cost: $99.99 USD

Scope: Rough terrain crane anatomy and inspection, crane stability and load charts, how to operate a crane, critical lift planning, recognizing hazards

Created by Leavitt ​Cranes

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Industrial Training International Crane Training Online Course - Overhead Crane Operator

6. Overhead Crane Operator

Like any other cranes, overhead cranes pose some risks and hazards that operators must be fully aware of in order to avoid errors that may lead to injuries and fatalities. Learn how to safely maneuver overhead cranes and lower or lift loads with this overhead crane operator training from Industrial Training International. The content of this course will build your knowledge about the health and safety standards relating to the use of overhead cranes, the importance of pre-operational equipment inspection, and some preventive maintenance procedures. The lessons are delivered through workbooks and handouts, which are accessible through mobile devices.

Cost: $95 USD

Scope: Overhead crane fundamentals and overview, crane terminology, pre-operational inspections, crane start-up and shut down, safety regulations, preventive maintenance

Created by Industrial Training International

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Vector Solutions Crane Training Online Course - Crane Lift Planning

7. Crane Lift Planning

The vital importance of crane lift planning before construction can’t be overstated. Not only does it protect a project or business, but also the people working around it. The Crane Lift Planning course from Vector Solutions covers the 3Ws of lift planning: why lift planning is critical, when lift plan is needed, and who should prepare this project. This course will also show you what details and information to include in your lift plan. If you’re planning to apply 3D computer modeling software to your lift plan, you can likewise count on this interactive elearning tool for an overview of its functions. 

Cost: Contact for pricing

Scope: Importance of lift planning, when a plan is needed, who prepares it, details and information to include in a lift plan, the function of 3D computer modeling software

Created by Vector Solutions - Convergence Training

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Online Safety Training Crane Training Online Course - Crane Hand Signaling

8. Crane Hand Signaling

Online Safety Training's Crane Hand Signaling course will help shape your expertise in crane hand signaling. It goes over the fundamentals of using hand and voice signals to direct crane movement, alongside tips and techniques to avoid errors and confusion due to miscommunication. Quizzes are reinforced throughout the crane signaling training course, and passing them requires a score of at least 80%. The learning materials can be accessed on most devices with web-browsing capabilities. Printable resources are also available if needed.

Cost: 119.99 USD

Scope: Fundamental skills and knowledge needed for crane hand signaling, crane operations, crane hand signaling capabilities and limitations

Created by Online Safety Training

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BIS Safety Software Crane Training Online Course - Crane Load Chart Reading and Calculations

9. Crane Load Chart Reading and Calculations

Prior to renting or using cranes, it is necessary to conduct first a crane load chart reading and calculation to ensure that the equipment you will be using meets your lifting requirements. This course by BIS Safety Software will explain the theory behind load charts and also present important measures for applying gross capacity, net capacity, and total load calculations to actual crane lift. A certificate of completion will be available for download or print, but only upon successful passing of their knowledge assessment. An 80% passing mark will be needed to ensure successful learning and retention.

Cost: 149.95 USD

Scope: Importance of load charts, information found on load chard, determining gross and net capacities, calculating the total load

Created by BIS Safety Software

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Crane Training Online Course - OSHA for Workers (US only)

10. OSHA for Workers (US only)

Following the safety issues surrounding crane operation, companies are mandated to protect their employees from any related hazards and provide a safe working environment for all. This course from the top LMS system, SC Training (formerly EdApp), will introduce you and your team to OSHA's requirements and safety standards, which employers and employees should always adhere to. You will learn more about the workers' rights and responsibilities, as well as how to file a lawsuit in the event of breaches or noncompliance. This course is free and fully editable, so they are yours to edit and re-brand. You can also add your content, modules, and incorporate games to motivate your teams.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: OSHA definition, workers rights and responsibilities, filing a complaint, whistleblower protection, OSHA inspection

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Interior Heavy Equipment Operator School Free Crane Training Online Course - Aerial and Scissor Lift Safety

11. Aerial and Scissor Lift Safety

Following the safety issues surrounding crane operation, companies are mandated to protect their employees from any related hazards and provide a safe working environment for all. This course from the top LMS system, SC Training (formerly EdApp), will introduce you and your team to OSHA's requirements and safety standards, which employers and employees should always adhere to. You will learn more about the workers' rights and responsibilities, as well as how to file a lawsuit in the event of breaches or noncompliance. This course is free and fully editable, so they are yours to edit and re-brand. You can also add your content, modules, and incorporate games to motivate your teams.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: OSHA definition, workers rights and responsibilities, filing a complaint, whistleblower protection, OSHA inspection

Created by Interior Heavy Equipment Operator School

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Free Crane Training Online Course - Crane Operator Training Course

12. Crane Operator Training Course

This online crane training course has everything crane operators need to safely and efficiently maneuver different types of cranes, like overhead, mobile, tower, and articulating cranes. Among the topics covered include crane components and operations, different hazards surrounding crane use, site safety operations, crane types and classifications, and more. The content of this course is based on and adheres to the OSHA standard for Cranes and Derricks in construction – CFR 1926.1400, Subpart C, ensuring that your learners' knowledge and skills are up to industry standards.

Cost: $129.00 USD

Scope: Crane components and operations, different hazards surrounding crane use, site safety operations, crane types and classifications, OSHA standard for Cranes and Derricks

Created by etraintoday.com

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CICB Free Crane Training Online Course - Online NCCCO Mobile Crane Operator

13. Online NCCCO Mobile Crane Operator

CICB designed this crane training course for candidates who are planning to work in mobile crane operations. It comes 100% online, where learners can attend both live and self-paced classes and experience the class as if they were in actual face-to-face training sessions. Among the data points that they are expected to learn include site safety and operations, technical knowledge about different mobile cranes, and load charts. 

Cost: Contact for pricing

Scope: Site safety and operations, technical knowledge about different mobile cranes, and load charts

Created by CICB

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TPC Training Free Crane Training Online Course -   Introduction to Rigging

14. Introduction to Rigging

You can roll out this crane training course by TPC to introduce new crane operators to the basics of crane and rigging activities. Here, they will gain a better understanding of the principles behind the basic rigging theory, different sling and hitch types and proper use conditions, and codes and standards concerning the use of crane sling protection. It will also increase their familiarity with the intricate terms regularly used in rigging applications and inspections to help avoid communication ambiguity and misunderstandings. The content of this course is delivered in video, interactive media, and images. 

Cost: Approximately 330 USD

Scope: Basic rigging theory, different sling and hitch types, codes and standards concerning sling use, terms used in rigging applications and inspections

Created by TPC Training

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Worksite Safety Free Crane Training Online Course - Indoor & Outdoor Cranes

15.  Indoor & Outdoor Cranes

Anyone working with or around crane and rigging systems can take this crane training online course. Here, learners will learn more about the risks associated with crane operation as well as the proper safety procedures they can use to move large objects safely, efficiently, and effectively. This course will also walk them through basic crane components, requirements of PPE use, and government legislation concerning the right use, operation, and maintenance of cranes, hoists, and rigging. 

Cost: 34.95 USD

Scope: Crane hazards, proper safety procedures, basic crane components, PPE use, government legislation

Created by Worksite Safety

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Securing worksite safety with crane training online courses

Despite technological advances like crane and rigging apps that have made cranes safer and easier to use for everyone, there are still significant concerns over the occurrence of multiple crane-related accidents and fatalities in recent years. Transportation incidents and falling objects make up nearly all fatal accidents, primarily due to rushed jobs, poor safety protocols, and inadequate provisions. Still, they can be prevented, and the best way to do so is to put your workers through regular crane training. Strengthen their operation and inspection skills and knowledge with the help of the up-to-date crane training online courses listed above. Some are paid, while there are also a few that can be used for free.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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