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10 Healthcare Compliance Elearning Courses

We've put together 10 HIPAA compliance training courses to help your organization protect patients’ healthcare information as mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. These courses will ensure that employees are aware of HIPAA regulations and follow them to meet the legal requirements set by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Healthcare Compliance Elearning Courses

Last published: 6th January 2025

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Accountable HIPAA Compliance Course - HIPAA Compliance Training

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #1 - HIPAA Compliance Training

Nowadays, telehealth software developments became prevalent to reinforce compliance with HIPAA standards. It is now up to the companies to train the employees on how to use different solutions to improve their efficiency and performance.

This HIPAA compliance training course by SC Training (formerly EdApp) starts by defining what HIPAA is and why it was established. It then educates learners about the most essential information, such as best practices in HIPAA compliance scenarios, threats and remedies, as well as privacy, breach, and security rules.

It also provides knowledge checks and sample scenarios wherein learning can be gauged and immediately applied. At the end of this course, a glossary of useful resources are provided for reference.

This course is perfect for busy professionals as they can learn on the go in their own time since SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a mobile LMS platform. This means the course can be completed anywhere and anytime on their mobile devices, which yields higher completion rates.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: HIPAA overview, protected information, privacy, breach, and security rules

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Accountable Healthcare Compliance Elearning Course - Introduction to HIPAA

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #2 - Introduction to HIPAA

This course is designed to help understand why HIPAA was established and how it improves the flow of healthcare information. It also provides standards for safeguarding the personal health information of patients through privacy and security rules. A quiz is included at the end of this course to check learner comprehension. Upon completion, learners will gain a deeper understanding of the basic elements of HIPAA and why it’s essential to comply with the rules and regulations.

Cost: Free

Scope: Basics of HIPAA compliance, protected health information, privacy and security rule

Created by Accountable

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Coursera HIPAA Compliance Training Course - Healthcare Data Security, Privacy, and Compliance

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #3 - Healthcare Data Security, Privacy, and Compliance

Offered by John Hopkins University through Coursera, this HIPAA compliance training course is targeted at Healthcare IT Support professionals. It discusses the types of healthcare data sources and the different ways to keep them secure.

This course also examines the danger of security breaches and different cyber attacks, like malware and phishing, and how the knowledge and expertise of IT professionals can prevent and mitigate them. Modern approaches like encryption and cloud computing will also be explained in detail as a way to protect sensitive health data.

You can learn at your own pace, but it takes approximately six hours in total to accomplish this course, which may be quite lengthy for those with short attention spans

Cost: Free

Scope: Healthcare laws and compliance, data security and privacy, encryption and cloud computing

Created by Coursera

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HIPAATraining.com Accountable HIPAA Compliance Course - HIPAA for Organizations

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #4 - HIPAA for Organizations

It’s critical that HIPAA compliance training is given to every employee with access to PHI as part of organizational learning. This course starts by defining the HIPAA privacy and security regulations, which can help organizations determine which ones they must follow.

This course also teaches the importance of having formal documents and controls to further protect and safeguard PHI. Furthermore, it includes training for compliance officers who are responsible for HIPAA compliance in the workplace. Upon completion, HIPAA certification is provided, which is valid for two years.

Cost: US $29.99

Scope: HIPAA regulations, compliance officer training

Created by HIPAATraining.com

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HIPAA Associates Healthcare Compliance Elearning Course - HIPAA IT Security

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #5 - HIPAA IT Security

This course by HIPAA Associates is meant for IT professionals, security officers, and privacy offices whose goal is to secure protected health information. Security regulation is the focal point of this course, which concentrates on protecting electronic data. The three safeguards that make up the security regulation are discussed in detail, which are Administrative, Physical, and Technical Safeguards. It also educates learners about the organizational requirements, policies, and procedures as part of the HIPAA compliance training. You’ll have to pay to enroll in this course, and you will only have 90 days to complete it.

Cost: US $29.95

Scope: HIPAA security regulation, Administrative, Physical, and Technical Safeguards

Created by HIPAA Associates

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ProHIPAA HIPAA Compliance Training Course - HIPAA for Leaders

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #6 - HIPAA for Leaders

This HIPAA compliance training course is ideal for compliance or privacy officers responsible for ensuring HIPAA compliance in their organization. It provides a background to learners on the significance of cybersecurity to protect PHI. It also discusses the current state of HIPAA compliance since there have been changes made to it over the years. As learners progress through this course, they will understand why risk assessments are required and gain knowledge on the various types of violations. As a leader, handling complaints will be part of the job which is also covered in this course. This training makes use of video learning, which is suitable for visual learners for more context and clarity. The videos are free to access, but you’ll have to pay to get a certificate of completion.

Cost: Free

Scope: Handling PHI, HITECH regulation, cybersecurity

Created by ProHIPAA

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HIPAA Exams Accountable HIPAA Compliance Course - HIPAA for Human Resources Professionals

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #7 - HIPAA for Human Resources Professionals

HR professionals handle and store information about people, which is why they must be HIPAA-compliant. This course by HIPAA Exams is intended for HR professionals to help the company avoid any associated violations or breaches. It will provide learners an understanding of what HIPAA is and its role in safeguarding protected health information. They will also know when and how this information can be disclosed, and what to do when unauthorized access happens. It also highlights the importance of ensuring compliance within the HR department as they have firsthand access to protected health information.

Cost: US $19.95

Scope: HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule, protected health information

Created by HIPAA Exams

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Biologix Solutions Healthcare Compliance Elearning Course - HIPAA

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #8 - HIPAA

This HIPAA compliance training course by Biologix Solutions explains the privacy and security rules for protecting personal healthcare information (PHI). It discusses what PHI is and its possible use cases. Learners will also gain knowledge when it comes to enforcement and compliance of HIPAA regulations in the workplace.  This course includes practical applications, scenarios, and concepts that can be easily understood and applied right away. It takes an hour to complete this course, which is in an all-digital format.

Cost: US $10

Scope: Overview of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, protected health information, compliance and enforcement

Created by Biologix Solutions

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HIPAA Secure Now! HIPAA Compliance Training Course - HIPAA Security

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #9 - HIPAA Security

This HIPAA compliance training course by HIPAA Secure Now! focuses on the HIPAA security rule to ensure that employees keep patient information secure and confidential. It also discusses cyber threats, like phishing and ransomware, and how to mitigate them as they can compromise the security of information. A HIPAA security compliance test is available towards the end of this course to determine how much your employee has learned in this training. This self-paced course can be completed within 60-90 minutes and includes certification. While it’s free for anyone to take, you’ll only have 14 days to access this training.

Cost: Free

Scope: HIPAA overview, security rule, cyber threats

Created by HIPAA Secure Now!

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Compliancy Group Accountable HIPAA Compliance Course - Intro to HIPAA

Healthcare Compliance Elearning #10 - Intro to HIPAA

Compliancy Group’s HIPAA compliance training course equips learners with the basic elements of HIPAA by first educating them on what this law is. It then defines protected health information and provides examples of this data. This course also guides learners on the authorized use and disclosure of protected health information and the different ways to protect them. Learners will also know what steps to take when a violation or breach of data occurs. Other topics included in this course are HIPAA rules, cybersecurity best practices, and requirements to be HIPAA-compliant. While this course is in video format, it also provides supplemental readings of the topics included in this training.

Cost: Free

Scope: HIPAA compliance, protected health information, cybersecurity best practices

Created by Compliancy Group

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Safeguard health information with HIPAA compliance training

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was created to secure patient health information (PHI) that can be used to recognize them without their knowledge. This includes personally identifiable and health-related data in both print and electronic forms. Employees who work within the healthcare industry or have access to protected health information are required to comply with HIPAA regulations. It’s crucial that organizations mandate HIPAA compliance as part of their employee training and strictly enforce the rules that come with this law. Doing so will make sure that they aren’t in any violation of HIPAA regulations and that sensitive information is handled accordingly.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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