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10 Transport Industry Training Courses

We’ve created a quick list of the best transport industry training courses for anyone wanting to improve their driving skills and overall knowledge in this field. These courses will provide you key concepts, techniques, and safety practices that you can use on the job, whether you’re involved in public transit or shipping and logistics. Keep scrolling to learn more.

Transport Industry Training Courses

Last published: 19th February 2025

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Transport Industry Training Course - Defensive Driving for Heavy Vehicles

1. Defensive Driving for Heavy Vehicles

While it’s nearly impossible to promise 100% safety on the road, you can always reduce the dangers of collisions and more related incidents through defensive driving. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Defensive Driving for Heavy Vehicles outlines some defensive driving techniques and strategies that will help transport industry drivers to drive more safely around smaller vehicles and avoid potential road hazards. There are also some helpful tips for driving a smaller car around large vehicles such as trucks, cement mixers, and mobile cranes.

The content of this course is delivered in bite-sized chunks that only take about 5-10 minutes to complete, so it’s perfect for their tight and busy schedules.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Defensive driving techniques and strategies for truck and car drivers

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Transport Industry Training Course - Driver Safety

2. Driver Safety

Even the most experienced transport and delivery drivers can slip up and forget their responsibilities behind the wheel. The ultimate lifesaver? A regular training course that consistently reminds them of road safety practices and holds them accountable for safe driving. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Driver Safety course delivers up-to-date training content consisting of basic safety precautions and a 10-step program to minimize crash risk and ensure optimal road safety all the time. It also sets out examples of risky driving habits and undesirable consequences that may occur due to this irresponsible behavior. This course also includes lessons on vehicle maintenance which is vital in preventing accidents. Here they'll learn about proper inspection of the different parts of the vehicle, as well as the importance of documentation.

This course is fully editable, so feel free to tailor and customize it to fit your refresher or onboarding training requirements – all thanks to this platform’s advanced authoring tool.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Driver safety program, basic safety precautions, cause and effect of risky driving

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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REED Transport Industry Training Course - Extreme Weather Driving Training

3. Extreme Weather Driving Training

Driving in extreme weather conditions such as rain, snow, and fog, requires a high level of skills and concentration. So before you send out your drivers on the road, make sure that they are fully equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge they need to stay safe while traveling. REED’s Extreme Weather Driving Training tackles some basic driving techniques that they can use when faced with torrential weather, like keeping control of their track when there’s limited visibility or driving in construction zones and mountains with reduced traction. This course will also teach them how to perform a thorough weather observation so that they can plan ahead of time. This course is self-paced so it can be taken anytime online. However, keep in mind that you'll only have 12 months to access it.

Cost: Approximately $26.93 USD

Scope: Precautions when driving in extreme weather conditions such as snow, high winds, rain, and fog, secrets of night driving, how to safely drive in construction zones and mountain

Created by REED

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Courses for Success Transport Industry Training Course - Mobile Phones and Driving Online Certificate Course

4. Mobile Phones and Driving Online Certificate Course

Using a hand-held mobile device behind the wheel is downright dangerous and illegal. With this training course from Courses for Success, you can help your workforce gain a better understanding of the risks of texting or calling while driving, as well as various fines and penalties associated with it. You can also use it to educate them on how and when to use hands-free devices and navigation systems, safely and without breaking the law. Structured for easy comprehension, your learners only need a few hours of their time to complete this course. This course is designed for a visual learning experience and consists of video lessons. Those who successfully finish the course will receive a certificate of completion that is valid globally.

Cost: Free 

Scope: Consequences of using mobile devices while driving, laws and penalties associated with it, the importance of distraction-free driving, how to use hands-free devices and sat-navs

Created by Courses for Success

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Transport Industry Training Course - Driver Safety for Gig Workers

5. Driver Safety for Gig Workers

When driving on the road, it's important to practice safe driving. You can use this interactive training course from SC Training (formerly EdApp) to frequently remind your gig workers and drivers of the most common risky driving practices that they should avoid on the roadway. At the end of this course, learners will gain familiarity with safe driving practices, vehicle maintenance, and risky driving.

Quite different from most of the training programs out there, the content of this course is delivered through gamified quizzes, ensuring the highest level of participation and engagement from the learners. Additionally, this course is fully editable so it's easy to add other signs that you want learners to remember.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Risky driving, safe driving practices, vehicle maintenance

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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IATA Transport Industry Training Course - Air Transport Fundamentals

6. Air Transport Fundamentals

Air transport provides a cost-effective and secure means of transporting international trade and high-value products, hence why it has remained one of the most in-demand industries in the world. Perhaps you have a team engaged in the movement of air cargo? The Air Transport Fundamentals course by IATA is intended to help new and existing employees gain a better understanding of the role and function of air transport, its interdependence from airlines, airports, and air navigation services, and the future of this industry. It also explores the current trends and new technology in the field, as well as issues and major concerns surrounding air safety and security. At the end of this course, an online examination will be conducted to ensure learning retention. 

This course takes 45 hours of study time and must be completed within 12 months of purchase (enrollment validity). Note that users will lose access to the course information and will be unable to take the exam after their enrollment validity has expired.

Cost: Available upon request

Scope: Overview of the air transport system, aviation law, role and function of world aviation organizations, civil aviation authorities, airlines and airports, and air navigation service (ANS) providers, the future of air transportation

Created by IATA

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Road Safety at Work Transport Industry Training Course - Building An Effective Journey Management Process

7. Building An Effective Journey Management Process

Seeking to enhance the abilities of your team to create and implement an effective journey management process? Then you may want to explore the Building An Effective Journey Management Process course by Road Safety at Work. It consists of four informative lessons touching on the key elements of an effective Journey Management Process (JMP) and how it can help ensure a safe journey experience, particularly when traveling long distances. This course has also incorporated practical scenarios and activities to help learners understand better the concepts and methods of JMP. Similar to the majority of the courses mentioned in this article, it also provides a Record of Completion for participants who pass their final quiz. Learners will need to allot 90-120 minutes to finish the course. Throughout the course, you will find information in text, videos, interactive graphics, and activities.

Cost: Available upon request

Scope: Overview and key concepts of the journey management process, steps how to implement JMP, journey management tools, and practices how to monitor and maintain JMP

Created by Road Safety at Work

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Aveling Transport Industry Training Course - Load Restraint Awareness

8. Load Restraint Awareness

Aveling designed its course on Load Restraint Awareness to equip cargo drivers, loaders and unloaders, and transport site managers with the skills and knowledge they need to keep their loads within the required mass and dimension limits. It explores a variety of restraint methods, such as load tie-down and direct and combined restraint methods, alongside a step-by-step process on how to perform efficient load restraint calculation. This online course also puts focus on some safety considerations to avoid collisions and road-related accidents that must be taken into consideration while transporting heavy goods. It only takes one hour to complete the course online. Additionally, a Certificate of Participation will be automatically emailed to learners at the end of the course.

Cost: $77 USD

Scope: Loading and driving heavy vehicles, load restraint methods such as load tie-down and direct and combined restraint methods, safety considerations to avoid road accidents

Created by Aveling

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Alison Transport Industry Training Course - Introduction to Maritime Watchkeeping and Rules of the Road

9. Introduction to Maritime Watchkeeping and Rules of the Road

Alison’s free online course on Introduction to Maritime Watchkeeping and Rules of the Road will walk you through the fundamentals of the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea to help prevent sea-related accidents and collisions while in transit. Here, you will be taught the required conduct or responsibility of vessels in sight of one another, and also when in restricted visibility. As you progress through the course, you will also learn more about how to keep a proper look-out, maintain a safe speed on the water, as well as determine risks of collisions and some recommended actions to prevent such unfortunate situations.

This course takes around 4-5 hours to complete. A certificate is available for purchase, but only if you achieve at least an 80% score on the assessments. As Alison is CPD-certified, you can use it as part of your CPD requirements.

Cost: Free 

Scope: Knowledge of collision regulation, steering and sailing rules, visibility of vessels, actions to avoid collisions, vessels in sight of one another, actions by stand-on vessels

Created by Alison

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Transport Industry Training Course - Autosobriety to Prevent Drink-Driving

10. Autosobriety to Prevent Drink-Driving

Drivers who are under the influence of alcohol have a much-increased risk of getting involved in catastrophic incidents. In fact, drinking and driving ranks as one of the main causes of car crashes and road accidents worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). To turn the tide, SC Training (formerly EdApp) has collaborated with UNITAR, Road Safety Global Training Initiative, and Pernod Ricard to create this informative course – Autosobriety to Prevent Drink-Driving. It is made up of four modules, all of which urge drivers to commit to smarter and safer driving. It visits the global statistics on road traffic crashes caused by drunk driving, explains how alcoholic drinks affect your mind and driving performance, and shows the legal consequences that you may likely face from this reckless and selfish behavior.

This course is self-paced and mobile-friendly, allowing transport industry drivers to learn in their own time and schedule. No matter what device you use, you can expect a responsive design fit for your screen.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Statistics on road traffic crashes, drinking and driving, alcohol and the law, best practices to avoid drinking and driving

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Bridging the gap between speed and safety with transport industry training

Road safety remains a crucial issue in the transport industry, with several commercial drivers being held accountable for road rage and repeated traffic incidents. This is typical for transport businesses, where drivers are urged to expedite their services and deliveries to satisfy customer demands. Finding the balance between speed and safety is harder than it sounds, but you can always start by providing your workforce with transport industry training. Transport industry courses will help improve their driving skills, expand their knowledge of traffic rules and regulations, and influence them to be more cautious on the road to avoid accidents and collisions.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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