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12 Diversity training topics


August 15, 2023


Guest Author Gavoy Small


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12 Diversity Training Topics

Diversity training topics are essential for organizations looking to create inclusive and equitable work environments. They're important to include in training programs because they address prejudices, discrimination, and biases that may arise in the workplace.

In this article, we'll be exploring some diversity training topics that can help organizations foster a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

What are the topics of diversity in the workplace?

Diversity topics are wide-ranging and cover various aspects of diversity and inclusion. They focus on creating an inclusive and equitable environment for employees regardless of their backgrounds.

Some of the key topics include gender diversity, making sure that equal representation and opportunities for men and women are given. Another common one is racial and ethnic diversity to promote cultural understanding and combat discrimination.

Additionally, diversity in age, religion, sexual orientation, and physical abilities are vital aspects that seek to embrace the uniqueness of each individual. To know more about these, let's dive right in and explore each diversity training topic:

1. Generational diversity in the workplace

Generational diversity is a very important topic to cover in diversity training and seminars because your workforce may span across multiple generations. There can be problems that arise if these generations don’t understand each other. Chances are, your workforce will consist of up to three generations, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z.

Diversity training topic - Generational diversity in the workplace

If there isn’t adequate training and inclusive communication to help these generations coincide with each other, this could lead to stereotypes, unrealistic expectations, and an overall loss in production. An LMS such as SC Training (formerly EdApp) can help you to create generational diversity training materials with its easy-to-use editable Library.

2. Intentional inclusion

Another important topic to work on in diversity and inclusion training seminars is intentional inclusion. Intentional inclusion is one of the inclusion and diversity topics that involve purposeful action-based plans focused on inciting positive changes, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. Teaching your teams about inclusion is one thing, but it is another thing to ensure that your organization has procedures that help the team practice what was preached about workplace cultural-diversity.

Diversity training topic - Intentional inclusion

Intentional inclusion helps workers to realize that they are all accountable for taking the necessary steps to foster diversity inclusion and cultural awareness a reality in their workplace.  The intentional inclusion topic will hope workers understand that they will all need to work together for progress to be made in their diverse workforce. 

Queer Eye’s Karamo has launched a new DEI SC Training course called Karamo's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training, giving you and your team the tools you need to create a more intentionally inclusive workforce. It covers topics such as inclusion, unconscious bias, microaggressions, and more. This course is a fantastic beginning for organizations all over the world to begin ensuring that they are on the right track to developing an inclusive workplace culture.

Diversity training topic - SC Training Karamo's DEI Course

Discover Many Other Diversity Training Topics in SC Training's Course Library. Join today!

3. Microaggressions at work

Microaggression is a very important topic that is quite often overlooked in diversity training seminars. The concept of microaggression is one of the dei training topics that describes everyday non-verbal, verbal, or environmental insults or slights, whether intentional or non-intentional, that come across as derogatory, negative, or hostile messages to underrepresented members of your workforce. This can lead to extremely low morale and low production if not nipped in the bud.

Diversity training topic - Microaggressions at work

To learn more about microaggressions, SC Training's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is the best course to educate your teams. It's important to take this course as some people may not be aware of what microaggressions are which in turn can result in it not being addressed. This course tackles topics such as exploring your unconscious bias and talks in depth about spotting and stopping microaggressions. By taking this course, you can create a safe and welcoming working environment with employees who respect and value one another.

4. Diversity vs. Inclusion

Most if not all of your workers should understand the meaning of diversity, but they may not all know the difference between diversity and inclusion. At work, it is great when your workers are courteous to their colleagues that are multicultural and different, but until they learn the need to include them, innovation and growth may not happen. When your workforce learns the difference between diversity and inclusion, you will find it easier to recruit diverse talent to your teams.

Diversity training topic - Diversity vs. Inclusion

To better grasp the concepts of diversity and inclusion, SC Training's Diversity and Inclusion is the perfect course to take. It includes diversity and inclusion topics such as using inclusive language, what is unconscious bias, and cultivating an inclusive organization.

Diversity training topic -  SC Training's Diversity and Inclusion course

It's an important course to deliver to your teams as a diverse and inclusive workplace can help strengthen the organization. Learners will develop attitudes of embracing differences and using those to their strengths. When your workforce feels safe and comfortable, there'll be more room to grow and succeed.

5. Racism

With all that is happening around the world today on the topic of racism, leaders must include this topic in any workforce diversity training. If we were to focus on the bad things that come from racism, we would not be finished with the section. So let’s talk about some of the good things that can come out of a workforce where racism has no place.

Companies that have a supportive workforce will see more innovation and creativity coming from their workforce. If you are thinking about creating a course or training with ethnicity demographics, minorities, and racism as one of your main topics, you can use this LMS platform to put together your presentation. It has a powerful authoring tool that you don’t need special skills to use.

Diversity training topic - Racism

SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Equal Employment Opportunity is another free course that's all about treating everyone fairly regardless of their background, ethnicity, religion, etc. It covers de&i topics such as the different forms of discrimination, fostering an inclusive work environment, and workplace harassment. Taking this course can help employees become more aware of their own biases about race and how they can impact their interactions with others.

6. Culture diversity

Cross-cultural training is an integral part of any company that wants to take full advantage of the positive advances that can come from intercultural work. When you do cross-cultural training and diversity workshops with your employees, you help them to adjust and experience less shock to different cultures if they relocate to other countries for work.

Diversity training topic - Culture diversity

Additionally, cross-cultural training will help your employees be more open to the differences in their co-workers’ cultures. They will learn to embrace and understand, which in turn can facilitate their growth. A workforce that spans the world can face many cultural hurdles that have the potential to hamper production, but these can be mitigated by managers doing cross-cultural training.

In SC Training's Diversity and Inclusion in Retail, the values of a varied, equal, and inclusive workplace are discussed. It covers topics such as having a zero-tolerance discrimination policy, implicit bias, and creating an inclusive shopping experience. As SC Training (formerly EdApp) is mobile-friendly, employees can take this course anytime and anywhere.

7. Stereotypes

As you may know, a stereotype is a perceived notion about a particular person or a group of people in which we believe they are all the same. We often judge people like this without any knowledge or evidence. This type of thinking should have no place in the workforce, but it is present in most.

Diversity training topic - Stereotypes

Stereotypes are dangerous in the work environment because they can cause conflict, low morale, low productivity, and many more negative situations. If you have employees that act on stereotypes rather than allow their co-workers to do the jobs they are assigned, this will severely hinder progress. You can use gamification techniques to challenge stereotypes in a fun way.


Almost every adult knows the meaning of LGBTQ+. The reason why everyone knows the meaning of this acronym is that this community has been fighting for equal opportunities for quite some time now. It is important that diversity training and seminars include this topic because it will show your employees that everyone has different ways in which they express who they are.

It's important that they are open to LGBT people instead of labeling. This topic is often quite sensitive as it deals with sexual-orientation, so instead of doing full-on courses that may last for hours about this, perhaps you could consider utilizing the microlearning feature from the SC Training platform to create micro-lessons on this.

Diversity training topic - LGBTQ+

SC Training's What is Gender and Why Gender Equality? is important as learning about gender equality can help create a more equitable and productive environment for everyone. Some of the topics include global gender disparity, gender equality, and some key gender terms. By delivering gender equality courses to your teams, you can develop more informed individuals, better allies to those who are marginalized, and more committed to making the world a more just workplace.

9. Unconscious bias

This is one of the most common diversity training topics and for a good reason. Unconscious biases are often considered one of the biggest disablers of diversity. Some people will go as far as to say unconscious bias is the number one enemy of innovation and shows a huge lack of fairness.

Diversity training topic - Unconscious bias

Unconscious bias training is useful when our minds tell us that people who think, look and act similar to us are safer/better than those who don’t. It's important for us to change the way we think if we think like this because different people will bring different attributes and ideas to the table, leading to ultimate growth.

10. Bystander intervention

Bystander intervention training is seen as one of the most effective ways to stop inappropriate behavior in the workplace before it crosses the line into harassment. This topic should be used to create a sense of collective responsibility and business case among employees.  Speaking of collective, when creating your course or diversity program, you should use a cloud authoring feature that gives access to multiple authors.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a free course from SC Training covering topics such as knowing the signs of sexual harassment, its effects, and bystander intervention. Taking this course is important as it informs individuals how to identify signs and intervene when needed. By taking this course, employees gain a deeper understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment, how to prevent it, and what to do if they experience it.

11. Disability awareness and diversity

More and more organizations are giving their employees proper disability awareness training to make sure that they are informed of the rights of workers with disabilities. This also allows them to recognize discriminatory practices and stop them.

Diversity training topic - Disability awareness and diversity

As a company, it’s important that you train your employees on disability rights and disability laws. This way, you can emphasize each employee’s responsibility to maintain a positive and welcoming workplace where are all employees, including the qualified disabled workers demographic, are treated with respect and given equal job opportunities.

There are so many benefits of diversity training topics such as this one. Through disability awareness training, you can also make sure that your staff are aware of the different issues that people with disabilities face in their daily lives, and are capable of assisting them and helping them address these issues.

12. Religious Diversity

Companies greatly benefit from religious diversity in the workplace as it brings different viewpoints together and helps team members to better understand one another. However, from a human resource perspective, it can be tricky to manage. You’ll have to learn how to balance your employees’ diverse beliefs with the values of the organization.

This entails being able to accommodate your different team members’ religious practices and fostering religious diversity, such as dressing a certain way, eating certain foods, or celebrating religious occasions. By giving your teams proper religious diversity training and setting guidelines in place, it’s easier to create an inclusive culture where employees are comfortable practicing their faith.

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Guest Author Gavoy Small



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