EdApp by SafetyCulture

4 Reasons Big Businesses are Implementing Microlearning


May 13, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


big businesses and microlearning

It is no coincidence the world’s best companies succeed with microlearning. A myriad of big companies have adopted a microlearning LMS and here’s why.

1. Content is suitable in different contexts

From the University of Innsbruck, Tilmann Märk in the report, ‘Microlearning: an emerging field in science,’ states, “Freeing Microcontent from its container allows for all kind of new ways of using, reusing, hashing, mixing and mashing content. Content gains new meaning in new contexts, well beyond the intention of the original authors.” In other words, Märk is claiming that microlearning content is context dependent, allowing information to be useful in various situations.

2. Microlearning suits the needs of everyone

You know microlearning is legitimate and here to stay when Warren Buffet uses it. Berkshire Hathaway Media Group, manages over 100 newspapers. Such a large corporation has an inevitably multinational sales team, meaning a singular corporate training program won’t do the job of fitting the needs of everyone. In light of this, Buffet introduced microlearning, with 98% of his employees finding it useful, particularly the effectiveness of just-in-time learning. Microlearning content does not exceed 10 minutes, which is not enough time to tire out the learner. Without feeling rushed nor bored, the employee still completes the course faster. Win win, right?

3. Rapid authoring tools are useful for consistently updated information

In the learning and development industry, the term authoring tool refers to the software used to build online courses. Good microlearning platforms offer rapid authoring tools which simplify the traditionally complicated processes into a slick, efficient software. Elaborate templates have been introduced, as well as shorter lessons, allowing for more effective company training. Authoring tools, and microlearning, are particularly useful for big companies as updated information will have a 100% reach to all employees.

4. Microlearning efficiently trains new employees

Many companies cannot afford the luxury of putting enough time aside for effective corporate training for employees, often resulting in them lacking in essential skills needed for optimal company success/ Microlearning platforms provide an on-the-job training experience, meaning that employees can learn from modules in their own time, whilst working full productive hours, as well as being able to conveniently refer back to training material when desired.

Want to know more about succeeding with microlearning?

If you’re fed up of dealing with complex authoring practices and ineffective learning, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.


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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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