Microlearning is exploding in popularity among business training professionals. It’s no surprise: learning small chunks of concise information is more engaging and creates better knowledge retention. Here are five tips to improve staff learning with microlearning!
Microlearning can speed up the learning process. This means obtaining more-qualified staff quicker and the usage of a process of learning that is less expensive than traditional means. Learners are taught smaller chunks of information at a time and this allows for faster retention.
Microlearning can be done right on your mobile phone or tablet – they’re everywhere! Therefore, it is easy to take the training anywhere. When you use mobile learning, you don’t have to worry about setting up time in-house to do the training. Employees can work on their training from their homes, in the elevator, on their lunch break, or nearly anywhere they are.
Related: How microlearning engages young employees
Microlearning provides better support, because the lessons are smaller, and the results of any testing or quizzing are quick or instant. Therefore, the user is able to get instant support regarding their ability to retain the information. Plus, microlearning systems based on the web may include quick chat access to a support staff, which can help with any issues the users may have.
Microlearning can include game elements that make it more engaging and entertaining to use. This means that the individual learner will be able play games to learn the information they need to learn, and this can make it more interesting. When adding gaming elements, users can compete against one another, which increase engagement.
Microlearning may include videos that can help teach the information, which is a great way to help people understand concepts or see some of these concepts in action. The use of videos in the learning process can improve the understanding of the key concepts and ideas plus provide for quicker learning and better retention. The employees can get more engrossed in what they are learning and the use of visuals may increase their level of understanding.
Microlearning is an effective way for companies to transfer information to their employees. Training can be expensive and time-consuming. However, with microlearning, it can speed up the process, increase retention and engagement and cost less.
If you’d like to know more about how SC Training (formerly EdApp) can help your internal training practices with all of the above features, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.
Related: Why microlearning will replace traditional workplace training
Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.