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5 Ways Microlearning Will Improve Your Company’s Profitability


September 24, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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microlearning will improve your company's profitability

Microlearning is hailed in modern times as a digital learning approach that has helped employees retain knowledge and training through short, concise content delivered in a regular frequency.

Microlearning is no doubt an improvement over boring training programs that fail to engage the modern workforce and are forgotten over the course of time. But, how is microlearning going to increase an organization’s profitability which is planning to implement it as their employee development method? This is a question a number of organization ask before planning to implement microlearning. While the answer is simple – that it helps employees be better trained and thus more productive – there is more to microlearning than that.

In this article we will discuss 5 ways microlearning can improve an organization’s profitability.

1. It Costs Less Money, Less Time And Less Resources To Develop

Microlearning is not only small in size, but small on costs too, whether we talk about it costing less money, time or resources. Because microlearning modules are no longer 3-5 minutes in duration, building a module is easy and quick. Also, as with any other type of eLearning, there is no need to pay an instructor, buy or rent physical classrooms, pay for the utilities, and/or spend money on classroom equipment. Since microlearning modules can be developed much faster, they also cost much less than conventional, hour-long eLearning courses. The money, time and resources saved add up and contribute a lot to the profitability and growth of a company.

2. It Can Be Easily Updated

Microlearning is not only easy to develop, but to update too. The modern business world is dynamic, and business trends and strategies tend to change faster than they ever did before. This means that organizations need to be able to quickly update their learning and development material frequently, without it costing them a fortune. This is not possible with any other employee learning or training approaches other than microlearning. As mentioned before, because microlearning is short, and bite-sized, updating it does not take much time, nor does it takes up many resources, which again contributes to a company’s efficiency, and thus its profitability.

3. It Reduces Training Time

A lot of organizations see learning and development activities as a waste of time and money. They are dead wrong. Actually, by training your employees, an organization increases the knowledge and skills of its employees, which means that work gets done faster, the amount of mistakes made is reduced, and the quality of work increases. This translates to increased profits. However, organizations are right to think that the time spent on training can be reduced, and microlearning is the learning approach that can get it done. Whereas conventional eLearning courses require an hour or so to complete, microlearning can be as short as a minute and no longer than 5 minutes while being focused on one particular task. The time saved can then be used by employees to do their jobs, such as making sales, helping customers, marketing and all in all, increasing profits.

4. Keeps Employees Satisfied

The modern employee is not just looking for a pay check at the end of the month. They plan for their future and want their time working with an organization to mean something. If an employee feels that they are not learning new skills that will help them further their professional and personal goals, they will eventually feel stuck. This will lead them to look for opportunities elsewhere and leave their organization. A number of organizations, even though they do have an employee learning and development program, fail to actually retain employees and reduce turnover because their training approach is lengthy, uninteresting and fails to make an impact on employees. Microlearning uses approaches like gamification, video-based learning, interactivities as well as high-quality images and infographics to keep employees engaged, while being 3-5 minutes short. Most microlearning courses are also mobile-accessible which helps keep employees satisfied with the learning they are being provided with, and reduces employee turnover, which helps a company’s profitability.

Thus, microlearning costs less time, money and resources, does not require much to be updated, reduces training time in addition to keeping employees satisfied. All of these points contribute to the profitability of an organization. Thus it is a minimal investment which doles out maximum results.

If you would like to learn more about how to build the most effective employee training strategy!

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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