EdApp by SafetyCulture

Authoring Software


August 23, 2018


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Authoring Software | SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS

The market is flooded with eLearning authoring software, so which do you choose. In this article we’ll highlight the key requirements that make for the best elearning authoring software solution in an effort to save your organization time, money and the stress of complianze training your employees.

Training Authoring Software & Microlearning

It can take months to create an online training course or powerpoint for employees and what you’re left with is a mountainous mass of information that rueful employees will not want to scale. Save yourself time and effort by embracing microlearning and breaking down your lessons into bite-sized chunks of information. It will be far more effective at being absorbed by your employees, it’s more intuitive, quicker, and simpler to produce and if any elements need to be updated you don’t have to overhaul your entire courseware – you can simply send out small, updates.

Three letters: LMS

The software you’re after is called Learning Management Systems which is frequently reduced to the three-letter acronym: LMS. A good LMS will enable you to simply create online learning materials without special corporate training in HTML5. Trainers aren’t always the most tech-savvy people and they’re not always familiar with more complex content-creation and instructional design methods so using an LMS with multiple templates for course creation that are easy to customize and have a responsive wysiwyg course design is essential.

Go mobile with your eLearning authoring software

The great thing about learning technology and eLearning is that the days of herding your employees (who could be based anywhere in the world) into a single space at the same time are over. However, as an instructional designer, you still need to be wary of bloated courseware and elearning course that can be as difficult to transmit to their audience as it is to digest. Just about everybody has a smartphone these days. If you use an LMS that is optimized for mobile – unsurprisingly called a Mobile LMS – you can rest assured that all of your employees will have access to it and that all they’ll need to do is download an instructional app. Just make sure your chosen mobile learning LMS works on both Apple and Android devices.

Course Authoring Software: Interactivity and Gamification

Passive learning is so passé. In a world where the average human attention span is now less than a goldfish, you need your eLearning authoring application or software to build in interactive elements to make engaging with courseware and quizzes far more effective for any learner. Typing in answers and multiple choice questions should be used sparingly. Use SCORM compatible, mobile learning tools with a content authoring feature that provides a variety of customization methods for answering the questions. Interactive learning is fun when SCORM compliant lessons are fun. Choose a platform that offers scratch-to-reveal answers, video clips, animations, screen recordings, simulations, branching scenarios, tutorials, timed answers, flip cards and other built-in customizable lms templates.

Elearning Authoring Software

Incentives and rewards with your elearning software

Choose cloud-based, eLearning development multimedia authoring tools which offer incentives and rewards for completing tasks. This could involve prizes for the first employees to complete the course – or for all those who finish by a deadline. If a question is tricky you can provide prizes for those who answer individual questions correctly the quickest. Simply offering a course completion certificate can provide a real sense of achievement for completing a course. The accessibility of this learning platform and content development makes custom elearning easier to be deployed to employees.

If you’re interested in a mobile lms which offers all of the above, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here or in the box below. [wpipa id=”815″]

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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