EdApp by SafetyCulture

What Are The Barriers to Mobile Learning Adoption?


August 27, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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4 Barriers to Mobile Learning Adoption

Mobile learning, mLearning, develops more advantages than disadvantages to organizations and their employees. However, implementing mLearning is not all sunshine and rainbows, sometimes posing challenges.

We outline 5 barriers to the adoption of mobile learning and how we can overcome them.

1. Financial Constraints

There is a preconceived idea of mobile learning being costly, which is not necessarily true! Good microlearning LMS’s turn out to be more cost effective than traditional learning methods. This is due to all content being stored in a central system, which can be simultaneously distributed to all users, regardless of their location. This means that companies save money as they do not need to set up different training programs for employees in various roles.

2. Familiarising Older Generations with Mobile-Based Learning

Many Baby Boomers are less familiar with technology than our younger generations, meaning that they must be conditioned to understand changes in our technological sphere. mLearning is generally easy to use, meaning that the task is realistic and do-able. Familiarising Baby Boomers with technology is paramount to your overall training strategy. The first step toward achieving this goal is by making users aware of the benefits and what the purpose of mLearning is.

3. Misconceptions of Millennials

Millennials are often thought of as being absorbed and taken over by the tech aliens and residing on another planet. But that isn’t all true. Our younger generations make up the largest percentage, and are the future, of our workforce and have much potential at that. They have grown up alongside our technological advancements, meaning they understand the trends first hand. We must utilise their strengths for the betterment of our organizations and a future of success. mLearning accommodates to the needs and preferences of millennial employees, one of which being the interactivity of their training programs. This is known to exist in the concept of gamification, whereby gaming elements are incorporated in training modules, for the implementation of leader boards, point scores, real prizing and star bars.

4. Inability to Recognise Future Learning Trends

The inability to recognise the future of the learning world can be dangerous for companies which may be left behind. Mobility is increasing, making it pivotal to incorporate the newest technological advancements in your organization’s corporate processes. Our workforces are becoming more dispersed, meaning that technology must be used for training consistency and effectiveness. A mobile workforce also means flexible hours, mediums and content to be learned. For all of these reasons, both giant and smaller corporations are adopting mobile and microlearning for its bite-sized content solution for increased information consumption and retention.

5. Move Away From Traditional Learning Frameworks

Companies may find it difficult to shift away from their traditional learning methods, which are becoming increasingly redundant. Traditional learning may encompass large chunks of text, hours of lectures or text-heavy documents. When companies are able to understand what mLearning can offer, there is a much higher chance of its adoption.


If you would like to learn more about how to build the most effective employee training strategy!

If you’d like to know more about how SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s mobile learning platform can help your internal training practices, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.


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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.



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