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Employee Training App


September 3, 2020



Employee Training App

How to use an employee training app for your business?

With the increasingly remote nature of education and work, employers have needed to rely on online learning solutions and learning management systems to help train employees. According to a market analysis by Global Industry Analysts, Inc, 77 per cent of American companies already use some form of online learning to train their workforce.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Employee Training Software

When designing an employee training plan, it’s important to leverage technology and all the benefits it brings. Corporate culture, and corporate training, is often perceived as dry, dull, boring and sometimes, completely out of sync with recent technological advances. When thinking of effective ways to train employees, it’s important to think of what the modern employee ‘looks’ like and focus on building a training plan as well as an employee training plan template that work for the mobile, deskless employee. This is where mobile learning experience comes in: it’s a training platform that allows employers to reach their employees easily and where employees can complete online courses no matter where they are, on their own time. Mobile learning has grown exponentially in recent years, coinciding not just with the rise of smartphones and handheld devices, but also the level of dependency individuals place on the technology. According to Marketing Land, 65 per cent of all digital media is viewed on smartphones. And according to DScout, the average person spends nearly three hours on their smartphone each day, touching the screen more than 2,600 times and glancing at it roughly 221 times.

Here are some things to keep in mind when designing an employee training plan.

Plan for Success with your employee training app

Before even thinking of which modules you want to include in your training plan, it’s important to find a platform and authoring software that fits your needs and audience.

An eLearning authoring tool is a type of software that allows you to create digital training content, convert it into a SCORM compliant eLearning format, and distribute it among learners via a learning management system. There are all sorts of free elearning authoring tools available to meet any needs or requirements you may have.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) designs beautiful, engaging and effective learning courses that have features such as microlearning with their cloud-based course authoring tool. With SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s interactive and template-driven authoring approach, you don’t start with a blank page: they already know what a good microlesson looks like. All you need to do is choose the responsive template that suits your learning objective and add your content. Creating and updating agile eLearning courses takes minutes and hours, not weeks and months. It’s a simple and effective tool to use regardless of how much experience you have. 

Employee Training Software | SC Training (formerly EdApp) Authoring Tool

Employee Training Mobile App

Once you’ve decided on which platform to leverage, it is then time to focus on the content. Mobile learning is versatile. It can be completely adapted to fit your specifications and include elements of spaced repetition, gamification, quizzes, and microlearning as needed.

It’s also flexible and is perfectly suited to the modern workforce. Today’s employees are increasingly ‘deskless’ and remote. The success of mobile learning can be credited to its flexibility and is a defining feature in why it is so effective. Mobile learning allows participants to chose when they want to conduct modules or lessons and can be done anywhere at any time. It’s the perfect SCORM platform for the student or employee on the go.

Employee Mobile Training Software

It’s also cost-effective. Trying to gather employees from different locations in order to all attend the same training in the same room given by one instructor can be expensive, time-consuming, and ineffective. Mobile learning significantly reduces these costs, because no one needs to move in order to give a lesson, and online training can be done on the participant’s own time on their personal or work device. Incorporating mobile learning into a course can sometimes double or even triple completion rates. That in itself is a huge accomplishment, especially when companies often struggle to motivate their employees to complete training in the first place.

Not only are your employees more likely to complete their training modules, but they are more likely to retain the information, too. It has been observed that 85% of all content learned is either forgotten or degraded beyond any use within six weeks. Microlearning, when paired with other mobile-friendly learning applications, beats the ‘forgetting curve’: the decrease of memory retention over time, meaning that information gets lost, or ‘forgotten’ when there are no attempts to retain it. A typical “forgetting curve” hypothesizes that participants tend to forget more than 50% of their newly learned material 20 minutes immediately after the lesson ends, and keeps increasing, until only a quarter can be recalled after a month’s time if no revision or repeat learning takes place. By reintroducing lessons in small, repeated sessions, the information is stored in long-term memory instead.

Lean on the power of Analytics

Is your employee struggling with a task or having trouble remembering specific product information? With conventional learning, they would have to potentially wait until the next organized training session. But with Mobile Learning, they can select the modules in which they want to improve their skills and immediately go through them. In this way, mobile learning makes learning immediate, when employees need it most.

Employee Training Software | Analytics Tool

A benefit of mobile-based learning is that employers can gather a trove of data from their employee’s training habits. This data can then be used to create better training modules that are relevant and interesting to the work force.

But this individualized data can also be coupled with Artificial Intelligence to predict when it is most likely that employees need a refresher on a particular subject, or determine when to send nudges, which ones are effective for which employees, and how many nudges in a row it takes to result in engagement. In this way, employees can learn from their training materials, while employers learn from them.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Employee Training App

Are you interested in learning how to create an employee training plan? Visit SC Training (formerly EdApp) today to see how they can help. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s multi-award-winning mobile app is the new standard in eLearning and offers support for microlearning, mobile learning, spaced repetition and gamification.

You may also be interested in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s course on Sustainable Eating from our free editable content library!

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sustainable Eating


Tiffany Lafleur Guest Author

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