EdApp by SafetyCulture

Employee Training


August 12, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Why Should You Invest In Employee Training?

Employee training is a significant part of modern business no matter the size of your company.

IBM have reported that 84% of employees in the best performing companies agree that they receive the training that they need to perform their current job effectively. However, only 16% of employees in the worst performing companies also agree with this statement. This is a significant difference in training capabilities between the best and worst performing companies, which just proves how crucial it is to invest in employee training. Numerous company leaders agree that their employees are their most valuable assets. Therefore, it is important to invest time and money into these employees to shape their skillset for maximum efficiency in their given role.

Providing training also has numerous other benefits to your employees and your company which are explored in more detail below.

1. Employee training increases engagement levels

Involving employees in training programmes helps them feel like they know more about the company they work for and the processes they are dealing with. Increased engagement levels mean employees are more invested in your company and want to hit targets as well as develop personally and professionally within their roles. Further, employees who feel more engaged with their role are less likely to look at new employment opportunities. IBM found that without the provision of training for someone to be able to carry out their role effectively, 64% of employees intend to leave their role. In other words, to maintain the talent within your company, keep you employees engaged through training programmes!

2. Betters your company reputation

When employees are satisfied with their workplace and within their role, they become a brand ambassador both in and out of work. Not only will they promote the product or service that your company is offering but it will also be a great recruitment tool for future personnel. Employees who have appropriate training for their role will be more likely to have fresh ideas to push companies to be industry innovators and eventually industry leaders.

3. Aligns employees with what you want the company to become

Training gives employees a clear understanding of the direction that the company is heading towards and highlights goals that need to be reached. It also makes employees feel like they are an integral part of reaching these goals. Employees will feel like they are a valued team member in shaping the future of your company. This increases loyalty within your employee base, and everyone will be working together to reach a shared objective for the good of the company.

4. Addresses weaknesses

When employees go through training processes, it highlights their strengths but also their weaknesses. This makes it perfect for ironing out any flaws in order to elevate all employees to the same skill level. Training will help you as a leader to understand how programmes and personal goals can be catered to individuals in order for them to be at peak performance. Employees should have the training to be capable to complete all elements of their job to the best of their abilities.

5. Decreases inconsistencies

Inconsistencies in the workforce can mean that crucial things are glossed over due to a mismatch of skills or capabilities. This could lead to losses in time and even profits. With an ever-changing business environment, it is important for company processes to be succinct and efficient. Training (such as job simulations) will optimise employee’s skills in order to make them be able to take ownership of their tasks and processes. Training will also ensure that there are reduced risks when it comes to subjects such as regulatory or legal violations, as all employees having a clear understanding of what is expected of them. Pro tip: You can also take this time to run them through how to use your employee management software so that they are aware of your organization’s workflow.

Although training programmes can be expensive, in the grand scheme of things you will be paying less for costs in other areas. There will also be the added benefit of not having to fix issues created by an untrained workforce. Processes become smoother and more natural to employees in order to get tasks done efficiently and up to the company standard. Employees will be happier and your business will continue to thrive and reach the goals that you know it is capable of doing.


If you would like to learn more about how to build the most effective employee training strategy!

If you’d like to know more about how SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s mobile learning platform can help your internal training practices or learn about things like what a Henry Ford learning management system is, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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