EdApp by SafetyCulture

10 Fresh Elearning Ideas


November 2, 2022


Erika Operiano


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Fresh Elearning Ideas

We’ve listed some fresh elearning ideas that you can use to enhance your training program. No need to worry about how to spice up your standard course materials, as these are sure ways to engage your employees and increase the completion rate of your employee training. 

1. Gamification

Standard learning content can get dull and boring for learners, especially with long and difficult lessons. To combat that, managers incorporate gameplay attributes into their courses to keep their employees engaged. Gamification is a technique for transforming standard learning materials into games and interactive lessons that your learners can access on their laptops or even smartphone devices. This fresh elearning idea will surely make the learning experience enjoyable for your employees, and it will increase the completion rate of your training programs.

Fresh Elearning Idea - Gamification

Spice up your usual training by introducing game-like elements in your courses. Check out SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s elearning gamification feature. It includes game templates that you can use such as matching type, drag-and-drop, sequencing, jeopardy, and many more.

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2. Microlearning

Microlearning is an elearning technique that’s highly effective for learners who have short attention spans. It’s the process of breaking down content such as cnc training courses into absorbable, bite-sized chunks, making it easier for employees to digest new elearning materials. As lessons are shorter and highly targeted, key concepts are retained in their memory more as compared to traditional training lessons. It’s also beneficial for those who have tight schedules as they can finish the lessons in between their breaks, making learning very efficient. 

Fresh Elearning Idea - Microlearning

Finding the right microlearning LMS will make training creation a lot easier. SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS supports microlearning and it has all the tools and templates you need to build and deliver effective course materials in just minutes. 

3. Different forms of media

Be resourceful and explore different forms of media to cater to the different learning styles of your employees – may it be visual, auditory, or logical. Every learner has a specific learning style that makes them absorb information more effectively when delivered in a particular medium. This could be done through the use of videos, audio, images, infographics, diagrams, and more. This approach makes them understand the food protection training courses much better as compared to just giving them a text to read. 

Fresh Elearning Idea - Media

SC Training (formerly EdApp) supports different media formats in its authoring tool. It’s as easy as uploading your choice of images and videos. Try it for free.

4. Leaderboards and achievements

What other way to motivate your employees to do their best in their training than to encourage healthy competition among their peers? Leaderboards make it possible for your employees to see the progress of their teammates and it also shows who gets the top spot in a specific course lesson. Combined with achievement incentives, this fresh elearning idea is an effective way to make learning fun for your employees, all while letting them absorb more information in the process. 

Fresh Elearning Idea - Leaderboards & Real Rewards

Not sure how to apply this fresh elearning approach? In the Achievements feature of SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS, you may set rules to specify how many points or stars (SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s virtual currency) employees can earn in each lesson, as well as which badges they can earn. This will help to incentivize them throughout the whole program. This enhances the learning experience for everyone as they compete for the top spots on your team’s leaderboard.

5. Assessments

Training is often conducted for the main purpose of upskilling and refreshing your employees with the necessary information they need in their roles. In order to know if you’ve reached that objective, you must use assessments at the end of the course. Afterward, you can easily identify knowledge gaps and reinforce information.

Fresh Elearning Idea - Assessments

Don’t know where to start? SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Rapid Refresh is a quiz maker and survey creator tool that delivers quizzes to your learners after any learning intervention. Simply fill in the easy-to-use template and send it to your learners with a click of a button. You’ll have access to timely analytics to assess the performance of each learner down to a question level, as well as the overall understanding of your team.

6. Interactive Templates

Make course building easy by using interactive templates to house your learning content. The right use of visual elements and color palettes can go a long way when it comes to catching and keeping the attention of your learners. Therefore, an effective instructional approach that increases learner engagement, lowers cognitive load, and most consistently achieves learning objectives involves the use of memorable and appealing visuals.

Fresh Elearning Idea - Interactive Templates

Bid adieu to outdated courses. Enhance your learning materials by selecting from more than 80 fully customizable templates. Check out SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s template library that’s readily available for you to use. 

7. Simulations

One way to give your employees effective practice is to give them a “safe-to-fail” space to make mistakes. In order to impart experiential learning, you should anticipate the uncertainties, difficulties, and reactions the employees will encounter when applying their lessons to real-life practice.

Fresh Elearning Idea - Simulations

Different controlled scenarios give them with the opportunity to simulate the behavior you want them to adopt in a setting that closely resembles real-world scenarios. By recreating real-life field cases through a simulation elearning approach, your team can quickly learn by experiencing everything firsthand.

8. Discussions

To wrap up the learning experience of your team, it would be beneficial if you include discussions in your training. Creating this opportunity for participation makes for a good dialogue among the learners. Everyone will be given the chance to express what isn’t clear to them, and others may be able to share insightful information from the lessons. This fresh elearning idea is a good way for the employees to digest their learning for the entire program.

Fresh Elearning Idea - Discussions

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s discussions feature is a great way to go about this fresh elearning approach. Be sure to check it out.

9. Storytelling

Another interesting and fresh elearning idea is the use of storytelling. This involves tailoring the narrative of your content materials in such a way that learners can identify with them. Some examples would include problems, concerns, processes, and solutions that you think the employees can closely relate to.

Fresh Elearning Idea - Storytelling

In other words, the information being imparted is targeted and straight to the point. By making your courses regional and company-specific, it makes them understand the lessons better and it also brings out their creativity.

10. Feedback

Asking your team for feedback is the best approach to knowing how to build your training that is suitable for them. Instead of constantly wondering what went wrong or right, you’ll have direct input from the learners themselves. This will give you a clearer view of what they think of the training, and you can use that to objectively assess the success of the program.

Fresh Elearning Idea - Feedback

Make sure you address topics related to employee satisfaction, such as asking them what action steps you can take to support their professional development, the kinds of activities they’d like to engage in, and any areas that could be enhanced to empower them to do their best.


Erika Operiano

Erika is a learning expert at SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-first microlearning LMS for everyone's training needs. She also has experience in training & development, project management, and digital marketing. During her free time, she enjoys several hobbies such as watching series, fine arts, music, and some sports.



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