EdApp by SafetyCulture

How Microlearning Increases Employee Engagement


August 9, 2018


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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How Microlearning Increases Employee Engagement

How Microlearning Increases Employee Engagement and Retention

Retaining employees is one management challenge that many companies can relate to. High turnovers or simply staff feeling a lack of management support can contribute to the downfall of any company. However, these big issues can be made small with the help of SC Training (formerly EdApp) microlearning. Through SC Training (formerly EdApp), any learner of any background will be able to catch on to the course work since it’s downloaded straight to their phone and into their pockets. SC Training (formerly EdApp) can also adapt to both learner and company needs and keep everyone in the loop through push notifications. Our vast template library can also cover every type of learning style so not employee is left behind.

Changing workforce meets new methods of learning

Part of microlearning’s power is that it caters to learners of any background. Each lesson is a bite-sized piece of information personalised to the individual learner, while offering tailored content matching the company’s values. These small lessons also offer the user a stress-free schedule as the mobile-first courses can be done in the individual’s own time and pace. Users also enjoy the microlearning aspect as it does not require the user to focus for long periods of time, but rather increases their interest as the lessons offer short, fun and concise snippets of information. With younger generations moving into the workforce, 80% of millennials say their smartphone never leaves their side. With this in mind, it’s important to give learners the right tools that will compliment their lifestyle. In total, SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s way of teaching users has the right ingredients to keep employees both entertained and engaged.

How Microlearning Increases Employee Engagement and Retention - Introduction

Calendar configurations and creative control

Employees can often feel overwhelmed if they are constantly expected to attend trainings or complete course work whilst fulfilling everyday duties. With calendar configurations we can release lessons over time. The handy thing about SC Training (formerly EdApp) is that lessons received over time at a steady pace will help users feel less rushed and give them freedom to complete the course in their own time. This type of lesson distribution can be configured using the Calendar feature in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s LMS. This also provides businesses with a more manageable learning schedule so time is not taken up with chasing up learners. Being inspired to create easy lessons for employees has never been easier with SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s powerful template library. The mobile first authoring tool provides you with an entire library of immersive templates to keep users entertained whilst learning. Just add your own personal touches to our course catalogue and you’re ready to go, no complex computer coding needed.

How Microlearning Increases Employee Engagement and Retention

Simple employee knowledge checks including positive application

With all this learning, it’s important staff feel they are able to apply what they’ve learnt otherwise, what’s the point? When employees feel they can’t absorb information it can lead to low confidence in their performance, resentment towards management and eventually overall team loss. But with SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s employee education program, information is reinforced through knowledge checks and space repetition. It also helps that employees aren’t scared off by a big test at the end. Using a combination of templates from SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s template library, such as Drag to Match and Multiple Choice, can achieve this. This interactive reinforcement of daily education content lets the company know how well the team is performing, and with SC Training (formerly EdApp) analytics this can be tracked right down to the individual.

How Microlearning Increases Employee Engagement and Retention

Extensive template library plus working with company strategies

Part of the secret to SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s success is the amazing and adaptive LMS that can seamlessly move into any company’s strategies and compliment any corporate initiatives. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s rapid authoring tool provides endless options for creators to produce engaging and visually beautiful lessons that will keep learners absorbed in the information shared. Whether you need one course or two, our mobile first template library can present lessons to cater to all facets of learning from video, text and imagery whilst still allowing for full customisation. The LMS also provides career development activities so users always know they are upskilling and perfecting their trade. The effortless delivery of gamification is another way to teach company initiatives and keep users absorbed in the course material. SC Training (formerly EdApp) templates such as True or False and Memory will keep your team engaged and the important information top of mind.

How Microlearning Increases Employee Engagement and Retention

Communication through push notifications

Push notifications are a great and fast way to make sure every user of the SC Training (formerly EdApp) app receives updates and messages of positive reinforcement. These widespread communications means SC Training (formerly EdApp) reaches more staff than traditional methods of communication. These friendly reminders are presented in a way that learners are familiar with, making it easy for them to understand the message received and nothing gets lost in the delivery of the messages. It’s important employees feel connected to their course work or else learning can fall to the side. Push notifications are an important part of employee retention, as they remind users of lessons to be completed or let them know of upcoming changes. We can also organise your notifications for you, so you can focus on the big things. Push notifications can remind users of upcoming prizes to win or even as kind of motivator to users to keep going with their course work. We’ll only send users push notifications when learners opt-in during setup. We’ll also only send them when learners have unseen lessons or prizes available to them.No manager wants to explain high turnovers or employee dissatisfaction to the higher ups. With SC Training (formerly EdApp) Microlearning you won’t have to. Our slick design and more importantly, our effective learning methods keeps employees engaged and focused on company goals. It’s a fail-safe solution for finding balance between what needs to be delivered and how to help employees find confidence in their work.

How Microlearning Increases Employee Engagement and Retention

By using SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS you are ensuring high retention rates for employees as they will have faith in themselves as well as the support of the business. Confidence and knowledge go hand in hand and SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS can kick start changes in your company.

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.



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