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Elearning Content Curation


October 30, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Content Curation in Your L&D Strategy?

Content curation is an essential step in the creation of the most successful training and development strategy. It requires practical application to initiate a meaningful impact in the capability and development of employees’ skills.

Content curation is applied to social learning, gamification and personalized learning approaches, which is used to find, filter and share the most relevant and useful content on focused topics. As a result, learners are able to access valuable information on their online LMS wherever and whenever suits them.

Benefits of Elearning Content Curation

1. Generates Valuable Content

Valuable content is generated as the network becomes made up of relevant and essential information from online and offline resources. Learners are then able to access all of this goodness from one central place.

2. Empowers and Motivates Learners

Learners are motivated and empowered through recognition and reward. When content is precisely what learners need to know, they are more likely to understand what they are learning, thus receive rewards and recognition.

3. Promotes Learning as a Continuum

Learning as a continuum means that employees are constantly able to learn and collaborate with peers. Sharing content builds a strong relationship between expert and learner, essential for seamless peer collaboration.

4. Uses Analytics to Provide Feedback

Analytics can be used to set up an effective personalized learning experience for employees, granting them constructive recommendations and feedback.

Why Adopt Elearning Content Curation?

It is fact that formal learning is unappealing to the modern learner when talking about lectures spanning hours in length and 100-page documents. Not only from the learning side, but also the development side, where development time is longer, more expensive and more time consuming to update.

Social learning instantly boosts performance and productivity gain, as well as serving as a useful source of information to spread to a larger learning audience. A positive learning culture is also adopted, whereby constant learning is encouraged and the value of information is enhanced.

Steps for Elearning Content Curation

1. Find: Find the most suitable content from sources.

2. Filter: Filter relevant content.

3. Share: Share the right content on the right platform.

4. Add value: Add additional inputs.

5. Tag and archive: Tag and archive to ensure easy usage of info in the future.

6. Take Feedback: Ask for feedback from learners for assessment of relevance, usage and impact.

Maximise Content Curation Impact

1. Validation from learners

It is essential to assess how the content is being received by learners, achieved by asking for their opinions and feedback, so that necessary changes can be made.

2. Design online courses around curated content

Designing online courses around specified and curated content is essential for maximum success.

3. Create a self-sustainable learning ecosystem

It is useful to create communities of interest in order to ensure the content does not lose value.

4. Continuous refinery of strategies

Feedback must be constantly encouraged for developers to understand what is working and what is not.


Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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