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How To Use Microlearning To Keep Your Company On Track In A Globalized World


October 31, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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How to use microlearning in a globalized world

Globalization has increased interaction among organizations worldwide, and integrated organizations from the farthest corners of the world. With these increased interactions and integration, there comes an increase in trade, ideas and culture.

Organizations which use digital learning strategies to help their employees learn and develop are no stranger to globalization either. In fact, globally trending digital learning strategies like microlearning can help these companies keep on track in this globalized world, provided the organization implements the latest contemporary microlearning technology and trends prevalent in the world.

When employees develop knowledge and skills using the latest technology and techniques in microlearning, they can communicate and share ideas with their counterparts all around the world, thus improving collaboration and boosting their company’s growth. But what microlearning technologies and techniques are we talking about? L&D professionals who keep themselves informed in regards to digital learning news and trends would already know this, and may even have implemented some of them, but for those who don’t, this article will discuss those microlearning technologies and techniques.

1. Complete Mobile Microlearning

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), around 80% of the global workforce is desk-less. This simply means that they need a method of training that does not require them to sit in front of a desk with a computer. Although most organizations implement microlearning along with mobile learning (as they should), not all of them do. In addition, not all organizations use a complete mobile learning approach. The employee of today needs just-in-time, on-the-go training at all times, and that is only possible by giving them access to learning and development on their smartphones, and that too in bite-sized, concentrated modules. This is what the leading organizations in the world like Merrill Lynch and Cognizant are doing, and that is what any organization that wishes to attain a global scale should do.

2. Gamified Microlearning

Who doesn’t like fun and engagement? Well, employees certainly do, as almost 90% of employees in a workplace when asked if they would like their training programs to be fun and engaging responded with a yes. Gamified microlearning is just the thing for the modern employee, as it helps them train by playing short games on their smartphones that take no longer than 5-7 minutes to complete. This helps them gain skills and knowledge in a matter of minutes, wherever and whenever they want, in a fun and engaging way! A great way to boost their skills up to a global scale. Organizations like Google and Domino’s Pizza have been using gamified microlearning for a very long time.

3. Microlearning And AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI will drive the future of almost every big industry in the coming decades, and the L&D industry is on the list. Modern learners require personalized, just-in-time microlearning modules to be able to perform on a global scale, and AI can help them achieve that saving them the effort of manually picking the microlearning modules that are right for them. There are also talks of using AI driven microlearning simulations in the future, with global organizations like Microsoft, Associated Press and Cloudera already using AI in their operations as well as employee training and development. Although implementing AI-powered microlearning is no joke, starting preparations now will ensure that your organization is a pioneer of the future of L&D when others are struggling to implement it.

4. Microlearning And AR/VR (Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality)

Augmented reality and virtual reality have made their foray from gaming and entertainment into L&D as well as employee training a while back, and is being used by global organizations like BP (The British Petroleum Company), ExxonMobile, UPS (United Parcel Service) and KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) today to train employees. AR/VR is said to revolutionize training, as it offers an immersive learning experience to employees like no other, where they can learn and apply skills and knowledge at the same time in a virtual space without any negative consequences. Organizations can use AR/VR microlearning simulations to demonstrate complex concepts which cannot be physically demonstrated with ease, for example fixing an expensive piece of machinery, or disposing off a lethal chemical.

Globalization is all about creating a global work culture in all the workplaces around the world, a kind of uniformity in how business and related operations are performed. Microlearning is a potent tool to spearhead this phenomenon, which is why it is being combined with other advanced technologies by leading global organizations to train their employees. Any organizations that wish to stay on track with the ongoing globalization must follow suit.

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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