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How Your Microlearning Training Will Make You A Champion At Work


October 8, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Microlearning Training Will Make You A Champion At Work

Microlearning is the breakdown of into small, focused chunks of learning, usually 3 to 5 minutes in length. Microlessons are typically designed for meeting particular learning outcomes, which can be used to provide formal training, however, it usually gets a wider use in familiar training, having a focus on performance gain.

Usually designed in the rich-media formats, it comes with a learner-centric approach which offers just-in-time training which is accessible from multiple devices, spreading to smartphones and tablets, as well as laptops and desktops. All of these features make sure that it can be quickly completed, easily accessed, as well as practically applied by learners.

Let’s go through how your microlearning etraining will make you a champion at work.

1. Appeals To You as a Learner

Learning in bursts, i.e. microlearning, is immediately appealing to learners due to its empowering properties, as well as the provision of a flexible and personalized learning experience. The different formats utilized to generate these chunks are tailored to match the different learning styles of individuals.

2. Available Anytime

This is perhaps the biggest advantage for you as a learner. These chunks are accessible to you precisely anytime and whenever you need. They are also accessible on-demand, meaning that learners are not forced to unwillingly progress through their training, instead having a desire to.

3. Easily Accessible

Microlearning is usually designed for multi-device accessibility (from laptops and desktops to smartphones and tablets) thereby offering higher flexibility to you to study when you need, as well as on the device of your choice.

4. Better Knowledge Retention

Microlearning courses are designed and curated in ways that users are able to make the most out of the material they are exposed to. These rich-media formats allow for better knowledge retention and boosted performance.

5. Consumes Less Time

Microlearning is the perfect strategy for adult learners due to our increasingly short attention spans, and appealing characteristics. Although the modules are only 3-5 minutes long, more information is absorbed and retained in long-term memory.

6. Quick and Affordable

Due to shorter duration of training, microlearning does not waste any valuable time which may be used for other things during working hours. The lessons can also be produced and used much faster through the use of good authoring tools, particularly with ready-made templates. Conventional eLearning is now outdated due to its slow process and often waste of time.

7. Easy to Develop & Update

Because of the running length and diverse formats used for developing microlearning, it is quick and very easy to develop. Microlearning elements and modules can be corrected and updated quickly to improve their impact instantaneously.

8. A Great PST

Microlearning can also double as a Performance Support Tool (PST), as well as the basis for your employee training app. Feedback provided by microlessons are a good indication of where gaps and weaknesses in learning lie, and the areas of strength and weakness of particular employees. This allows you to pinpoint the information which needs to be consolidated and what employees like and dislike.

9. Positive Impact of Learning

Microlearning chunks are specially designed to fulfil specific organisational outcomes. It has positive impacts on application and learning and can be used very effectively for bringing about behavioral changes in employees.

With the power of microlearning, you will have just-in-time training with formats which are easy to apply and learn. It will certainly help you make a champion at work!


If you would like to learn more about how to build the most effective employee training strategy!

If you’d like to know more about how SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s mobile learning platform can help your internal training practices, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.


Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.



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