EdApp by SafetyCulture

Memory Strategies


November 4, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Strategies to enhance memory

Memory capacity can sometimes work against us, meaning that we need to make more of an active effort to enhance our memories for maximum information absorption and retention. Microlearning prevents a plethora of strategies to individuals for enhancing their memory for optimal performance.

In this article, we will outline exactly how microlearning can be the secret to your memory woes.

Memory Strategy #1 – Gamification

Gamification refers to the incorporation of gaming elements into serious course content, for instance leader boards, point scores, star bars and real prizing. It is a strategy used to breakdown any barriers that are held between individuals and their learning, allowing them to feel comfortable and supported in their learning environment. Game-based learning is created through the use of templates with unique imported content, making for a gaming experience which learners enjoy. The enjoyment of learning significantly boosts learners’ productivity and performance, meaning that more information is retained in long-term memory. Rewards associated with gamification instil a sense of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in learners, meaning that they are more likely to come back for more.

Memory Strategy #2 – Story-Telling

Story-telling is an extremely effective way to relate to employees, meaning that they are able to develop a deeper connection between themselves and the organisation. No matter what age, everyone loves a good story. When connections are able to be drawn between organisational stories and personal experience, material is much more likely to be remembered and drawn upon in the future.

Memory Strategy #3 – Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition refers to the release of information in strategic increments. This means that content is broken down to be released in bursts, providing bite-sized and digestible chunks of information for learners to absorb. This works by reminding learners of previously learnt knowledge before the brain has the chance to forget it. Good authoring tools offer some sort of variation of spaced repetition, for instance SC Training (formerly EdApp) has Brain Boost.

Memory Strategy #4 – Data-Driven Authoring

Authoring which is data-driven provides a more accurate picture of success to organisations, enabling them to understand how best their employees learn. With SC Training (formerly EdApp), data-driven authoring is made possible through the development of a vast template library filled with a plethora of ready-made, effective templates. The make up of these templates are based on the most effective ways your employees learn, aligning your type of content with the best-fit template.


Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.



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