EdApp by SafetyCulture

Now trending: New courses added to our editable library


January 8, 2021


Deni Verklan


New courses added to editable library

Our completely free, editable course library is growing every day. To help support your teams large and small across the globe, we are committed to the growth of this comprehensive library. And to achieve this, we’re continuously partnering with thought leaders and experts around the globe to contribute high-quality courseware to suit every industry. We currently have over 600 courses (and counting) for you to choose from and we’re always adding more.

What’s new?

January is Mentoring Month and to help support you and your teams, we’ve added practical microlessons, both for mentors and mentees. Stemming from the United States, National Mentoring Month recognizes the importance of having a mentor as well as the benefits of being a mentor. Along with building connections, advancing careers, and having a ‘safe’ space to bounce ideas off of, the magic of mentoring has also proven to boost engagement and result in more effective leaders.

  • 84% of CEOs informal mentoring programs said mentors helped them become more proficient in their roles faster and helped them avoid costly mistakes (Harvard Business Review).
  • Mentees are promoted five times more often than those not in a mentoring program (Gartner).
  • 71% of Fortune 500 companies have a mentoring program (Centre for Workplace Leadership).

To launch this content, we’ve partnered with industry experts like LN Consulting, who have contributed a practical guide for you to help understand, develop, and integrate mentoring into your work teams. Find this courseware and much more under our Trending category – a dedicated topical section that is available for you to access, edit, and deploy to your teams.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Trending Courseware


What courseware does the Now Trending collection include?

The Now Trending course collection will be updated regularly to keep the content fresh and new. Along with the Mentoring course, you will also find content around Cyber Security to help you and your teams safe from cyber attacks. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Manufacturing can also be found under the trending section to help keep you and your teams safe, whether they be working on site or at home. Lastly, find the Food & Mood course, which is contributed by Marley Spoon to help determine the link between ‘good mood foods’ that bring out the best in you and ‘trigger foods’ that can have a negative impact on your mood, while understanding the concept of ‘mindful eating.’

Food and Mood SC Training (formerly EdApp) course

Ready to access, edit and deploy the content to your teams? Find our collection of Now Trending courseware in the library now. Don’t have an SC Training (formerly EdApp) account yet? Create your completely free account.

At SC Training (formerly EdApp), we are committed to growing the editable library. New courses will be added and are subject to client demand, so if there are any additional lessons that you feel the SC Training (formerly EdApp) community could benefit from, please reach out to us at hello@edapp.com.

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Deni Verklan

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