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10 Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates


November 4, 2022


Jeanellie Avelino


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Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates

In e-learning, multiple choice is a widely used format for testing knowledge and learning progress. But if you’re tired of the old quiz template Google Forms style where your learners pick answers from the choices provided, then worry no more! Here, we’ll take a look at SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s different quiz multiple choice question templates that you can use to test your learners in a fun and engaging way. 

1. Simple Multiple Choice Format

To start off this list, we have the simple and classic quiz multiple choice question template designed by the award-winning hybrid learning tool, SC Training (formerly EdApp). Similar to the usual multiple-choice format, it allows you to ask a question and give a selection of possible answers. But what makes this word quiz template unique is that you can customize takeaway reinforcements that will pop up right after your learners have selected their answer/s. You can even tweak the font, color, and background of your templates so that it matches your branding requirements. 

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - Classic Multiple Choice

This SC Training (formerly EdApp) template can be used for free – forever. You can easily access it through the platform’s course maker tool, which requires little to no knowledge of instructional design. The test format template has already been set up to respond well to every screen size, from smartphone to desktops. It gives your learners the freedom to decide which device they prefer, and take the quizzes wherever and whenever they like. You won't ever need to go back to a google doc test template or quiz html template for any multiple choice question.

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Course Maker Tool

Take advantage of SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s quiz multiple choice question templates today! Join SC Training (formerly EdApp) for free.*

*Up to 10 users

2. Carousel 

Carousel is a fun way to put a new spin on your multiple choice quizzes and make the assessment fun for your learners. This quiz multiple choice question template lets you present the choices in grid form, requiring learners to swipe through them to find the right answer. What’s great about this template is that it allows learners to focus on only one answer at a time. It looks highly similar to the “swiping” interactions used in several mobile apps, so your team is likely to understand the idea behind this template the moment they see it. 

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Carousel

To make things even more exciting, SC Training (formerly EdApp) allows you to add examples of gamification in corporate training like weighted scores, timers, power-ups, as well as rewards and penalties to your quiz multiple choice question template. These elements are already built into the system, so all you need to do is enable them when configuring the parameters for your assessment. 

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Leaderboard

3. Categorise

Another unique way to present your multiple choice quizzes or question mcq is through Categorise. This template requires your team to drag and drop a statement to one of the two categories. Most SC Training (formerly EdApp) users use this template to ask true or false questions or reinforce different product knowledge, but you can always adjust the categories to reflect the lessons you want to emphasize to your learners.

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Categorise

4. Chat

Training managers and L&D professionals also find SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Chat template to be an engaging way to present multiple multiple choice questions. The questions and answers are presented using speech bubbles, but the basic idea is somewhat similar to the standard multiple-choice format. Questions are presented on top. Learners are then asked to pick the correct answer from the choices below. 

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Chat

Since this multiple choice questions template mimics real-life conversation, it’s more recommended for lessons focused on helping your team communicate more effectively with customers and clients. 

5. Circle the answer

Circle the answer is a sample multiple choice questions template that lets your learners have a little fun while taking their assessment. The choices are listed below the question, and then learners have to circle the correct answer. Depending on the device they’re using, they can draw the circle using their touchscreen device or their mouse. The template will then highlight the answer they’ve picked, and then learners will have to confirm the answer by tapping the “Ok, I’m done” button. 

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Circle the Answer

6. Multiple choice image

If your training is geared towards familiarizing your team with certain products, then SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Multiple choice image template is your best bet. Learners are shown up to four images in this quiz. There may be more than one answer from the choices, depending on your requirements. All they need to do is click their answer, and then confirm it through the “Ok, I’m done” button. Images will automatically adjust based on the screen size the learners are using, and reinforcements are given after they submitted their answers.

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Multiple Choice Image

7. Image/word match game

Another cool way to educate your learners about the features or benefits of your products is through this game-based template called Image/word match game. Here, there’ll be images or words presented at the top of the screen. Learners will then select the word or phrases that best match the image or word displayed. Although the quiz template word and image is fairly simple, you can always add an instruction slide before presenting your quizzes to give your learners a bit of context about the game. 

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Image Word Match

8. Matrix

Matrix is a bit different from the usual quiz multiple choice question template since you can set multiple question categories in a single slide. It’s a practical way to reinforce a lot of content at once, removing the hassle of creating one slide for each question. Similar to other templates, learners only need to tap the correct answer per category so they can move on to the next slide. 

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Matrix

The only thing that you need to keep in mind is that this multiple choice test template will only work well if you’re presenting related information. It’s also important to make your team aware of the multiple questions on the slide so they don’t end up skipping them. 

9. Dial

There’s a popular saying that goes “If you don’t know your numbers, then you don’t know your business.” One way to make sure that your team knows the numbers and figures of your business is through tests and assessments. But don’t settle with the usual quiz multiple choice question template. Dial things up with the help of the Dial template from SC Training (formerly EdApp). Here, the choices will be presented in a form similar to a circular scale. Learners will be asked to rotate the dial to enter the correct answer, just like how they would when calling through a rotary dial phone. 

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Dial

10. Missing word concept

This list of quiz multiple choice question templates will not be complete without the missing word concept template. It follows the classic fill-in-the-blank quiz format, in which learners must drag the words into their correct positions and order to complete the thought of the sentence provided. To spice things up, you can also add other multiple choice template word options or distractors. This template is an excellent way to measure specific knowledge of specific concepts, as well as reinforce complicated topics.

Quiz Multiple Choice Question Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Missing Word


Jeanellie Avelino

Jen is a learning expert at SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based training platform that helps corporates and businesses bring their training solutions to the next level. She carries an extensive writing experience in a variety of fields, including architecture, the gig economy, and computer software. Outside of work, she enjoys her free time watching her favorite series and documentaries, reading motivational books, and cross-stitching.



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