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10 Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas


March 14, 2023


Stephanie Escuadro


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Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - SC Training (formerly EdApp)

When it comes to running a successful restaurant, having a clear and comprehensive employee handbook is crucial. It sets expectations, establishes protocols, and offers guidance to your staff. But a typical employee handbook can be dry and boring. So, how can you create an engaging and informative handbook that your staff will read? Here are some employee handbook for restaurant ideas to check out.

1. Welcome Letter

Start your restaurant employee training manual pdf with a warm welcome letter from you, the owner, or their manager. This letter should set the tone for the handbook and express gratitude for the employee's contribution to the restaurant's success. It’s a great way to introduce the values and culture of the restaurant and make new hires feel like they are part of a team.

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Welcome Letter

If you’re looking for some inspiration on how to write a welcome letter, check out SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Effective Communication course. The course details various ways to make your employee feel welcome – whether that’s through e-mail or on your welcome letter. Don’t forget to add some empathy and compassion to make them feel comfortable and safe around you.

Get started on your restaurant employee handbook by signing up for SC Training (formerly EdApp) today.

2. Employee Code of Conduct

Your employee handbook should include a section on the code of conduct for employees. This section should outline the expectations for behavior and give guidelines for how to handle themselves in any situation, especially during conflicts or complaints. This equips them to be able to respond better to any stressful situation. It should also list the consequences of violating the code of conduct, like verbal warnings, written warnings, or monetary penalties.

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Employee Code of Conduct

SC Training (formerly EdApp) can create a customized code of conduct course dedicated to your restaurant. By sending over your training details, their expert instructional designers will carefully craft a step-by-step process of each aspect of your code of conduct. This will help them better understand and remember these guidelines. Once a course is made, you can also add this to your restaurant employee handbook pdf either as a QR code or a link. 

3. Dress Code Policy

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Dress Code Policy

A dress code policy is an essential part of any restaurant employee handbook. It details procedures for what to wear and what not to wear while on the job. This also lets your staff know what type of working environment you want them to exhibit. If you have a specific brand in mind, you may want to consider giving them some uniforms or specific attire to maintain consistency and a professional image.

4. Safety and Security Procedures

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Safety and Security Procedures

Safety and security procedures should be a top priority for any restaurant. After all, without these, your restaurant can run the risk of having faulty equipment, burning down, or getting robbed. Your employee handbook needs to have a section on emergency procedures, including what to do in case of a fire, medical emergency, or natural disaster. It should also incorporate recommendations for keeping the workplace safe and secure.

5. Training and Development

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Training and Development

Investing in employee training and development is essential for the success of any restaurant. Your employee handbook should include information on the types of training and development opportunities available to employees, including on-the-job training, certificates, and leadership programs. This will help them understand what your restaurant offers in terms of growth opportunities. It can also help them be updated with their much-needed certificates and licensing renewals. If you’re using SC Training (formerly EdApp), they also have a feature where you can keep your certificates as well as get certificates from taking the courses.

6. Time-Off Policies

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Time-Off Policies

Your employee handbook should ideally outline the policies for vacation time, sick leave, and other types of time off. A clear set of guidelines for how to request time off and how much notice is required will make it easier for you to manage them. You may want to consider offering flexible schedules or remote work options to accommodate employees' needs.

7. Technology Policies

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Technology Policies

In today's digital age, it's important to have policies in place for technology use in the workplace. Otherwise, your staff may end up getting distracted a lot and delivering subpar service to your customers. For those handling social media accounts, your social media policy is good to add for this section. You need to list down your restaurant’s procedures for protecting sensitive data and maintaining customer and employee privacy.

8. Benefits and Perks

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Benefits and Perks

Employee benefits and incentives, such as health insurance, retirement programs, and employee discounts, should be covered in your employee handbook. Ideally, you want to shine a light on the competitive benefits that you offer compared to competitors. Highlighting these perks can help recruit and retain top industry professionals.

9. Diversity and Inclusion

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Diversity and Inclusion

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential for the success of any restaurant. This makes it easier for your staff to work together, despite coming from different backgrounds. It’ll also help with making sure your staff treats any type of client equally. Adding a section on diversity and inclusion policies and giving guidelines can help create a welcoming and respectful place for everyone in your restaurant.

10. Employee Recognition and Rewards

Restaurant Employee Handbook Ideas - Employee Recognition and Rewards

Finally, your employee handbook should include information on how employees can be recognized and rewarded for their hard work and contributions to the restaurant's success. This can help motivate them to be more and do more. This section should outline the various recognition and rewards programs available to employees, such as bonuses, promotions, and employee of the month programs.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a mobile learning management system designed for today’s digital habits, delivering more engaging and effective micro-learning directly to learners anytime and anywhere.

Sign up for this restaurant employee training tool today.


Stephanie Escuadro

Stephanie is an eLearning content writer for SC Training (formerly EdApp), a microlearning solution designed for today's digital habits. She creates content about cutting-edge learning technologies and resources to help companies deliver great training experiences. When not absorbed in writing, she spends her time taking care of her dog and binge-watching.



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