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The Biggest Players In the Microlearning Industry Today


July 24, 2019


Scott Whitaker


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The Biggest Players In the Microlearning Industry Today

The education industry has been around for a long time and has been through a number of iterations. From its original inception it has grown to be a multi-billion dollar industry with a number of unique challenges to face.

Multinational corporations and governments are grappling with the fast paced changes to their markets, student needs and learning is now an at scale, cross border issue that needs a different type of learning than that which has been used in the past. Microlearning, with its roots tied firmly in the science of learning, spaced repetition and knowledge retention has become a go to solution for many companies and institutions trying to solve this issue. Of course, where there are big problems big solutions are soon to follow. The microlearning industry is quickly replacing traditional learning solutions. So here is a run down of the biggest players in the microlearning industry today.

Corporate Solutions

One clear area where microlearning is being quickly adopted is the corporate sector. The speed at which corporate change is occuring has meant the companies are constantly upskilling or re-tooling their workforce through sheer necessity. Two of the biggest players in the corporate microlearning industry today are:

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn is a powerhouse of corporate learning and is lending its courseware library to the microlearning format well. With a strong stable of pre-made courseware on almost every facet of corporate training that you could image it’s a one stop shop for off the shelf training.

linked in learning

SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Combining an amazingly easy to use online authoring tool with a mobile app for delivery to learners SC Training (formerly EdApp) is the go-to for creating beautiful, internally branded lessons for your internal audiences. Whether you are training new staff or ensuring a cohort of international learnings stay up to date with the latest in product releases SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a customisable learning tool that does the job.


Social Solutions

There has been significant growth in the use of massively online learning portals to supplement, if not at times replace the aging learning techniques used in public schools international. One of the biggest players disrupting the education industry with microlearning is the Khan Academy.

Khan Academy

Established by the now well known Salman Khan as a way to tutor his cousin the Khan Academy now delivers online learning in short, five minute videos for free to millions of students globally. This application of microlearning is transforming the way that millions of students are learning math, science, coding and the arts.

khan academy

Upskilling Solutions

Who hasn’t wanted to learn a new skill on the side? The science behind microlearning has been harnessed by a number of learning platforms to use reinforcement of concepts for fast learning. One of our favorite examples is that of Duolingo.


The language learning app teaches over 30 languages and has over 30 million users learning with them. Incorporating learning techniques such as spaced repetition and gamification via a mobile app they are changing the way the world learns languages.


Microlearning has clearly proved that its grounding in the science of learning is producing a better and more engaged learning experience for millions of people. We are just now seeing the tip of what can be achieved on a large scale with this type of learning and it will be an industry to watch in the future.


If you would like to learn more about how to build the most effective employee training strategy!

If you’d like to know more about how SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s mobile learning platform can help your internal training practices, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.


LinkedIn Learning
SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Khan Academy

Curated course examples


Scott Whitaker

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