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Training and Development Strategy


July 8, 2021


Guest Author Marta Rudnicka


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Training and Development Strategy

In any organization, to incorporate changes and improvements, one needs a good plan first. In multinational, global corporations, the collaboration between different branches across the world can be tricky. Incorporating multiple actors and engaging them on the same level while asserting congruence, integrity, and flow, crucial in every successful endeavor, can prove rather challenging. Therefore, every company should implement a sturdy employee training program and development strategy, which will serve as guidance for implementing any changes. In this article, we will take a closer look at such strategies and see, what technological advancements can do to facilitate and smoothen the exchange.

What is a training and development strategy?

To put it simply, it’s a tool designed to align the business goals of the company with the skills of the employees. Such alignment is never stable and requires constant calibration – not just because business goals are drawn anew, reached, redefined, and so on. The flow of talents is a variable that has to be constantly accounted for, as even the best companies experience (both intra- and inter) movement of employees.

Hence, learning and development strategy as a tool needs to be flexible enough to serve more as a list of guidelines than a rigid scheme. It must be underlined too, that such strategy works both ways: not only to make sure the business goals of the company are effectively met but, maybe even more importantly, that the learning aims of the employees are taken care of.

Benefits of having a training and development strategy

The state of play in the business world is that it’s never static. On the contrary, in the ever-changing environment, constant development and evolution are key to staying afloat. Therefore, all major businesses need to focus on learning simply to keep up with the speed of the market. This refers to employees at all positions, from CEO and senior officers to interns and trainees – employee development is very egalitarian in that regard.

Training (or learning) and development strategies target specific skills required from employees at every position so that they can keep fulfilling their roles the best way possible. For senior staff that would mean their leadership development, for middle-rank workers – sharpening their teamwork, problem-solving and creative skills. For interns: gaining more practical and institutional knowledge, or more specialized expertise. All to make sure the pipeline is secure, talents taken care of and all the fires put out before they even start.

Creating a successful training and development strategy

To be sure, it’s a complicated process that requires collaboration between the business and Human-resources departments, involves multiple people at various positions and ranks, outsourcing, SME consultation, and so on. Then, what are the features of a successful human resource development strategy? I quickly answer – it must be efficient and effective. Here are some tips on how to build a sturdy, adaptable, and efficient training plan and employee development strategy for new employees across all ranks.

Document your training and development strategy

Document your training and development strategy

Experts unequivocally agree, that first and foremost, training and development within companies should be formalized. What does it mean? Some companies do not have a clear vision of what they need and want to do to marry their business goals and employee training. The strategy must be put on paper (literally or metaphorically). Having a strategy means having guidelines one can constantly refer to while making decisions and managing talents.

The training and talent development strategy should be aligned with the overall business strategy of the company. Specialists underline, that the needs and requirements of each company are unique, therefore an approach or goals that fit one company won’t necessarily fit others. Analyzing business strategies first allows pinpointing key soft-skills and areas of interest which will help outline the learning strategy for the staff. For example, if your company’s interest lies in social media marketing, you need to make sure to incorporate relevant skills training into your strategies.

Utilize and incorporate technology

In the 21st century, you should make technology your best friend. Online learning platforms are great tools for every company, whether small or big, which facilitate collaboration, employee engagement, the flow of information, management of managerial contributions, and dissemination of knowledge and skills. At SC Training (formerly EdApp), we make sure to deliver what L&D departments might need in developing employees. With a powerful authoring tool, you can easily create workplace training courses. And thanks to its other features, you can host employee training and development, manage your contributors, and receive feedback from your partners and participants.

Involve stakeholders

Another feature of an efficient training and development programme is to involve your stakeholders in the training for employees. Assessment of their needs and requirements, understanding them, and incorporating those in your compliance training will grant you an easy way in with them and new clients. Asking them to participate in activities like mentoring, and contribute to your company’s learning strategies, will make them feel seen, heard, and accounted for.

Invest in employees’ career development opportunities

Training and Development Strategy - Invest in employees' career development

Last but not least, in creating learning and development strategies it’s pivotal to consider the benefits to your employees. Learning and training opportunities are important factors assessed by potential employees during recruitment and it helps to keep your employee retention rates high. Business strategy training and other strategies involve long-term actions, and you need to have your team on board, to achieve many of those distant development goals, and continuity among the collaborators will be immensely helpful. Online learning platforms such as SC Training (formerly EdApp) offer many employee-oriented solutions to facilitate learning, feedback, appraisal, and satisfaction rates among your talents.


Developing a successful training and development strategy is not an easy task and involves multiple rank employees. It should aim to cater to the needs of all ranks and improve the new skills and competencies that are most necessary for performance management. Attention to the learning and development opportunities aspect of the job, and in effect, to the facilitation of career paths within companies, has proven very successful in keeping employee retention rates high. No business goals can be achieved without a dedicated and motivated team – listening to their needs and catering to them should prove successful in achieving both: creating a beneficial working environment and accomplishing your business goals.





Niazi A. S., “Training and Development Strategy and Its Role in Organizational Performance”,, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2011.


Guest Author Marta Rudnicka

Marta Rudnicka is a creative content writer with vast experience in writing, editing, translation, and data analysis. Aside from writing, their interests are centered on mental health, human rights, travel, and environmental concerns.



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