EdApp by SafetyCulture

When It Makes Sense to Use a Mobile Learning Tool


May 16, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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mobile learning tool

Mobile learning, or mLearning tools offer a myriad of benefits to companies to get them on the path to success.

eLearning is out and mLearning is in! We can hear the significant shifts in device use and learning patterns screaming mobile learning. Why? Because your employees actually want to learn their content in the form of quality mobile learning courses. Mobile learning gives learners a lot more flexibility around their learning and gives opportunities to better and more targeted courseware.

Companies’ introduction of mLearning is becoming increasingly regular in order to keep up with changing trends and patterns in the standards of an employee training app. This leads us to the question of when it is most suitable to use an mLearning feature.

mLearning is no longer a choice, but a necessity. Gartner, predicts that by 2020 45% of businesses will have a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy. Talking mobile learning specifically, studies have shown that course material was learnt 45% faster by learners on a mobile device, rather than on a computer. So, I guess we can say mobile is most suitable to use if you are looking for the most effective way to train your employees.

Mobile learning isn’t always the best solution, and as a company you need to understand the needs of your learners to ensure that you are solving the problem at head.  Here are four issues that will tell you when it makes sense to use a mobile learning tool.

Boosted engagement and knowledge retention

Lagging staff engagement is a common issue for a lot of businesses.  Especially for large enterprise companies it’s often difficult to keep learning inline with expectations. A direct result of mLearning is both boosted engagement and knowledge retention. Both of these are essential to the success of any company, in terms of the training of employees to a gold-star standard.

This engagement can be on a number of levels.  It could be cultural, product knowledge or as simple as keeping international offices in touch with what’s going on across the company.


Content delivery in the flow of work is one thing that is becoming more and more important in workplaces these days.  With increasingly stressful workplace environments staff are expected to excel in time poor conditions more and more.  The flexibility offered by a mobile learning tool to deliver information as and when needed is a great advantage for any company with high performing staff. It allows employees to access their training modules from their mobile meaning learning can be done anytime. This concept of flexibility automatically engrains training as easy and accessible to employees.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning through the use of mLearning is a prime benefit of the new generation of workplace learning. Many companies struggle to unlock the innate information held by members of their teams.  Collaborative or peer learning allows for the creation of more content by those who have unique insights into the requirements of high performance. Online learning communities are also important for employee motivation. Traditional employee training usually has ‘some to none’ collaboration, making it difficult for learnings to continue through their training modules.

Aligning processes to the rise of the millennials

As the generation raised on technology, the millennials are filing into the workforce almost at the speed of light. Terrifying, we know. But with every unique challenge comes a chance to change the way things are done.  Delivering content via a mobile learning tool is the answer to all of your millennial woes, as anything tech lies in their strong suit. Training millennial employees with mLearning caters to their tech savvy, mobile first tendencies.

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s LMS & Mobile Learning Tool

If you want to see how microlearning can enhance your blended learning strategy,  get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.


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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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