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Why eLearning Is the Key To Leadership Training and Development


September 6, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Why eLearning Is the Key To Leadership Training and Development

eLearning for leadership training and development is an effective and widely-used strategy, whether leadership education is occurring at school, at university or in the workplace. So, how?

Leadership is a multifaceted concept, commonly surrounded by myriad myths and inaccurate notions. It is often misunderstood that there are specific leadership qualities essential to becoming a natural-born leader. We’re here to put the myths to bed and tell you exactly how eLearning is the key to the training and development of our strongest and most successful leaders.

Today, it is not uncommon for forward-thinking organizations to utilize a variety of educational and technological tools for the maximization of successful learning. Interactive eLearning has grown in recent years like never before, whereby training programs are now delivered conveniently to learner’s own devices in the most cost-effective way possible.

Providing effective leadership education while simultaneously meeting the needs and preferences of learners is the ideal situation, however can be often difficult to achieve. eLearning for leadership training and development goes beyond planting generic information into an online format. It encapsulates solutions to the training needs of learners, through the incorporation of engaging learning methods to promote boosted engagement and successful training outcomes.

The Blended Learning Approach

Blended learning occurs when learners are able to progress through their mandatory learning at their own pace. This provides a multitude of benefits to employees, as they are able to complete their learning wherever and whenever is suitable for them. As a result, engagement and productivity are instantly increased.

eLearning Provides New and Improved Skills

Exploring more creative approaches to learning is essential to the versatility of training strategies. Providing variety to learns appeals and motivates them to complete greater volumes of training. In turn, learners grow their pre-existing and develop new skills simultaneously. Creative strategies include interactive exercises, gamification, and peer authoring to create an immersive and empowering learning environment.

The Incorporation of Interactivity

Interactivity prepares learners for real-life situations by incorporating simulated exercises to work on specific skills. One benefit of interactivity is the ability to leave and receive constructive feedback on performance, as well as lesson composition. Gamification is the addition of gaming elements into serious course content modules. This includes leader boards, point scores, as well as real prizing, to extrinsically motivate learners.

Learning Flexibility

Dedicating hours of work to training is often difficult when employees are balancing a multitude of tasks and a general busy lifestyle. Developing leadership skills requires the formulation of certain skillsets and traits, meaning that ample training must be invested. To make this realistic, learning flexibility is a necessity. Breaking courses up into concise blocks enables training to fit into the flow of work, also allowing courses to be completed in significantly less time than traditional training frameworks. Whether employees are on their transport commute to and from work, before a meeting or presentation, or perhaps lounging around on the weekend, eLearning enables training in its most flexible form.

eLearning Models Learning to Personal Strengths

Designing eLearning to compliment learners’ personal strengths accommodates the areas in which employees feel comfortable. This may be learning through video, learning through gamification or perhaps through reading. The beauty of eLearning lies in the fact that it incorporates all of these factors and many more, giving it scope to suit various learners with various strengths. This also applies to companies with a distributed workforce, whereby employees in a range of countries, time zones, or different regions are able to learn in a way which suits their individual needs and preferences.

A Cost Effective and Measurable Strategy

Employee learning and development, and particularly developmental leadership strategies, are costly and are a huge investment. To make this investment worthwhile, training programs must be diversified and more effective than traditional, conventional learning strategies. One of the reasons eLearning is cost effective is due to its central delivery system and mobile accessibility. A cloud-based delivery system means that new and edited content can be released to learners’ own mobile devices and be instantaneously accessible. This saves companies from having to invest in separate training programs, depending on the different roles of learners. It is also measurable, meaning that the program’s effectiveness and success is measurable. eLearning allows admins to see how much of the learning is being progressed through by learners, as well as seeing particular areas of weakness and those for possible improvement. This means that the organization’s needs can be suited to but the continual monitoring and improvement to its strategy.

A Revolutionary Approach to Leadership

eLearning has made leadership training stronger than it has ever been, preparing employees to reach their maximum potential for the possibility of future leadership responsibilities. It’s time to set your company up for current and future success – eLearning is a great place to start!


If you would like to learn more about how to build the most effective employee training strategy!

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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