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Why Mobile Learning is Perfect for Sales Staff


May 23, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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mobile learning for sales staff

Ongoing training is especially essential for the improvement of sales, which is why sales staff will benefit from the the most effective training method. Cue mobile learning. Here are four key reasons why mobile learning is perfect for sales staff.

Avoiding cognitive overload

To get the most out of sales teams knowing the industry in detail is just as important as knowing the product they are selling. That’s a giant load of knowledge impossible to learn all at once. Attempting to remember each single piece of information, especially when trends and influences are constantly changing and fluid, can result in cognitive overload. In other words, it is all too much for the brain and it essentially ‘shuts off,’ unable to retain any new knowledge. In return of bite-sized learning, employees will be significantly more informed, offering a better overall sales and customer service experience, leading to a higher number of sales.

Revisable knowledge at your fingertips

Mobile learning allows you to compile all of that knowledge in one place, accessible at anytime and anywhere. This is helpful in various scenarios where employees may need to brush up on their knowledge of a product or process before an important meeting, or if there is time to kill waiting at the airport or a timely taxi ride. The reason this information can remain fresh in the mind is because of the tendency of microlearning modules to be digestible, bite-sized chunks of new knowledge, which can be effectively stored and drawn upon on demand.

Welcoming our digital natives into the retail industry

We continue to welcome our digital natives into the workforce, a large proportion of which head into the retail industry. By digital natives we mean millennials, a generation who live and breathe tech. We heard that some have physically attached themselves to their mobile devices. Who said that is irrelevant, but what is, is the growing dominance of mobile learning for convenience and engagement.

Microlearning format ideal for employees on the shop floor

Knowledge delivered in chunks is ideal for employees on the floor as they are able to have short revisions, and are then able to internalise and apply the knowledge into practice. For staff in sales and retail positions who are actively customer facing long periods of training a very disruptive. Microlearning allows them to learn in the flow of work, effective reducing these disruptions.

Want to know more about how to implement mobile learning for your sales staff?

If you may be interested in knowing more about how to introduce mobile learning into your company, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.


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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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