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10 BLS Training Courses To Consider For 2023

We’ve compiled 10 of the best Basic Life Support (BLS) training courses specifically designed to equip your learners with the proper BLS response. They touch on topics such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), automated external defibrillator (AED), first aid, among others.

BLS Training Courses

Last published: 16th May 2024

SC Training (formerly EdApp) BLS Training Course - The Basics of First Aid

1. The Basics of First Aid

Acquiring first aid skills is essential for absolutely any job or role in life. The basics of first aid must be common knowledge, making this free BLS course essential for successful employee training.

This BLS training course explores the significance of learning various first aid skills, such as proper assessment of the emergency and how to deal with various types of medical needs. Each module goes into detail about the step-by-step process for how to treat people in need.

The types of emergency treatment discussed in this course are:

  • Bleeding and shock
  • Heart attacks and choking
  • Electrical shock and eye injury
  • Burns and broken bones
  • Heat, fainting, and seizures

The Basics of First Aid is available on SC Training (formerly EdApp) and can be deployed to your team already. You can also customize the course with your company branding or add a few more lessons to tailor it to your needs.

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s courses are easier to develop, update, and distribute compared to traditional eLearning courses. It's jam-packed with interactive courseware created by industry leaders and professionals from across the world. There are hundreds of training items in this collection, including healthcare training classes, retail training, corporate training courses, construction safety courses, digital marketing courses, and so much more.

Plus, completion rates are dramatically higher in SC Training (formerly EdApp) – up to around 90% and beyond. On the other hand, traditional eLearning holds completion rates as low as 15%.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: assess the scene, heart attacks and choking, electrical shock and eye injury, burns and broken bones

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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BLS Training Course - SC Training OSHA First Aid Training and Standards

2. OSHA First Aid Training and Standards by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

If you’re looking for a course that follows OSHA safety guidelines, SC Training has put together this beginner-friendly course for you. This BLS training course walks you through the importance of first aid and following OSHA’s safety standards, as well as the proper responses and risks involved should you choose not to follow them.

This free BLS training includes OSHA First Aid Standard (29 CFR 1910.151), which specifies that a workplace must always have first aid providers available if medical help isn’t immediately within reach. It also has OSHA CPR Standard for handling sudden cardiac arrest. Lastly, this training contains Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens (29 CFR 1910.1030) for preventing infection when victims get cuts or scrapes.

Since this course is developed in this LMS, it can be completed on the go through mobile devices which is perfect for busy retail workers. This increases the completion rate and makes sure that employees don’t miss out on their lessons. All the important information is right at their fingertips and can be revisited as often as needed anywhere and anytime.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: OSHA first aid standard, OSHA CPR standard, exposure to bloodborne pathogens

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Coursera BLS Training Course - EMT Foundations

3. EMT Foundations by Coursera

Healthcare basics are an integral part of every worker’s knowledge bank. Coursera’s BLS training course helps you apply the fundamentals of emergent patient care, stabilization, and disease processes in crisis situations.

In this BLS training course offered by the University of Colorado System, you will learn to care for stable and unstable patients before they reach professional medical help, how to identify time-sensitive diseases, and medical and traumatic conditions that affect both adults and pediatric patients.

Some of the topics included in the course are:

  • Assessing a scene and preparing to provide care
  • Addressing airway, breathing and circulation, medications and medication administration that EMTs are allowed to provide
  • Skills related to high-performance CPR, toxicology, and wilderness emergency medicine
  • Skills for trauma emergencies

While the course contains a comprehensive syllabus, it can turn off people who may be looking for lessons that are concise and quick to accomplish. Aside from that, Coursera follows a lecture-type structure in their lessons where learners are expected to watch videos and answer typical multiple-choice assessments after.

  • Cost: Free
  • Scope: CPR, breathing and circulation, medications, trauma emergencies

Created by Coursera

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First Response Training International BLS Training Course - Workplace CPR/AED

4. Workplace CPR/AED by First Response Training International

This BLS training course combines cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) into one program. It’s designed to teach the proper techniques to safely administer CPR and utilize an AED in emergency situations involving infants, children, and adults.

While not addressing first aid measures, this course is the perfect way to prepare your learners to address one of the largest killers worldwide: cardiac arrest. Knowing how to implement CPR and use AEDs in the event of an emergency can drastically change outcomes for the better.

This course is designed for businesses hoping to protect their employees or workers who’d like to learn how to save another person’s life. After completing the training you will be able to:

  • Recognize and evaluate an emergency and a victim
  • Know how to activate or alert the emergency medical services (EMS)
  • Be able to provide 1-person infant, child, and adult CPR to a non-breathing or injured person
  • Properly use an automated external defibrillator (AED)

There are three ways you can choose from to take this course: eLearning, manual, or classroom.

If you’re looking for a course that’s up-to-date with the latest L&D trends, though, this one might not be the best option for you.

  • Cost: 27.95 USD for eLearning; 37.08 USD for manual, varying for classroom
  • Scope: CPR, AED

Created by First Response Training International

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Cascade Training Center BLS Training Course - First Aid, CPR and AED Certification Course

5. First Aid, CPR and AED Certification Course by Cascade Training Center

Cascade Training Center offers this American Heart Association (AHA) First Aid, CPR and AED certification course designed for individuals with limited or no medical training experience to meet job, regulatory or other requirements. This BLS training course is instructor-led. You can practice the exercises while watching AHA videos. It includes focused skills learning and assessments throughout the program.

The BLS training course is based on the most current AHA science with the following modules:

  • First Aid Basics
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Injury Emergencies
  • Environmental Emergencies
  • Adult CPR and AED use
  • Optional Modules: Child CPR and AED Use and Infant CPR

Like the course mentioned above, this is a paid course which isn’t ideal for those looking for microlessons and time flexibility. You would have to dedicate a day or two in order to accomplish the entire course.

Cost: Varies depending on course requirements

Scope: first aid basics, medical emergencies, injury emergencies

Created by Cascade Training Center

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AHA BLS Training Course - Basic Life Support (BLS

6. Basic Life Support (BLS) by AHA

AHA’s BLS training course equips your learners to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations, and provide early use of an AED. This training reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC).

The course includes: 

  • High-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants
  • The AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components
  • Important early use of an AED
  • Effective ventilations using a barrier device
  • Importance of teams in multirescuer resuscitation and performance as an effective team member during multirescuer CPR
  • Relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and infants

Basic Life Support (BLS) training is accessible in two formats: blended learning and classroom instruction. The blended learning method is presented in the form of self-directed learning content, probes, and Cognitive Assessment Activities. The classroom method is designed for those looking for a more traditional learning setting with instructors to guide them through the process. 

A con to consider – if you’re looking at this course as an option – is that even with the blended learning session, your workers will be required to book a face-to-face session in order to complete the course. Sessions and classes are also dependent upon availability within your area and are limited to those living in the US.

  • Cost: up to 90 USD for course materials alone; varying on face-to-face sessions and classes
  • Scope: CPR, AED, AHA chain of survival, relief of foreign-body airway obstruction

Created by American Heart Association

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BLS Training Course - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Introduction to Safe Patient Handling Lessons

7. Introduction to Safe Patient Handling Lessons by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

In 2020, there were 4,764 fatal work injuries and over 2.7 million injury and illness cases in private industry recorded in the United States alone. Most workplace injuries can be prevented from becoming fatal if your employees know how to address patient or victim needs when medical help is yet to arrive.

This BLS training course provides a brief overview of how the Safe Patient Handling program can reduce the damage of occupational injuries while improving the quality of patient care and post-injury rehabilitation efforts. Safe patient handling focuses on decreasing the number and severity of occupational musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by using patient handling equipment and other elements.

While healthcare equipment isn’t always readily available in the workplace, you can use the items here as a guide to making makeshift patient handling equipment during a crisis. Makeshift patient handling equipment can include blankets or curtains to lift someone from a hazardous area and is injured or long weighted items to help support someone suffering from a leg injury.

This course is housed in the platform's free and customizable course library, which means you can take advantage of its intuitive creator tools to deploy beautiful and immersive courses. The LMS also features Create with AI, which allows you to easily create visually appealing imagery to drive better learner engagement and retention.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: safe patient handling; health hazards; lifting, transferring, and repositioning

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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AHSI BLS Training Course - Basic Life Support (BLS) Course

8. Basic Life Support (BLS) Course by AHSI

AHSI’s BLS training course teaches learners how to recognize a life-threatening emergency, how to provide basic life support, and what to do in case of an airway obstruction or choking. It has been approved for training for Emergency Medical Services personnel – apart from training non-medical staff – and is accepted by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT).

The course is currently only available in instructional video format. Videos contain demonstrations of what to do during a crisis as well as lectures to teach terminology and guidelines to learners.

It can be a hassle to take this course since it requires all takers to pass their written evaluation and skills evaluation before being issued a certificate. This may not be the right course for you if you’re looking to learn only the basics, want to dedicate less time for BLS training, and have more flexibility to take it or retake it whenever you want.

  • Cost: 140 – 225 USD
  • Scope: BLS, choking, identifying life-threatening emergencies

Created by AHSI

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High Speed Training BLS Training Course - Basic Life Support (BLS)

9. Basic Life Support (BLS) Training by High Speed Training

Regardless of their role, those working in risky environments may find themselves faced with potentially life-threatening situations. This BLS training course is designed to give you the knowledge and understanding required to react quickly and appropriately in emergency situations – increasing the safety and quality of care provided to those within your company.

This course provides you with invaluable knowledge on how to deliver potentially life-saving help. It also teaches you how to assess circumstances using primary and secondary surveys, procedures like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the recovery position, and how to respond to various crises like choking or allergy.

High Speed Training’s BLS course was developed in partnership with health and social care experts and accredited by CPD. It’s also aligned to the Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) and has a fully online course and assessment with no time limits.

Unlike most online courses today, High Speed Training’s lessons are outdated with their lesson format. They follow a PowerPoint presentation-style design packed with text on every slide – which may lead to decreased knowledge retention.

  • Cost: £20, not including VAT
  • Scope: emergency response, first aid, patient care

Created by High Speed Training

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Petrosphere Inc. BLS Training Course - Basic Life Support Training

10. Basic Life Support Training by Petrosphere Inc.

Basic Life Support (BLS) Training for Healthcare Provider is a blended course where your learners can get a basic grasp of life support knowledge. It includes emergency assessment training, CPR demonstrations, and other related BLS knowledge. While this is targeted toward healthcare providers, learners in the non-medical field can also take advantage of this course.

You can complete the training by Petrosphere Inc at your own pace and online. Following the completion of the online course, you must also take a skills exam with the trainer. Unlike other online courses, you will only have a limited time to access the course. After 10 days upon purchasing the lesson, you’ll be expected to be done with all of the content and the assessment.

  • Cost: Free
  • Scope: emergency assessment, CPR

Created by Petrosphere Inc.

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Learn how to save a life with BLS training courses

Emergency medical situations can happen at any moment during your workday. People may go into cardiac arrest, experience a seizure out of nowhere, or slip and suffer from a serious head injury. That’s why it’s important that your team takes basic life support (BLS) training courses. It’s so they know how to respond when emergencies occur and medical help is unavailable.

To help you find the right one, we’ve listed down the best BLS training courses for your workers to take.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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