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10 Commercial Cleaning Training Programs

Commercial cleaning training programs are crucial for industries like manufacturing and hospitality. They help your organization comply with government and industry regulations. Cleaning classes also help your company follow best practices to deliver the best products and services to your customers.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Programs

Last published: 7th May 2024

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Interior Facility Care (Fast Casual)

1. Interior Facility Care (Fast Casual) by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

Facility care can be a tough task if your cleaning staff doesn’t know where to start. Luckily, SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Interior Facility Care (Fast Casual) can give them an idea of how to properly care for your factory, hotel, or restaurant. 

This commercial cleaning training program starts by teaching your team how to prepare for cleaning the interior facility. This lesson includes going over the essentials of what you need to prepare, such as cleaning equipment and personal protective equipment. It then goes over the public and food preparation areas your janitorial staff needs to clean and why it’s important to maintain their cleanliness.

Customize your learners’ contributions with video and image submissions for a more dynamic and interactive learning experience. You can do that through SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s in-lesson Discussions and Assignments features. With the freedom to express their points in an open-ended format, you can better evaluate your learners’ knowledge retention.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users).
  • Scope: Preparation for cleaning, cleaning public areas, cleaning food preparation areas

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Physical Cleaning Tasks and Safety

2. Physical Cleaning Tasks and Safety by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Whether you're searching for training for a new recruit or current staff, this cleaning course built by the acclaimed online course platform, SC Training (formerly EdApp), may be a great option for you. The Physical Cleaning Tasks and Safety course delves into the different cleaning industry terminology and cleaning phases. After learning the fundamentals of cleaning, they'll be given suggestions for the best cleaning materials and equipment to use to test the quality of their learning.

This janitor training also includes short exercises for proper dusting, mopping, bed-making, and garbage removal to help them clean faster and more efficiently.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Cleaning terminology and principles, cleaning supplies and equipment, different methods for cleaning

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Personal Hygiene (Fast Casual)

3. Personal Hygiene (Fast Casual) by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

How can your staff clean and sanitize their work environment if they don’t practice personal hygiene themselves? SC Training (formerly EdApp) delivers a fast-casual course to quickly train your cleaning staff on the need-to-know of personal hygiene.

This commercial cleaning training program gives an overview of what personal hygiene is and why it’s important for industries like manufacturing and hospitality. It discusses the best practices of personal hygiene, such as how to keep themselves clean and how to avoid becoming unhygienic. The last lesson in this course covers personal hygiene in food safety and the consequences of failing to keep themselves clean while handling food.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Personal hygiene overview, best practices for personal hygiene, personal hygiene and food safety

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - The Hows of Hand Hygiene

4. The Hows of Hand Hygiene by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Hand hygiene is an easy, low-cost, and effective way to stay healthy and germ-free. It helps in avoiding the transfer of illnesses to your janitorial staff, their families, and others around them when it is performed and becomes a habit.

This commercial cleaning training program will educate your staff on the ins and outs of hand hygiene, such as how hands operate as the major gateway for germs, how to clean hands while performing their job, and how to practice an after-work hand care habit. Understanding these areas leads them to commit to greater hygiene and a better customer experience.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Germ transmission, how to properly wash hands, how to use alcohol-based hand rub, proper hand care

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Infection Control

5. Infection Control by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

With COVID-19 and Monkeypox looming to reintroduce lockdowns, it's critical that your staff complete SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Infection Control Course. By taking this commercial cleaning training program, they'll have a better understanding of what infections can do to people and the environment.

This janitorial course delves into the origins of diseases and viruses, the conditions where they linger, and how they spread. It explains how knowing an infection's context may help in its prevention in the factory or restaurant. It outlines some recommended practices that your staff can implement at home and at work to keep their places sanitary and clean. They can also apply these methods if they become infected despite their precautions.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Overview of infections, controlling the spread of infections, preventing infections

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Kitchen Operations

6. Kitchen Operations by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Kitchen Operations is an important commercial cleaning training course for food enterprises. It educates your staff on what to do from start to finish of operating a kitchen and goes through each step in depth. It first shows them how to open your hotel's or restaurant's kitchen to make sure operations are smooth and easy throughout the day. It then talks about how to properly close the kitchen and prepare it for the next day.  

Cleaning and sanitation advice are also included here based on Australian cleaning and sanitizing standards. There’s an exam at the end of the course to test your staff's knowledge and understanding.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: How to open a restaurant, properly closing a restaurant, sanitation guidelines

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Food Contamination

7. Food Contamination by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Food Contamination course teaches cleaning staff in the food industry the fundamentals of food contamination and the health risks that come with it. The commercial cleaning course program tackles proper food temperature control and storage guidelines to prevent food spoilage and cross-contamination. 

It also discusses the best techniques for decreasing and removing toxins in the kitchen, as well as pest and rodent avoidance strategies. There's a video to help your staff to learn and understand how to serve clients who have food allergies while avoiding major allergic responses.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Introduction to food contamination, cleaning procedures, cross-contamination, allergens

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Cleaning Up a Job Site

8. Cleaning Up a Job Site by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Cleaning Up a Job Site by SC Training (formerly EdApp) covers all your cleaning staff needs to know about cleaning and sanitizing a job site. This commercial cleaning training program highlights the significance of construction clean-up activities and how to apply them in their work area.  The training also outlines the steps to take while cleaning a working site to limit the risk of workplace accidents. It adheres to the well-known 5S cleaning approach, which will help your personnel in completing cleaning jobs more quickly and effectively. By the end of the course, they'll understand how thorough a job site cleaning must be in order to meet industry requirements.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Importance of a clean job site, precautions to take while cleaning, 5S cleaning system

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Exterior Facility Care (Fast Casual)

9. Exterior Facility Care (Fast Casual) by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Many of the courses on this list aim to keep your internal facility clean. But what about your exterior? SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Exterior Facility Care (Fast Casual) covers everything your cleaning staff needs to know about exterior cleaning. 

The commercial cleaning training program starts by guiding them through conducting an exterior inspection of your facility so they know what areas need special care and attention. It then discusses proper waste management, disposal, and removal to avoid leaving the outside of your facility unsanitary. The last lesson in this course covers window cleaning, an often neglected part of exterior facility care but a very important one to know.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Exterior inspection, waste management, window cleaning

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Commercial Cleaning Training Program - Cleaning and Sanitizing in Hospitality

10. Cleaning and Sanitizing in Hospitality by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Cleaning and Sanitizing in Hospitality tackles some of the most regular problems and scenarios your cleaning staff will face in their day-to-day activities. Toilet cleanliness, stain treatment, spot decontamination in high-touch areas, cleaning techniques, and maintenance are among the issues covered in this course. It also addresses the different cleaning solutions and best practices for sanitizing public areas such as lobbies, hallways, walkways, and waiting rooms. 

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Cleaning vs sanitizing, common sanitation problems in hospitality, recommended cleaning processes, maintenance

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Leave environments spotless with commercial cleaning training programs

As the saying goes, cleanliness is next to godliness. For industries that handle and manage raw materials and personal spaces – such as manufacturing and hospitality – commercial cleaning is especially important. It keeps not only your clients and partners safe but your staff as well. Pests are the least of your problems if they don’t leave working environments spotless. You’ll also see a spike in hazards, injuries, diseases, and even deaths if your staff isn’t careful.

Thankfully, you can continually train your cleaning staff with commercial cleaning training programs. With cleaning training courses, they’ll value proper hygiene, sanitation, cleaning guidelines, and careful handling much better. Get any of the courses on our list to start on commercial cleaning training.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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