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12 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees

We've gathered a list of drug and alcohol abuse training courses for employees to help organizations foster a safer and substance-free workplace. These online training programs discuss topics like signs of addiction, types of drugs and alcohol, and dangers associated with substance usage and abuse.

Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees

Last published: 6th January 2025

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

1. Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace

As an employer, it's important to provide regular drug and alcohol prevention training to help your team members prevent and fight against drug use and substance abuse. With SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s course on Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace, you can help raise your employees’ awareness of the dangers of substance abuse and promote a safer work environment.

This course covers the importance of having a drug and alcohol use policy at work, and how employees can take responsibility for maintaining a drug-free space. It also discusses the effects of drugs and alcohol, and how to identify and report a colleague who may be under the influence of prohibited substances like cocaine and opioids. 

The course concludes with a list of recovery resources that you and your team can use or share with others who may need them. And with SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s targeted microlearning approach, employees will find it easier to learn and retain the information they need to stop drug and alcohol addiction at work.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Scope: Importance of a drug and alcohol use policy, social drinking, hangovers, pharmaceutical drug use, risks and hazards of drug use, how to report a co-worker who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, drug and alcohol tests, recovery resources

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Alcohol and Responsible Drinking

2. Alcohol and Responsible Drinking

Alcohol abuse impairs a person’s ability to decide and think rationally, increasing the likelihood of committing certain crimes, such as assault and homicide. If not addressed properly, this behavior can be taken into your workplace and have a cascading effect on your entire organization, like decreased employee morale and increased turnover rates. This SC Training (formerly EdApp) course aims to prevent these unfortunate circumstances by introducing liquor and their different types, truths and myths about drinking, and the different health risks associated with alcohol abuse. It also includes tips on how to drink responsibly in a social gathering and makes rational decisions to avoid major health problems or social harm. 

What’s great about this drug and alcohol abuse training course for employees is that it contains a series of gamified quizzes reinforced in each lesson to improve knowledge retention. A final quiz is also provided at the end of this training to assess your employees’ understanding of alcohol and responsible drinking. 

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Definition of alcohol beverage, types of liquors, truths and myths about drinking, and the different health risks associated with alcohol abuse, how to drink responsibly

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Compliance Training Group Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Substance Abuse Awareness in the Workplace

3. Substance Abuse Awareness in the Workplace

This drug and alcohol abuse training course for employees comes with a two-hour video aiming at increasing awareness about the risks and hazards of substance abuse in workplaces. Here, your employees will get a deeper insight into substance abuse, like its signs and symptoms, physical and mental health implications, and some preventative measures. The categories of drugs and the dangers of prescription drug misuse will also be explored in this course. Sharing this training with your employees can help prevent substance abuse in your workplace before it even starts and combat early-stage problems before they get larger. 

Cost: $29.99 USD

Scope: Substance abuse, addiction signs and symptoms, health implications, preventative measures, dangers of prescription drug misuse

Created by Compliance Training Group

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Emtrain Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training Course

4. Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training Course

Emtrain developed this drug and alcohol abuse training course for employees to support companies in building a healthy and effective workplace culture free from drug and alcohol use. Deploying this course to your team will equip them with a deeper understanding of the negative consequences of stimulant and depressant abuse, as well as the signs of substance use disorder. It will also give them an idea of the Reasonable Suspicion standard and how to apply it, especially when they’re suspecting someone of drug and alcohol addiction. This course can be completed in 20-40 minutes. Learners enrolled in this class will also have access to Emtrain’s course experts, and they can leave anonymous questions via the online course platform’s expert Q&A feature. 

Cost: Available upon request

Scope: Negative effects of drug and alcohol use, signs of drug and alcohol abuse, Reasonable Suspicion standard and how to apply it

Created by Emtrain

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360training Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace Training

5. Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace Training

360training’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace Training course is designed specifically for supervisors and managers, but it will also benefit general employees who want to learn more about drug and alcohol abuse. This training focuses on the management and prevention of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace, touching on topics such as the signs of substance abuse, how workers can get addicted to substances, how to devise an effective policy, and how to carry out drug and alcohol testing. It also discusses in detail the financial and human cost of substance abuse and the responsibilities of employers to organize assistance programs for those with substance abuse problems. This course comes 100% online and is accessible 24/7 upon purchase. 

Cost: $20.00 USD

Scope: Management of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace, signs of substance abuse, devising effective drug and alcohol policy, drug and alcohol testing, financial and human cost of substance abuse, organizing employee assistance programs

Created by 360training

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Explore our library including drug and alcohol abuse training courses for employees.

Traliant Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Drugs & Alcohol in the Workplace Training

6. Drugs & Alcohol in the Workplace Training

With Traliant's Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace Training course, you can expect a series of real-world examples and eLearning interactions that will help your team better understand the basics of substance misuse and the grave effects of addiction on the body and brain. It will also go over various warning signs of a substance misuse problem, alongside different workplace safety issues and risks associated with alcohol consumption and intoxication. If you or your team suspect someone of having a substance abuse disorder or binge drinking problem, this course contains constructive tips on how to respond as well as resources and programs to recommend. This course is presented in a short and interactive form that takes only 25 minutes to complete.

Cost: Available upon request

Scope: Basics of substance misuse, health effects of drugs and alcohol, safety and other risks associated with drugs and alcohol, constructive ways to respond to substance abuse

Created by Traliant

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J&J Keller Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Substance Abuse Training For Supervisors & Employees

7. Substance Abuse Training For Supervisors & Employees

J&J Keller’s drug and alcohol abuse training course for employees offers a professional, respectful take on this sensitive, yet critical topic. This course is divided into two video programs, one for supervisors and the other for employees. Both programs will go through the elements of an effective substance abuse policy and the signs, symptoms, and effects of drug dependence and alcohol abuse. Steps on how to observe probable substance usage problems and execute common alcohol and drug testing methods will be discussed in detail throughout the supervisor program. Meanwhile, the employee's training will focus more on the benefits of having an in-depth knowledge of the company's substance abuse policy. A cautionary message on the dangers of substance abuse will also be provided to protect your team from the dangers of substance abuse. This course is self-paced, which means learners can set their own learning schedule. 

Cost: $1,495.00 / year (Subscription basis)

Scope: Substance abuse policy, signs, symptoms and effects of drug and alcohol abuse, alcohol and drug testing methods, benefits of understanding a company's substance abuse policy

Created by J&J Keller

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Worktraining.com Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Drug-Free Workplace Training For Employees

8. Drug-Free Workplace Training For Employees

If you're looking for a drug and alcohol abuse training course for employees that meets the federal and state requirements for employee drug and alcohol awareness training, then you should check out this course by Worktraining.com. What’s great about this compliance training guide is that it’s created by an attorney and a drug and alcohol testing authority, making it a highly credible resource. It makes use of interactive videos, documents, and helpful guides to help your employees gain a good grasp of the health consequences and risks associated with the illicit use of drugs and alcohol. It also examines behavioral cues, signs, and symptoms of substance addiction, which can help them better identify someone who may be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. 

Cost: $19.00

Scope: Effects of prohibited drug and alcohol use, behavioral cues, signs, and symptoms of substance abuse

Created by Worktraining.com

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BIS Safety Software Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Alcohol and Drug Awareness

9. Alcohol and Drug Awareness

Alcohol and Drug Awareness by digital learning platform BIS Safety Software is also an essential drug and alcohol abuse training course for employees. It is designed to increase awareness about the prevalence of alcoholism and drug-related difficulties in today's workplaces, and guide organizations in developing safety rules to ensure that their employees are fit for work. It also discusses the proper actions that must be taken in case a worker is suspected to be under the influence of alcohol and drugs, with severe consequences for non-compliance. A shareable certificate will be provided to learners who have successfully completed this course. 

Cost: $39.99 USD

Scope: Prevalence of alcohol and drug-related issues in the workplace, legalities governing fit-for-work policies, actions to take in case of the suspected influence of alcohol and drugs, consequences for non-compliance

Created by BIS Safety Software

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Thomson Reuters Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Drug-free Workplace

10. Drug-free Workplace

Thomson Reuters built this course to emphasize the importance of having a drug-free and alcohol-free workplace due to the ill effects that they can bring. In this course, learners will be made aware of the principles behind a drug-free workplace to get their commitment to this policy. Among the topics discussed include substance abuse testing, drug-free workplace policy violations, and employee assistance programs. If you’re looking for a short compliance training course for your employees on this subject, this is one you should consider as it can be completed in as little as 20 minutes.

Cost: Available upon request

Scope: Overview of drug-free workplace compliance, substance abuse testing, substance-abuse awareness, drug-free workplace policy violations

Created by Thomson Reuters

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National Safety Compliance Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Courses for Employees - Drug & Alcohol Abuse Training for Employees

11. Drug & Alcohol Abuse Training for Employees

National Safety Compliance’s Drug & Alcohol Abuse Training for Employees course aims to help employees recognize signs of abuse and dependence in themselves and others. In this 30-minute course, your learners will cover topics such as reasons for substance abuse, risk factors, drug testing, and the impact of substance abuse on employees. They’ll also learn how to overcome substance abuse and live improved lives. 

Cost: 24.95 USD

Scope: Reasons for substance abuse, Risk factors, Recognizing abuse and dependence, Impact on employees, Drug testing and overcoming abuse

Created by National Safety Compliance

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Traliant Workplace Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training for Employees - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training

12. Workplace Drug and Alcohol Training for Employees

Traliant’s drug and alcohol training for employees describes the workplace safety risks associated with substance abuse. In this course, your teams can learn how to protect themselves and others from the threats caused by substance misuse. It covers common signs, bodily effects, and proper responses to promote a healthy organization.

This workplace drug and alcohol awareness training also explores effective strategies to encourage sobriety. It teaches your employees positive steps and support processes that prevent addiction and dependency. Overall, the course helps them maintain a clean and productive lifestyle.

Cost: Price available upon request

Scope: Definition of substance abuse, common causes and effects, early signs of addiction, and safety risks related to misuse

Created by Traliant

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Break the cycle of bad substance habits with drug and alcohol abuse training courses for employees

The consequences of drug and alcohol abuse on one's health and society are, without a doubt, grave and far-reaching. They compromise one’s behavior and other cognitive functions, affecting their relationships with others, from coworkers to family members. Drug and alcohol misuse also results in several health complications, ranging from depression and anxiety to brain impairment and internal organ damage. While it may be difficult to completely eliminate the nationwide epidemic of substance abuse, providing your employees with regular drug and alcohol abuse training can go a long way toward breaking the cycle of such deadly addictions. Helping them understand how drugs and alcohol affect their health as well as their work and personal relationships will enable them to procure fantastic jobs and live healthier lives free of drugs and alcohol. Use our guide above to find the most effective drug and alcohol abuse training courses that you can provide to your employees. 

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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