EdApp by SafetyCulture

10 Free Elearning Resources

We’ve created a list of 10 free eLearning resources to help you gain new skills, knowledge, and abilities. These resources were built to democratize learning and allow individuals to learn at no cost.

Free Elearning Resource

Last published: 3rd January 2025

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Free eLearning Resource - Let's Kick COVID-19!

1. Let's Kick COVID

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Let's Kick COVID-19! is a free training course that covers scientific-based guidance organized by their learning partners at Improvement Sciences (ImSci). It’s packed with valuable and relevant data from credible institutions, such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the topics discussed are facts about COVID-19, workplace guidelines, and personal hygiene.

What's great about this elearning course by SC Training (formerly EdApp), an LMS platform, is that each lesson only focuses on one area of the virus to prevent information overload which enhances learning retention. It’s also equipped with interactive elements like gamification examples and short video clips to engage and motivate learners to complete their training course.


  • Facts and fiction about novel Coronavirus
  • Hand hygiene
  • Respiratory etiquette
  • Physical distancing
  • COVID-19 Workplace guidance

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Free eLearning Resource - The Basics of First Aid

2. The Basics of First Aid

The Basics of First Aid course by SC Training (formerly EdApp) is specifically designed for first responders whose primary responsibility is to provide first aid or pre-hospital treatment to an injured person until an ambulance arrives. It covers all the essential knowledge and skills first responders or any individual needs to safely administer emergency care, such as performing CPR, and even provides real-life scenarios as examples. This mini training can be applied to a range of medical emergencies, such as bleeding and shock, choking, heart attacks, electrical shock, and so much more. It is most often used as an introductory or beginner lesson, although it can also be utilized as a refresher to ensure the first aid skills of your workers or employees are up to date. The instructional design contains a total of six bite-sized lessons reinforced with interactive games and quizzes, so they’re easier to digest and remember later on.

This elearning course is available for free in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s courseware, making it readily deployable for your teams. The cloud-based course library is completely free, giving you hundreds of readily deployable courses – no need to create courses from scratch! They're also editable for your team's custom learning, thanks to this LMS platform's elearning authoring tool. Delivered in an m learning approach, first aid training becomes a convenient learning experience for first responders or even office employees. 


  • Assessing a scene and performing CPR
  • Various scenarios that need a first response
  • First aid treatments

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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edX Free eLearning Resource - Excel for Everyone: Core Foundations

3. Excel for Everyone: Core Foundations

There’s more to Excel than just tables, and learning how to use it to its full potential is a skill that can widen your employment opportunities since it’s an industry-standard tool. With edX’s free training course, learners with little to no experience using Excel will learn all about the foundational knowledge needed to manage and analyze data. Here, learners will gain knowledge about basic operations leading to more advanced techniques. Among the topics discussed include formulas, functions, calculations, and data entry. This eLearning resource is a self-paced course that you can finish in around 6 weeks.


  • Excel fundamentals
  • Data entry and editing using various formats
  • Performing calculations using formulas and functions
  • Basic data analysis

Created by edX

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Coursera Free eLearning Resource - Introduction to Google SEO

4. Introduction to Google SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has a big impact on businesses as it helps them build and establish their online presence through organic search results. While SEO isn’t an exact science, it’s important to know the fundamentals and its inner workings to help improve your marketing strategy. In Coursera’s Introduction to Google SEO, learners will discover how the world’s most popular search engine works, the common behavior of web searchers, and the most important ranking factors. They’ll also be taken through the timeline of search engine development and the many changes with Google’s algorithms. The current SEO best practices will also be discussed, together with learning how to avoid penalties that can affect rankings. This course includes some optimization exercises so you can readily apply what you’ve learned.


  • How search engines work
  • Introduction to search engine algorithms
  • Algorithm updates  and search engine development timeline
  • Current SEO best practices

Created by Coursera

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Free eLearning Resource - Cyber Security Awareness

5. Cyber Security Awareness

Available in SC Training (formerly EdApp), the Cyber Security Awareness is designed to equip your employees with a comprehensive guide on recognizing and preventing different kinds of cyber attacks and threats. This cybersecurity awareness course begins with an introduction to injection attacks, broken authentication, and session management that are vital in understanding the common ways your employees can be vulnerable to attacks. It also covers broken access control, sensitive data exposure, cross-site request forgery, component usage with known vulnerabilities, and unprotected APIs. After understanding these threats and vulnerabilities, the course provides measures to protect your data.

This course is available for free in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s course library making it readily deployable for your teams, which is also perfect for onboarding. This course library also gives you the ultimate accessibility to hundreds of other courses that you can edit and customize with your own expertise or with company-specific information. The microlearning approach applied to its course development process also makes key information easier to digest, which helps improve knowledge retention. Combined with gamification features, the lessons are more fun and engaging for your learners. Through this online learning management system, implementing cybersecurity awareness becomes more convenient for you and equally effective for your employees.


  • Common types of cybersecurity attacks
  • Common malpractices on cybersecurity 
  • Sensitive data exposure
  • Guideline on online security

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Alison Free eLearning Resource - Introduction to Supervision

6. Introduction to Supervision

This online training by Alison is for those who are eyeing a management position or for supervisors who are new to their roles. In this two-part course, learners will know all about supervision and will be introduced to the fundamentals of leadership. They’ll discover the qualities that make a good supervisor and their importance in the workplace. The different functions of a supervisor will also be covered as well as the essential hard and soft skills needed, such as motivating employees, delegating tasks, coaching, and mentoring. It takes approximately 3 hours to complete this training and includes an assessment at the end of the course.


  • Principles of leadership
  • Responsibilities of a supervisor
  • Must-have qualities of a supervisor
  • Coaching vs. mentoring

Created by Alison

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Free eLearning Resource - The Language of Sales

7. The Language of Sales

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Language of Sales course will help learners form relationships with consumers to enable them to communicate well even in the toughest situations. It starts with teaching how to build trust by being aware of the problems that consumers face and leveraging them to build rapport. This course will also cover how to create convincing arguments while navigating challenges, such as sounding credible even in remote communication. It also highlights the importance of resilience which is a characteristic every salesman should have when responding to adverse circumstances.

As this course is offered by SC Training (formerly EdApp), it means that it’s free and completely editable for all instructional designers. You can incorporate your branding and add more relevant content to personalize this course. With this learning management system's SCORM authoring tool, you’re guaranteed to create beautiful content and instructional learning design with the help of its free templates. SC Training (formerly EdApp) also has the best live support if you ever get stuck or need additional assistance in creating or editing your lessons.


  • Building customer relationships and trust
  • Creating convincing arguments
  • Navigating through tough situations

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Google Free eLearning Resource - Understand the basics of code

8. Understand the basics of code

Code powers everything that we do online. While it’s a very valuable skill in the tech industry, it also has many applications beyond it, and having a basic understanding can give you an edge in your personal life and career. In this course made by Google, learners will discover what code is, where to find it, and how it works. They’ll be introduced to the different programming languages commonly used, such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Also, the difference between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) is discussed, which are concepts widely used in the technology we interact with every day to make our lives easier. Lessons are delivered through video learning and can be conveniently viewed on YouTube.


  • Definition of code
  • Fundamentals of coding
  • Introduction to programming languages
  • AI and ML applications

Created by Google

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OpenLearn Free eLearning Resource - Effective communication in the workplace

9. Effective communication in the workplace

OpenLearn’s free eLearning course teaches learners about the importance of having communications skills in the workplace. While this is usually provided for employees of customer-facing industries or those in that line of work, it’s important that businesses provide this to all employees to ensure workplace alignment and avoid misunderstandings or conflicts. In this course, learners will gain an understanding of the essential skills needed to communicate effectively, which starts with active listening and asking the right questions. It also tackles non-verbal and written communication which are just as important as speaking. They’ll also learn how to communicate effectively when faced with challenging situations or diversity.


  • The importance of communication in the workplace
  • Communication skills
  • Different types of communication
  • Dealing with challenging situations

Created by OpenLearn

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) - Free eLearning Resource - OSHA for Workers (US only)

10. OSHA for Workers (US only)

Following all the safety risks associated with working in construction, organizations are mandated to protect their employees from any related hazards and provide them with a safe working environment. This SC Training (formerly EdApp) course introduces OSHA’s inspection requirements and health and safety standards, which employers and workers should always adhere to. It also goes into detail about workers’ rights and responsibilities, whistleblower protections, and the different ways that they can file for a safety hazard complaint in the event of protocol breaches or non-compliance. This 5-part microlearning course is fully editable, allowing you to rebrand, add new content, or incorporate games and quizzes. 


  • OSHA requirements
  • Health and safety standards
  • Workers’ rights and responsibilities

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Expand your knowledge and skills with free eLearning Resources

As humans, it is in our nature to continue learning, regardless if it’s for our personal and professional development. Oftentimes, we associate learning with taking a class or course, and jump to the conclusion that it’s time-consuming and expensive. However, many organizations and educational institutions now offer free eLearning resources with a wide range of topics so you can acquire new knowledge or hone your current skill set without breaking the bank. As these resources can be accessed online through your own devices, lessons can be taken at your convenience and you’ll have access to information anytime. Regardless if you’re a busy entrepreneur or a regular 9-5 employee, continuous learning is now achievable and is right at your fingertips.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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