We've listed 10 free English classes to boost your English skills and be prepared to converse confidently, whether it be at work or casually. These courses will discuss basics such as common vocabulary, written English, and techniques to help communicate effectively.
Last published: 24th March 2025
This course, hosted on SC Training (formerly EdApp), was created by The British Council and Gaza Sky Geeks to help both budding and seasoned freelancers excel in their chosen line of work. As being a freelancer is not a traditional job, the pros and cons of being one will be discussed, along with the common challenges that most freelancers go through.
If you’re just starting out, this course will guide you on how to write your CV, create an online freelancer profile, and assess potential clients. There are also practice activities in between lessons so you can put what you’ve learned so far into practice.
SC Training (formerly EdApp) works perfectly on both mobile and desktop devices so there’s no need to take off significant time just to complete this course.
Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson
Certification: Available
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseThis is another course by the British Council designed to help freelancers master their English skills. It delves deeper into more complex topics like elevator pitching, networking, interview preparation, and video interview tips, to name a few.
Here, freelancers will also learn how to market themselves on social media, handle communication issues on video calls, and improve on-the-job English. There's also a module practice part at the end of the course to help learners retain their newfound knowledge.
While learning new information might be tedious, fret not as SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s microlearning approach ensures that you only get relevant key information on the topic. It’s also presented in a mixed media format and not just blocks of text, as it contains videos, quizzes, and games to actively engage learners with the content.
Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson
Certification: Available
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseGoogle’s free English class is designed for non-native English speakers who are looking to further their careers in the international sphere. This course guides you through every step in the job search process, which starts with submitting applications, writing cover letters, and preparing for interviews. These are discussed in an American workplace setting and will highlight the differences from your home country.
It teaches vocabulary to be used for meeting new people and networking by making small talk and delivering elevator speeches. It also focuses on the English language itself by teaching proper verb tenses, using phrases for comparing similarities and contrasting differences, and different word forms related to jobs.
Length: 40 hours
Certification: Available
Cost: Free
Created by Google Digital Garage
Explore the courseIf you already know basic English and are looking to improve your skills and understanding of the language, Alison’s course is for you. This 3-part free English class first discusses the importance of punctuation in speech and teaches you how to use it correctly. The second part then delves into the different tenses: past, present, and passive.
Now that you’ve become familiar with tenses, the last lesson will then teach you how to effectively structure your sentences. Lessons in this course will both tackle written and spoken English, so you’ve got both bases covered. After going through all the lessons, there’s an assessment to check how much you’ve learned.
Length: 1.5-3 hours
Certification: Available
Cost: Free
Created by Alison
Explore the courseGreat Learning Academy’s Spoken English course teaches you how to speak English proficiently so you can communicate effectively with others. It gives an overview of different communication skills by discussing communication concepts and significant elements of communication. It then touches on professional communication by familiarizing you with professional jargon and mastering active listening.
Moving on to the more technical aspects, you’ll learn the different rules of verbal communication, the correct usage of some commonly interchanged words, and the pronunciation of tricky words.
Length: 1 hour
Certification: Available
Cost: Free
Created by Great Learning Academy
Explore the courseLearning how to write good emails is an essential business skill. Email is a very common form of communication at work, whether it be internally or externally. If you want to brush up on your email writing skills specifically for networking, edX has got you covered. In this course, you’ll gain knowledge of key terms and techniques for creating great emails, beginning with the subject line.
Since emails don’t show non-verbal cues, it’s important that you know when to use the right tone. There’s a lesson in this course to teach you about the appropriate words and terms to use to help convey your message. As much as the beginning of the email is important, ending it the right way is also crucial. You’ll also learn how to write effective openings and closings and learn useful vocabulary.
Length: 3-5 hours per week
Certification: Available
Cost: Free
Created by edX
Explore the courseEnglish for Business is another one of English classes online free of charge that can help separate you from the rest in the job market. Through the different lesson scenarios, you’ll learn how to navigate your way from start to finish when applying for a job in an English-speaking company. It guides you through the job application process, mastering office talk, dealing with calls and meetings, and writing and responding to business emails.
Before starting out, you’ll be asked what your level of English is, and you’ll have to take a short assessment. This way, lessons are more personalized and are adjusted based on your skill level.
Length: 4 weeks
Certification: Available
Cost: Free
Created by Busuu
Explore the courseThis course offers you the tools to master written English and develop specific writing skills depending on the type of communication. These include how to write effective cover letters, mission and vision statements, proposals, instructions, and reports. Other topics included are selecting the proper verb forms and tenses, selecting the appropriate nouns and modifiers, and writing clauses and sentences.
Aside from lectures, this course also includes quizzes, practice activities, and self and peer evaluations for a more holistic approach to learning.
Length: 14 hours
Certification: Available
Cost: Free
Created by Coursera
Explore the courseDuolingo is a popular platform for those who want to learn different languages for free. It doesn’t matter if you’re just a beginner or are looking to polish your skills, Duolingo’s lessons will cater to your skill level to help you improve your reading, listening, and speaking skills. You’ll only need 5 minutes a day to complete a lesson, and they’re presented in a gamified format to keep you engaged and motivated.
Duolingo has a mobile app both for Android and Apple devices, so you can learn on the go. While learning on this platform is free of charge, there are ads in between lessons that might cause a distraction. If you’re willing, you can pay to remove them by paying for a subscription.
Length: 5 minutes per lesson
Certification: Available
Cost: Free
Created by Duolingo
Explore the courseLearn English with Let’s Talk is a series of videos hosted on YouTube with the goal of learning “Fluent English With Neutral Accent”. It boasts over 2000 free English lessons spanning different topics that you’ll find organized through playlists. Here you’ll find job interview skills, business English knowledge, smart English phrases, and tips to improve your speaking.
If you’re looking to learn English in a non-linear way and just want to check out certain topics, this video series is perfect for you.
Length: 10 minutes per video
Certification: Available
Cost: Free
Created by Let's Talk
Explore the courseAs most companies operate around the globe, this has been the dominant language used to communicate with colleagues and do business with others. So, learning how to speak English comes in handy. Fortunately, there are free English classes that one can take to learn the language and sharpen their skills to succeed in the international workplace.