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10 Respect in the Workplace Training Courses

Conflicts in your workplace can happen for a variety of reasons: sexual harassment, microaggressions, racism, prejudice, etc. As HR managers, it’s important to regularly train your teams to always be respectful and understanding at work to minimize conflict. We’ve carefully crafted a list of respect in the workplace training courses to gain the skills needed to collaborate harmoniously in a diverse workforce.

Respect in the Workplace Training Courses

Last published: 12th August 2024

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Ethics and Code of Conduct

1. Ethics and Code of Conduct by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Every organization needs to have a list of its ethics and code of conduct to help you nip conflicts in the bud. A code of conduct serves as both an internal foundation and an external declaration of organizational principles and commitments your company strives for. Without it, your workers can be confused about how to act when representing the organization or how to properly interact with coworkers. 

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Ethics and Code of Conduct course stresses the importance of values that the business wishes to foster in its managers and employees, as well as their expected behavior. This course helps you come up with a well-written code of conduct that describes what your company is about, what it stands for, and what it aspires to be to different people.

After taking this course, your learners will be able to create a great code of conduct that’ll perfectly communicate the do’s and don’ts in the workplace. You’ll be able to decrease the chances of having to deal with inappropriate behavior and conflict within and outside the workplace.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Work environment, protecting company assets, culture of integrity

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Diversity and Inclusion

2. Diversity and Inclusion by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

As businesses continue to expand globally, modern workplaces need to promote diversity and inclusion at work. Hiring workers of any type of background and nationality are becoming a more common practice. Because of this, it's only natural to prepare training programs that strengthen your team's diversity and cultural knowledge that welcomes every type of employee, no matter their background. This will also help you in protecting your employees' rights and making sure that no corporate policies breach diversity and inclusion.

SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Diversity and Inclusion course is meant to help you and your teams in embracing diversity in the workplace. You and your learners will value the meaning of diversity more and how you can cultivate an inclusive workplace. This course goes into detail on how to identify and overcome subconscious prejudices. It also includes tips on how to be more respectful in terms of communicating with other coworkers.

This training course is already deployable to your teams. But if you want to customize it to fit your organization’s branding or add some content of your own, you can use SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s intuitive authoring tool to edit the course.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Unconscious bias, cultivating an inclusive organization, inclusive language

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

3. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Recent studies show that 1 in 3 people have experienced different forms of sexual harassment at work. Sexual harassment can come in the form of unwelcome remarks and inappropriate touching, among others. This creates an uncomfortable working environment and more hostility in the workplace.

SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Sexual Harassment in the Workplace course allows your workers to spot the various types of sexual harassment that can occur at work. It defines sexual harassment and gives actual examples and situations that learners may encounter. It also discusses the two sorts of sexual harassment: quid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile work environment sexual harassment.

This training program will also investigate the damaging effects of sexual harassment on the victim's mental health and well-being. Finally, it tells your teams how to respond appropriately when they witness sexual assault or when their coworker comes to them regarding an incident.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Definition of sexual harassment, types of sexual harassment, responses to sexual assault

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Getting Your Voice Heard

4. Getting Your Voice Heard by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

While we all have the freedom to express ourselves and openly debate issues that worry and excite us, getting our voices heard isn't always so simple. It can be easy to accidentally step on someone's toes when you say a microaggression or lack care in what you say.

Because of this, SC Training (formerly EdApp), in collaboration with The Spark, has created a quick respect in the workplace training course called Getting Your Voice Heard. You and your teams will learn how to adjust your tone to assert yourself and your ideas. The course tackles the Out of Fold (OOF) and Describe, Express, Specify and Consequences (DESC) models in order to strengthen your assertiveness and overcome circumstances in which you don't feel heard. It discusses the different reaction types and how to combine empathy and assertiveness in order to maintain a pleasant and respectful interaction with others.

This respect in the workplace training course is broken down into four modules, provided in a microlearning approach for better knowledge retention. Access it for free and discover how to become someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind while taking care of their tone and words.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Techniques to be more assertive, the OOF and DESC models, different response styles

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Understanding LGBTQIA+ and SOGIE

5. Understanding LGBTQIA+ and SOGIE

Another respect in the workplace training course on this list is SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Understanding LGBTQIA+ and SOGIE. This course examines the aspects of inequality faced from an early age, until the workplace. It teaches learners about the LGBTQIA+ community and SOGIE, revealing how misunderstandings can occur in real-life situations.

This inclusivity course is designed for self-paced learning, so learners can finish taking it at any time they want. It also contains a  combination of bite-sized clips, articles, sample conversations, and practical tasks, which will also keep them interested and motivated.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Understanding LGBTQIA+, defining SOGIE, misconceptions and myths, creating an inclusive workplace

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Diversity and Inclusion in Retail

6. Diversity and Inclusion in Retail by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

It's a no-brainer that diverse and inclusive retail stores are able to provide better services to clients. The staff is usually more open, understanding, and accommodating compared to other stores. Because of this, different types of customers are more likely to come back to those retail stores and they end up generating more revenue for the business.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) has created the Diversity and Inclusion in Retail course to promote the value of having an inclusive, diverse, and equitable workplace and address the possible prejudices your workers may have. It helps your workers to develop the type of service that provides your clients with an all-inclusive shopping experience. It also emphasizes the need for a zero-tolerance discrimination policy and instructs your staff on how to actively listen to clients.

The microlearning technique used in its modules makes critical material more understandable, which helps teams retain knowledge. Since this follows a short and sweet format, microlearning courses can be finished in a matter of minutes. More common course types tend to take a longer while to complete than SC Training (formerly EdApp) courses.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Core values of diversity, implicit bias, inclusive shopping experience, discrimination policy, proper approach to customers

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Bullying and Harassment

7. Bullying and Harassment by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Workplace bullying manifests in harmful or spiteful comments or behaviors that mock and belittle fellow coworkers. Jokes or criticisms made can seem trivial or small to the bully, which is why they often don’t recognize their toxic behavior. For the victim, this can negatively affect their well-being and overall motivation to go to work. 

Bullying and Harassment by SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a respect in the workplace training course that teaches teams about the definition of bullying and harassment and how they appear at work. According to this course, bullying happens when a coworker is intimidated to express dominance. Meanwhile harassment develops when there's bias against a certain group of individuals, making them feel uncomfortable or undesired. This course will also teach your team about the different forms bullying can take, as well as cyberbullying and how a bully's mind works. At the end of the course, they’ll be able to create their own initiatives and organizational regulations that can support an anti-bullying and harassment work environment.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Workplace bullying and harassment, cyberbullying, psychology of a bully, preventing bullying

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Equal Employment Opportunity

8. Equal Employment Opportunity by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

If you want to cultivate a workplace that provides opportunities for all, SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Equal Employment Opportunity course is the one for you.  This respect in the workplace training course teaches you and your team how to spot unethical workplace scenarios and address workplace discrimination, harassment, and violence. Understanding these principles can help establish policies and practices that provide equal employment opportunities in your organization. This course also tackles how to best conduct investigations when there are reports or complaints from employees.

One important aspect of implementing training programs is ensuring that learners can take and finish the courses within a specified time frame. SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Communicate via Heads Up tool sends eye-catching notifications to remind learners about their training. Notifications are delivered automatically based on the user's time zone and can even be tailored with custom messages to serve as a friendly reminder or to re-engage them with any learning and development content.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Equal Employment Opportunity, workplace discrimination, harassment, and violence, conducting an investigation

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Awareness (AUS)

9. Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Awareness (AUS) by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

Formerly a penal colony, Australia has become home to a wide range of ethnic groups and multiracial communities. It’s important that no matter the cultural background, each employee within your organization feels welcomed, included, and heard.

This respect in the workplace training course exposes your team to the ethnic culture of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In this course, they’ll learn about their history, customs, and problems, as well as how those have influenced their living standards today. After learning about Australia's multiethnic culture, this course teaches your learners how to interact respectfully with others who have different cultural origins, values, and beliefs. It also educates your learners about cultural etiquette standards, cross-cultural challenges, and prejudice that minorities encounter, as well as numerous strategies to stand up to them.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Workplace cultural sensitivity, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, racism

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Respect in the Workplace Training Courses - Dealing with Office Politics

10. Dealing with Office Politics by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Office politics exist in any company, which is why it's critical that your team understands how to watch out for them before they cause unnecessary harm to your company. Dealing with Office Politics by SC Training (formerly EdApp) brings together important ideas that will help your employees better grasp what office politics are, the basic principles of team dynamics, and different kinds of coworkers to watch out for in the workplace. They will also find out what it means to be diplomatic and how to handle colleagues fairly and constructively.

Since SC Training (formerly EdApp) is mobile-first, this course can be taken on almost any device: smartphone, tablet, or desktop. You can enjoy the flexibility and convenience learning on the go brings, giving you and your learners more control over your training and allowing you to finish your courses whenever and wherever you choose.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Key concepts of office politics, rundown of organizational power, different types of coworkers, understanding the motivation of others

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Cultivate a respectful and inclusive working environment with respect in the workplace training courses

As HR Managers, it's your job to ensure that everyone in the organization feels comfortable and secure at work. That can be hard to achieve with a diverse workforce, but not impossible. Minimizing conflicts and creating an inclusive and respectful environment are some of the best ways to ensure everyone feels included and comfortable. You can do that by encouraging your teams to take respect in the workplace training courses and promote proper conduct when dealing with sensitive issues. Employees are more likely to remain loyal to your organization, be open to collaborating with their coworkers, and be more productive when they feel comfortable, protected, and respected at work.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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