EdApp by SafetyCulture

Get the feedback you need, every step of the way

Get another set of eyes over your courses with course review. So you can dot the i’s and cross the t’s in just a few clicks.
Course review

Collect real-time insights from reviewers

Invite learners

Invite a reviewer via email

Review and add feedback

Reviewers add their feedback

Make edits

Make the edits you need

Find out what works – and what doesn’t

Course review allows your team to give real-time feedback alongside your new or updated course. So you can easily make the changes you need to make your course accurate and easy to follow.

Course review pannel and comments

Get the sign-off you need

Automatically track what your reviewer requested and the changes you made with course review. So you can show who approved your course to key stakeholders like your manager, legal department, or external compliance board.

Course review - colleagues conversing

Get the sign-off you need

Automatically track what your reviewer requested and the changes you made with course review. So you can show who approved your course to key stakeholders like your manager, legal department, or external compliance board.

Easily gather feedback from your training and development team with course review.

or book a demo with us today!

See what your learner sees

Get your reviewer to take the course as a learner. This allows your reviewer to catch blank templates, wrong images, unclear concepts, and more – all while being able to add their feedback alongside each slide.

Course review

Capture context alongside feedback

No more flicking between docs to apply feedback. As comments are right next to the learning content, it makes it easier for content creators to communicate with reviewers. So you can organize and clarify changes in one place.

Review your content with your team

Only collect feedback from the reviewers you invite

Not all feedback is good feedback. That’s why you can control who reviews what course in the user management settings. So only the relevant people are pitching in their two cents.

Invite people to review the course

Jump back in immediately with automated notifications

Get automatically notified when the reviewer finishes their feedback. So you can quickly make any changes you need before sending it back for another round of reviews or delivering it to your team’s devices.

Push notifications

And the best part? You can start SC Training’s 30-day Premium trial for free today.

or book a demo with us today!



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© SC Training 2025