EdApp by SafetyCulture
Free Course

مهارات التواصل الفعّال

By Talentology Training
7 Lessons

Course author

Talentology Training

We deliver unique & entertaining workshops designed to improve the learners’ performance & productivity. We achieve this by focusing on their abilities, prior knowledge, & motivation level.

Mobile first training

Gamified experience

Editable content

Course overview

مهارة الناجحين

The full course includes
  1. المقدمة
  2. تعريف التواصل وأهميته
  3. مشوشات التواصل الفعّال
  4. استقبال الرسالة
  5. إرسال الرسالة
  6. لغة الجسد
  7. أنواع الشخصيات

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

or book a demo with us today



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© SC Training 2025