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HIV in Humanitarian Settings: Sustaining Treatment for All

22 Lessons

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The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.

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Course overview

This introductory course from UNAIDS provides insight into the approach and processes required to promote and sustain HIV services during, and post, humanitarian catastrophes. The course is divided into four modules, which build on each other and are mutually inclusive. 1 - HIV and Humanitarian Aid - Foundations 2 - The Global Humanitarian Response 3 - Human Mobility: Refugees, Internally Displaced People, Migrants 4 - Gender, Inclusivity and Rights in Humanitarian Settings Together, they capture the principles and priorities of a rights-based inclusive approach.

What you will learn
  • HIV and Humanitarian Aid - Foundations
  • Global Humanitarian Response
  • Human Mobility: Refugees, Internally Displaced People, Migrants
  • Gender, Inclusivity and Rights in Humanitarian Settings
The full course includes
  1. Introduction
  2. HIV in Humanitarian Settings: The Big Picture
  3. Understanding Emergencies: Definitions
  4. The Challenges of HIV: Scope
  5. Urbanization: A New Humanitarian Challenge
  6. Stigma, Marginalization and Discrimination: Barriers to Treatment
  7. Crafting Humanitarian Responses: Order out of Chaos
  8. Frameworks: The Big Picture
  9. Humanitarian Summit and The Grand Bargain
  10. Aligning the Triple Nexus
  11. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
  12. Coordinating Humanitarian Responses
  13. Evidence-Based Reporting and the IPC
  14. Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
  15. Strategic Partnerships
  16. Understanding People on the Move
  17. Supporting People on the Move
  18. Rights, Inclusivity and Gender
  19. Gender, Rights and Gender-Based Violence
  20. Sexual and Reproductive Health
  21. Key Populations at Risk
  22. Conclusion and Evaluation

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