EdApp by SafetyCulture

High Performance Leadership with Shane Watson

Twenty years in cricket has taught Shane Watson a few things about high performance leadership. Now, he’s taking it from the field to the workplace.

What’s the course about?

A high performance leader gets the best out of each team member, whether that’s on the field or in the workplace.

This quick, actionable course shares some of Watto’s expert insights and tips from his own experience as a cricketer and coach for many high-performing teams – and how you can do the same for your team.

And the best part? Your team can complete it anytime, anywhere, from their preferred device.

Shane Watson High Performance Leadership Course

Become an all rounder in your own right

Get bite-sized, real-world expertise delivered right to you and your teams’ devices. Watson’s course is one of many leaders in SafetyCulture’s growing course library. It covers:

  • Traits of High Performing Leaders
  • A Leader’s Duty
  • Results-driven vs. Results-focused
  • The Demon of Expectation 
Shane Watson High Performance Leadership Course

Who is Shane Watson?

Shane Watson is a former Australian cricket all-rounder, two-time Allan Border medallist, two-time World Cup winner and globally recognised expert in leadership and high performance. In addition to his career on the pitch, Watson is a bestselling author and sought-after speaker on mental toughness and elite performance.

Shane Watson Profile Picture

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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