EdApp by SafetyCulture

Check your knowledge with a basic quiz

Do you think you've got more basic knowledge than most? Try our free quiz


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Why take a basic quiz

No matter what industry you’re in, it’s important to ensure that your workers are properly trained on the basics of health and safety. From understanding the potential hazards in their workplace to knowing how to respond in the event of an emergency, your employees need to be equipped with the knowledge they need to stay safe. That’s why we’ve put together this basic safety quiz. With questions on topics such as first aid, fire safety, and bloodborne pathogens, this quiz will help to ensure that your workers have a basic understanding of health and safety in the workplace.

Through Peaceful Windows

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This quiz is a great way to test your knowledge on safety topics.

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Example questions from our basic quiz

Question 1

RECALL What are the main factors which influence a persons susceptibility to food poisoning

Question 3

RECALL Which of the following is most likely to infect you with Norovirus

Question 5

RECALL At what temperature should you keep raw foods in a refrigerator

Question 7

Washing raw meat and poultry prior to cooking is bad practice

Question 9

Select plantbased complete sources of protein

Question 2

LETS RECAP Which of the following causes food poisoning when you swallow food or drink contaminated with them

Question 4

What factors influence the growth of bacteria

Question 6

What is the correct order to undertake food poisoning prevention strategies smallOrder the practices from the first to the last stepsmall

Question 8

What is the most important criteria when selecting sustainable food products

Question 10

Eating seasonal food is more cost efficient because its more abundant so it costs less per pound in the store



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