EdApp by SafetyCulture

Check your knowledge with a codes quiz

Do you think you've got more codes knowledge than most? Try our free quiz

codes quiz

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Why take a codes quiz

There are a number of codes that your teams need to be aware of in order to keep themselves and others safe in the workplace. From the OSHA lockout/tagout code to the fire alarm code, it’s important that your workers are familiar with the codes that are specific to your workplace. Codes can vary depending on your industry, so it’s important to make sure that your teams are up-to-date on the latest codes that are relevant to them. Not only do codes help to keep your workers safe, but they also signify that your workplace is compliant with industry regulations. That’s why we’ve put together this quiz on workplace codes to ensure that your workers are familiar with the codes that are specific to your organization.

Hacker binary attack code Made with Canon 5d Mark III and analog vintage lens Leica APO Macro ElmaritR 28 100mm Year 1993

Deploy a codes quiz to your team

With this codes quiz, you can test your team's knowledge on the most common workplace safety codes and identify any knowledge gaps. This quiz is designed to help your team learn and remember the most important safety codes so they can stay safe while working. The quiz consists of 10 questions, and takes about 5 minutes to complete. Upon completion, you will receive a report that includes the average score of your team, and a breakdown of the results by team member. You can also use this quiz to track the progress of employees and identify any individuals who may require additional training.

Deploy a codes quiz to your team

Example questions from our codes quiz

Question 1

Which of the following is a result of adopting and implementing a Code of Ethics

Question 3

Which of the following is part of the general tasks of security personnel

Question 5

Ethics are usually a set of broad guidelines giving employees a general idea of what types of behaviour and decisions are acceptable at an organization

Question 7

Equal Opportunity is the right of all persons to work and to advance on the basis of merit ability and potential without regard to sexual orientation disability age or status as a veteran

Question 9

Confidential Information means

Question 11

Which of the following is NOT a form of harassment

Question 13

Honest reporting does not mean that you must be right when you raise a concern you just have to believe in good faith that the information you are providing is accurate

Question 2

If I suspect anything illegal or unethical in the workplace it is recommended that I speak up and report my concern to the proper committee

Question 4

The Code of Conduct is a legal document that outlines a set of correct behaviors individuals need to follow towards others and the organization as a whole

Question 6

The main purpose of a code of conduct is to help employees or organization members make decisions that are in line with company values in the absence of a clear rule or direct supervision

Question 8

Company assets for example money products vehicles equipment are provided to you to do your job in the most efficient way and should not be used for your personal purposes and benefits

Question 10

Conflict of interest arises when an employees selfserving interests clash between their professional duties to the company

Question 12

Bribery is defined as the offering promising giving accepting or soliciting of an advantage as an inducement for an action that is illegal unethical or a breach of trust



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