EdApp by SafetyCulture

Check your knowledge with a general quiz

Do you think you've got more general knowledge than most? Try our free quiz

taking a picture of hanging lights

Try our interactive quiz here

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Why take a general quiz

quiz: 1. What is the best way to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens? A. Disinfecting surfaces and using personal protective equipment (PPE) B. Training employees on how to properly handle sharps C. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water C. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water is the best way to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens.

Designer sketching Wireframes

Deploy a general quiz to your team

This general quiz is designed to test your workers' knowledge of health and safety in the workplace. With this quiz, you can identify what parts of your organization’s health and safety plan your team members can’t recall and close these knowledge gaps so your team can remain safe when completing their everyday tasks. This knowledge is critical for protecting the health and safety of your team, as it teaches them how to identify and prevent workplace hazards, complete a risk assessment, and know how to respond in the case of an emergency. All of these are essential skills that give employees the potential to keep the workplace safe and healthy. With this health and safety training reinforcement in place, the overall safety of your business and the entire building can be much greater. Not only can reinforcing this essential training save lives, it also helps ensure that your organization is compliant with government regulations. With regular health and safety quizzes, your team will be more confident with any health and safety-related incident or emergency. And the best part is that your teams can access this quiz on their preferred device whenever they have 5 minutes to spare – whether that’s on their commute, in between tasks, or before they finish up for the day.

Things to do

Example questions from our general quiz

Question 1

Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which a reasonable person would anticipate that the recipient would feel offended humiliated or intimidated

Question 3

What percentage of people who witnessed or heard about sexual harassment took some form of action

Question 5

A workplace participant received sexually explicit emails from his coworker that he found offensive When asked about it the coworker said he sent them as a joke

Question 7

Has the MDG target 1A of halving global extreme poverty levels been achieved

Question 9

The 2030 Agenda is guided by the principle Leave no one behind

Question 11

Equity is

Question 13

The ASDGs are a great example of

Question 2

What percentage of people who experienced sexual harassment made a report

Question 4

At an end of year work function a workplace participant asks his coworker whether she has had any action lately and if she has any photographs of herself naked

Question 6

After making a complaint about sexual harassment by a coworker a workplace participant was ostracised by the team and resigned from his position

Question 8

The MDGs were designed by UN staff under the leadership of SecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan

Question 10

All countries can decide what they can accomplish based on national weather conditions

Question 12

The new Agenda is grounded in the

Question 14

To support the resultsbased framework of the SDGs a government must enforce

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