EdApp by SafetyCulture

Check your knowledge with a healthy food quiz

Do you think you've got more healthy food knowledge than most? Try our free quiz

Vegan salad bowl

Try our interactive quiz here

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Why take a healthy food quiz

It can be all too easy to reach for unhealthy snacks when you’re feeling rushed or stressed, but did you know that eating healthy can help improve your mood and productivity? Not only that, but making healthy food choices can also help reduce your risk of developing chronic health conditions like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. That’s why we’ve put together this healthy food quiz to help your team make healthy choices when it comes to their food. The quiz covers a variety of topics, from the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables to choosing whole grains over processed foods. We’ve also included a section on portion size and tips for healthy snacking. So why not test your team’s knowledge on healthy food and see who can get the highest score?

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Deploy a healthy food quiz to your team

With this healthy food quiz, you can identify and close knowledge gaps so your workers can easily recall how to make healthier food choices. This knowledge is critical for protecting the safety and health of your workers, as it teaches them how to read food labels, understand nutritional information, and make healthy substitutions. All of these are important skills that can help employees make healthier food choices both at work and at home. Not only is this a risk to your workers, it’s also important to ensure that your organization is compliant with government regulations. With regular checks, your team will be more confident with how to make healthier food choices for themselves and for others. Plus, you’ll also get access to your team’s results ​​so you can understand individual workers’ knowledge gaps, as well as overall performance once the quiz is complete. For teams that require more regular refresher training, you’ll also have the option to deliver the healthy food quiz to your learners in bite-sized chunks, at regular intervals. This allows your team to reinforce their knowledge at their own pace, making them more likely to recall and implement what they learned sooner than if they were to have completed a one-off training program. So, don’t delay! Quiz your team for free today.

Salmon and quinoa dish

Example questions from our healthy food quiz

Question 1

Studies have shown that a Western diet or one that is higher in processed foods with plenty of added salt sugar and fat can be more likely to lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety

Question 3

It is recommended that we limit consumption of processed foods

Question 2

There are a range of factors which impact how your body reacts to caffeine Body mass health status and metabolic rate can all have an effect on the symptoms you may experience

Question 4

What are the 5 steps for Mindful Eating

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