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Check your knowledge with a performance management quiz

Do you think you've got more performance management knowledge than most? Try our free quiz

Brainstorming over paper

Try our interactive quiz here

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Why take a performance management quiz

Performance management is a critical component of any business, yet it can be one of the most challenging to execute effectively. Many organizations struggle to find the right balance between giving employees the feedback they need to improve their performance and providing feedback that is constructive and helpful. And even when organizations do manage to find that balance, they often struggle to ensure that all employees are being held to the same standards and receive the same level of feedback. That’s where our performance management quiz comes in. This quiz can help your organization to evaluate its current performance management practices and identify areas where it can improve. It can also help to ensure that all employees are held to the same standards and are given the same level of feedback. And the best part is that the quiz is completely customizable, so you can make it fit the specific needs of your business.

Why take a performance management quiz

Deploy a performance management quiz to your team

With this performance management quiz, you can identify what knowledge gaps your team members have with respect to performance management and close these gaps so your team can be more effective when it comes to goal setting, appraising performance, and giving and receiving feedback. This knowledge is critical for ensuring that your team members are able to work towards goals that are both meaningful and attainable, as well as provide feedback that is both honest and helpful. By reinforcing this essential training, your team will be able to more effectively manage their own performance and stay on track to meeting your organization’s goals. Not only can reinforcing this essential training save time and resources, it also helps ensure that your organization is compliant with government regulations. With regular performance management quizzes, your team will be more confident with any performance-related incident or emergency. Plus, you’ll also get access to your team’s results ​​so you can understand individual workers’ knowledge gaps, as well as overall performance once the quiz is complete. For teams that require more regular refresher training, you’ll also have the option to deliver the performance management quiz to your teams in bite-sized chunks, at regular intervals. This allows your team to reinforce their knowledge at their own pace, making them more likely to recall what they learned sooner than if they were to have completed a one-off training program. And the best part is that your teams can access this performance management quiz on their preferred device whenever they have 5 minutes to spare – whether that’s on their commute, in between tasks, or before they finish up for the day.

Phone is ringing and we need to stay productive

Example questions from our performance management quiz

Question 1

What would you do if

Question 3

The best thing to do when you received negative feedback is to listen first

Question 5

When is the best time to address performance issues

Question 7

What couldve caused Team A to have redundant work outputs within their team members

Question 9

How could you objectively start to communicate underperformance with an employee

Question 2

How can you best finish giving effective feedback

Question 4

How could you objectively start to communicate underperformance with an employee

Question 6

Is a Performance Improvement Plan the first step in firing an employee

Question 8

The best thing to do when you received negative feedback is to listen first

Question 10

Ace is a successful salesperson over the years but recently her performance has declined as reflected on the mistakes found on her paperworks

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