EdApp by SafetyCulture

Check your knowledge with a rigging quiz

Do you think you've got more rigging knowledge than most? Try our free quiz

Blue lights around the park called ECO Park

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Why take a rigging quiz

Working with rigging can be dangerous if you're not properly trained. That's why we've put together this rigging quiz to ensure that your workers are up-to-date with the latest regulations and safety practices. The quiz covers topics such as types of rigging, safe rigging practices, and how to inspect rigging equipment. It's important that everyone who works with rigging is properly trained, as improper rigging can lead to serious injury or death.

Why take a rigging quiz

Deploy a rigging quiz to your team

In this rigging quiz, you can identify what parts of your organization’s rigging safety plan your team members can’t recall and close these knowledge gaps so your team can stay safe when working with rigging equipment. This knowledge is critical for protecting the health and safety of your team, as it teaches them how to safely identify rigging hazards, select the appropriate rigging equipment, and properly complete a rigging risk assessment. Plus, if a rigging incident does occur, your team will be better equipped to handle the situation safely and efficiently. With this rigging training reinforcement in place, the overall safety of your business and the people working within it can be much greater. Not only can reinforcing this essential training save lives, it also helps ensure that your organization is compliant with government regulations. With regular rigging quizzes, your team will be more confident with any rigging-related incident or emergency. And, you’ll also get access to your team’s results ​​so you can understand individual workers’ knowledge gaps, as well as overall performance once the quiz is complete. For teams that require more regular refresher training, you’ll also have the option to deliver the rigging quiz to your teams in bite-sized chunks, at regular intervals. This allows your team to reinforce their knowledge at their own pace, making them more likely to recall what they learned sooner than if they were to have completed a one-off training program. So don’t delay! Quiz your team for free today.

Deploy a rigging quiz to your team

Example questions from our rigging quiz

Question 1

Hoisting activities for assembly and disassembly work must hold a qualified rigging license

Question 3

All rigging accessories should be inspected for damage and defects each day before use by a competent person

Question 5

Which hitch is are banned in some countries

Question 7


Question 2

According to OSHA qualified riggers are required in which of the following circumstances

Question 4

A hitch is the way a sling is attached to the load and the hook

Question 6

Who is in charge of making sure that the hook center of load is correctly jibbed



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