EdApp by SafetyCulture

Check your knowledge with a sanitation quiz

Do you think you've got more sanitation knowledge than most? Try our free quiz

wash hands

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Why take a sanitation quiz

No matter what industry you’re in, one of the most important safety practices that your teams need to be aware of is sanitation. From ensuring that food is properly prepared to keeping surfaces clean, following proper sanitation protocols is critical to preventing the spread of illness and infection. And while the majority of businesses have a general understanding of the basics of sanitation, there are often specific protocols that need to be followed in order to meet regulatory compliance. That’s why we’ve put together this quiz on sanitation for your team. With questions on everything from handwashing to safe food handling, this quiz will ensure that your workers are up-to-date on the latest sanitation best practices.

Filtration ponds

Deploy a sanitation quiz to your team

With this sanitation quiz, you can identify and close knowledge gaps so your workers can easily recall how to guard against infection and other pathogen dangers when handling sharps or blood. This knowledge is critical for protecting the safety and health of your workers, as it teaches them how to safely work with individuals who may be infected with a bloodborne illness. Not only is this a risk to your workers, it’s also important to ensure that your organization is compliant with government regulations. With regular checks, your team will be more confident with how to handle equipment and situations that may be an increased risk of bloodborne pathogens and other potentially infectious materials.

Deploy a sanitation quiz to your team

Example questions from our sanitation quiz

Question 1

Good housekeeping means more than just tidying up your workstation

Question 3

Spills should be cleaned up immediately

Question 5

What do you need to know when planning anbsplift

Question 7

What are the criteria for sanitation to meet human rights requirements

Question 9

IWRM is a process which focuses on the coordinated development and management of water land and related resources

Question 11

are based on flushing of excreta with water and waterborne transport in sewers

Question 13

Sustainable sanitation focuses on achieving balance in all aspects of sustainability

Question 2

Good housekeeping is the responsibility of everyone

Question 4

Rank the factors contributing to Slips Trips and Falls order of their occurrence rate

Question 6

Sanitation refers to safe collection storage treatment and disposalreuserecycling of human excreta faeces and urine and wastewater

Question 8

Which of these are examples of the international commitment to sanitation

Question 10

Select some UNEP recommendations for Sludge Management

Question 12

To meet human rights requirements sanitation needs to be safe physically accessible affordable and culturally sensitive

Question 14

Ecosan sees all material flows as part of an ecologically and economically sustainable sanitation system tailored to the needs of the users and to specific local conditions

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