EdApp by SafetyCulture

Free GCP certificate template

Personalize your employee training experience with SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s in-built GCP certificate template. Upload your own imagery and company branding for a fully customized employee training experience.

gcp certificate

How to customise and deploy your GCP certificate

Easily edit the certificate title, body, and footer text to reflect your organization’s messaging

As soon as your team successfully completes the GCP training course, they'll be automatically delivered your customized certificate.

Create your own GCP training program and certificate

With SC Training (formerly EdApp) you get everything you need to run a comprehensive GCP training program for free including:

  • Don’t let admin get in the way of great training. Organize users with a click of a button with user management.
  • Make training feel more like a game and less like work with gamification.
  • Identify challenging concepts quickly and create better learning outcomes with analytics.
gcp training program and certificate

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

or book a demo with us today



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© SC Training 2025