EdApp by SafetyCulture

Download these free HIPAA training materials (or try our mobile learning courses)

We've compiled a list of the most impactful HIPAA training materials that will help your team fully understand the ins and outs of HIPAA compliance. Transform them into bite-sized microlearning courses so your team can access them conveniently via mobile devices and learn at their own pace.

HIPAA training materials
HIPAA training materials - Transform your HIPAA training materials into dynamic microlearning courses

Transform your HIPAA training materials into dynamic microlearning courses accessible on mobile devices

Say farewell to outdated training methods and embrace an interactive and convenient learning experience. With SC Training (formerly EdApp), you can transform your OSHA HIPAA training materials into beautiful and engaging microlearning courses accessible on mobile devices. 

Stay compliant and ahead of the curve by modernizing your HIPAA training with SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s innovative solutions.

How do you practice HIPAA compliance?

To practice HIPAA compliance, you need to establish robust policies and procedures aligned with HIPAA regulations. This involves setting clear guidelines for handling protected health information (PHI) and implementing safeguards to ensure data privacy and security.

Employee training is crucial to help your team gain a deep understanding of HIPAA requirements. Some of the most important HIPAA training topics to discuss are patient confidentiality, breach notification procedures, and the importance of maintaining compliance.

HIPAA training materials - How do you practice HIPAA compliance

Create a culture of HIPAA compliance excellence within your organization - deliver top-notch HIPAA training materials now!

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

or book a demo with us today



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