EdApp by SafetyCulture

Free download of OSHA training materials and mobile learning courses

We've carefully created a selection of the most comprehensive OSHA training materials, including manual PDFs and customizable microlearning mobile courses. The best part? All these resources are available for free download.

OSHA training materials
OSHA training materials - Upgrade your OSHA training materials with SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Upgrade your OSHA training materials and modernize the way you train your team

Are you tired of your OSHA training materials falling flat and failing to captivate your learners? Look no further than SC Training (formerly EdApp), the ultimate solution to modernize your training approach. 

Gone are the days of dull and uninspiring PDFs that put your team to sleep. With SC Training (formerly EdApp), you can effortlessly transform your existing OSHA training materials into engaging, interactive courses that will leave a lasting impact.

What are the OSHA requirements?

OSHA, which stands for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, is a regulatory agency under the United States Department of Labor. OSHA sets and enforces safety and health regulations to guarantee safe working conditions for employees across a wide range of industries. 

The specific OSHA requirements that apply to a workplace can vary depending on the industry, the nature of work being performed, and other factors. However, the general requirements applicable to most workplaces include hazard communication, recordkeeping and reporting, personal protective equipment (PPE), and emergency action plans.  

OSHA training materials - What are the OSHA requirements

Elevate workplace safety with our top-notch OSHA training materials and empower your team to thrive in a secure environment.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

or book a demo with us today



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